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PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 15th Dec Online


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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 17/18 Aug Leeds GCasino Think it was 89 in with 12 re-entries so £10100 in the pool plus seat up top and 3 PP mag bounties (pack of cards, mag subs and Goliath seat). Was originally paying 10 but changed to 11 at some point, plan was to play to FT tonight. Up and down most of day, but never up much. As usually happens, went out when I had the biggest stack I'd had all day, but was still only half of average. Had already been all in about 10 times during the day, had to chose the wrong spot eventually! Caught up with the regulars and met Kevathallam :ok Also Dave and Ross from the mag, but didn't get chance to chat with Rupert from Grosvenor unfortunately. Next stop Goliath, probably.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 17/18 Aug Leeds GCasino Enjoyed the day despite never getting going and finishing 42nd. I think the highest i got to was 11.5k from a starting 10,000 chips and was stuck between 6k and 10k for the majority. Every time i won a medium pot i either lost it trying to move forwards or folded back down with lengthy periods of poor cards. Good to meet a few more PLs!

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 17/18 Aug Leeds GCasino Day in Leeds Met my mate John aka (Loopy) and some of the PL crew...Slapdash, Avon, Runadrum, ooblio, girlwirly...sorry i didnt get to speak with Kevathallam or rhinopower, the breaks were painfully short ....like 10 mins every 3-4 levels and with NO dinner break :\ Missed the flop and lost every hand with AK 4 times. Made an excrutiatingly bad read, (and donked off 2/3 of my chips lol) but I didnt think the guy would make a call to a big raise with 93o! My bad. Had A10 and flopped AA10 - got no action blind on blind Chip up by 9.40pm or get the last train back at 10.22 (thanks runadrum) was my mantra towards the end....culminating in my exit hand of A5d vs 88......taxi !! WP to Avon for sticking around as long as you did, I know you had few cards at the table we were at for a good few hours, and then getting your AA smashed was a blow.....but you came back well, ul not to cash there! wp all :ok

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 26/27 Oct Cardiff GCasino Cardiff leg up next, 26th & 27th October. GUKPT Main Event seat to the winner! How to qualify:

  • Weekly £11 finals on Grosvenor Poker (looks like the £0.11 & £1.10 rebuys may have been dropped or perhaps will appear nearer the time)
  • 1st Sept = Mag Exclusive Freeroll (with £1 rebuys) with 3x Cardiff seats guaranteed
  • 5th Sept = Mag Exclusive £2.20 Satellite with 10x Online Final seats guaranteed
  • 8th Sept = Mag Online Final £11 with 3x Cardiff seats guaranteed + £300 expenses to top finishers

Please don't request the passwords in the forum, buy the magazine, it's worth it for added value alone!

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 1st game Newcastle April 20/21 GCasino should be fun and games tomorrow, been off most of the week with a back in spasm :( driving to Cardiff and then off to Scotland on Sunday to see the grandkids so hoping the drugs will keep the pain down and hope the seats around the poker table are comfy

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 26/27 Oct Cardiff GCasino

I shall be donating my chips to someone, see you guys their. I take it its a 2.00 start?
Good luck Simon. I assumed Rupert had sent you an email when he transferred the seat. Bit late, but in case you look in here, this is the one I got originally :ok Dear player, Congratulations on winning a Poker Player Tour Cardiff seat through one of the Poker Player mag online satellites. The fourth leg of the Poker Player Tour takes place at the Grosvenor G Casino in Cardiff on the weekend of 26-27 October. http://www.grosvenorcasinos.com/local-casinos/cardiff The tournament starts at 2pm, and your name will be on the list of registered players for the event. If you have never visited a Grosvenor/G Casino before, please ensure you bring photo ID (Driver’s License or Passport) with you, so that you can register at the casino. The full schedule of the Poker Player Tour 2013 can be found here: http://www.grosvenorcasinos.com/poker/PPUKT2013 And please have a look at our promo page for the latest promotions on grovenorpoker.com: http://www.grosvenorcasinos.com/Poker/PokerPromotions Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the event or about the seat. I hope to be at the event myself, so please look out for me. I’ll be the weak player with a bounty on his head! Kind regards, Rupert Poker Coordinator Rank
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Srry Helen, no wonga im afraid. Did manage to get my 50bb stack in pre with aces so can't ask for more than that (pesky queens). Good to meet up at long last with fellow members. Slap took a early bath like myself bur Alan and awesome still in fighting, good luck guys. Sent from my GT-I9300 using PL Forum

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino got my last 4.5k in after a pre flop raise, he tanked then called, 9/9 :( 1st card on flop a 9, then to ub it in the river card was a Q. good to see the guys, not sure how awesome is doing, hopefully still in

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 26/27 Oct Cardiff GCasino Hello, guys.. yeah, I only carried 17k over to Day 2, which would have made me around 21st of 26, I guess. Train took ages today, so got there with only 7k left and shoved it on the second hand dealt (K/3 off), reasoning that no-ones gonna be flatting or raising with a king unless it's A/K, or one of the massive stacks has one. And it was A/K. OUT in about 15th. Thought that might be worth something from 104 buy-ins.. :D Anyway, I've no complaints. It's the first time in three PPUKT attempts that I haven't been horrendously bad beat. The cards were atrocious, but we all know you can overcome that if you're smart enough. But I wasn't And Cardiff after hours was.. interesting. It's all a bit looney tunes out there. In a mostly fun way, I must say.. :p

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