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Where are you playing - Wed 6th Aug


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Re: Where are you playing - Wed 6th Aug

Hate taking a friendly out, but obviously had to call. Sorry mate. Getting very crapshooty structure already, need to win all the flips which is unlikely, but at least I'll be eating earlier tonight.
I was dominated pre but had plenty of outs post. I'm only sorry that I couldn't donate more chips to you :lol
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Re: Where are you playing - Wed 6th Aug OK I feel guilty about what I said about the structure earlier now, since I came 2nd. But since I still didn't win, it's still poop! Never seen so many dueces as when I was HU, I was nearly crying :puke At least I got a load of points, but I am still pretty gutted!

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Re: Where are you playing - Wed 6th Aug The structure comments would stand regardless of where one finishes. Im pretty happy scoring points for 22nd but there was not much skill used. Simply tried to find least risky spots and hope for the best. Got lucky early on with an air KJ shove v A5 win post flop and then when down to 1BB, yes..1!! i was given JJ and before i knew it 2,000 chips was up to 20,000. Double up with J5 aipf! Poor really but then all the PP Mag tournaments have been pretty poorly run this year.

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