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PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Online Final 15th Dec


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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - 1st game 24/2/13 Spent ages trying to get the password for the freeroll to work last night and as there's not many registered assumed there was a problem with it. Looking again today, realised I was using the Irish Open password! :eyes So, passwords are on page 19 of March issue. :ok Freeroll at 18.00 Sunday with £1 rebuys guaranteeing 3 seats to Newcastle tour leg (April 20/21). £2.20 qualifier with 10 online final seats on Thu 7 March at 20.00. £11 Online final satellite with 3 seats guaranteed and £300 expenses on Sunday 10 March at 20.00. Also in the lobby, 11p/£1 R&A step 1 qualifiers (2 tickets gtd) to £1.10/£1 R&A qualifiers (both daily?) to weekly £11 final on Tuesdays, 2 seats gtd to Newcastle.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - 1st game 24/2/13

Also in the lobby, 11p/£1 R&A step 1 qualifiers (2 tickets gtd) to £1.10/£1 R&A qualifiers (both daily?) to weekly £11 final on Tuesdays, 2 seats gtd to Newcastle.
I'm still on my own in the 6.30pm 11p step1 to the 20.00 £1.10 sat to the Tuesday weekly final. Needs 3 to run (2 tickets gtd) but you will have to unreg from tomorrow's freeroll in order to play it.
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run Arrived home about 7.15 to 400 chips and out as soon as I hit the blinds. First to reg for the 8pm £1 sat not really expecting it to run so was quite surprised when the table actually popped up with 4 of us in (2 seats to weekly). Was doing OK til we went on break and I wandered off to the kitchen still playing the Full Tilt game, only to find that I had missed the 10k chip/£1 add on when we re-started :$ giving all the other 3 about 5 times more chips than me! Result in sat thread. :cigar

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run Just 9 in tonight's weekly with 2 seats gtd. After a very lenghty 4 hander, I bubbled and Spit 4th, losing out to some rather dubious play by the other 2 chums.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run Blatant cheating, and I said so. Sb villain had only around 1500 chips at 300-600 level (ante 100) so having Avon and Myself folded the antes (200) and another (300+600 + 2 x 100 antes) 1100 already in pot SB goes 'all in' for his remaining 1100 chips. So pot is 2400 and BB must put in 800 to call the pot (effectively putting 800 in to a 3200 pot) or 4-1 odds to call PF. The fold to his mate was almost instant! Anyway after a couple of shoves he's back in the game, and ended up getting one of the seats. I really can't stand this kind of soft play and I was kind of pissed as up until then it had been a decent game. I would have posted the HH from G but I cant seem to get it to copy.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run if you have the hand numbers, tell support

Blatant cheating, and I said so. Sb villain had only around 1500 chips at 300-600 level (ante 100) so having Avon and Myself folded the antes (200) and another (300+600 + 2 x 100 antes) 1100 already in pot SB goes 'all in' for his remaining 1100 chips. So pot is 2400 and BB must put in 800 to call the pot (effectively putting 800 in to a 3200 pot) or 4-1 odds to call PF. The fold to his mate was almost instant! Anyway after a couple of shoves he's back in the game, and ended up getting one of the seats. I really can't stand this kind of soft play and I was kind of pissed as up until then it had been a decent game. I would have posted the HH from G but I cant seem to get it to copy.
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run Cheers Al, will have a look tomorrow if I get chance. I got an agency job recently and have to be up at an unearthly hour (well for me anyway :lol) so it will be just G league and then straight to bed for me tonight...

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run Arrived seconds too late to jump in tonight's £1 sat. Well done Bart :clap Next week's Tuesday weekly is only 1 seat gtd (as are the daily sats now) so may have now missed the overlay. Bump for the magazine specials :ok

£2.20 qualifier with 10 online final seats on Thu 7 March at 20.00. £11 Online final satellite with 3 seats guaranteed and £300 expenses on Sunday 10 March at 20.00.
Note, the final as usual is at the wrong time and is set up for 6pm on Sunday.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - Freeroll 24 Feb, other qualifiers run There's another Mag £2.20 satellite Thursday 28th 8pm with a £11 final on Sunday 31st 6pm with 3 seats + £300 expenses gtd. Passwords are in April mag p.19.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - First Live Event Newcastle 20/21 Apri

I just got a bare seat (no expenses)' date=' I think. It got to 3 left and stopped. I had lowest chip stack.[/quote'] How weird. I would have thought they should play it out for the added prizes. Very well done though!
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - First Live Event Newcastle 20/21 Apri Oh, thanks.. :) tbh... once you add up travel from the South and accommodation, it's just going to be like buying in for the normal price, and I don't exactly WANT to travel really far to play a two-day game. The one place I never really wanted was third. Above or below that, great! EDIT: It's worse than that actually... the least I can see for travel (actually cheaper by plane than train!) and a room combined is at least £167. So for winning a £110 seat for £2.20, you get to buy-in for a bargain £167! I dunno why they made a £110 buy-in a two-dayer! Can you unreg and get the money, or what? If I'd won one of the expenses prizes, I wouldn't even be questioning wanting to go. I even said before starting "I bet I get 3rd".. :lol

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - First Live Event Newcastle 20/21 Apri Hi Awesom, We'll sort this out with GCasino tomorrow (or possibly Tues as bank holiday). In the meantime, if you are able to enable the "allow other members to contact you via pm" function within your settings and bump your post count up to 50 (will leave you to set up tomorrows "where are you playing" thread ;) ), we can then contact each other and there may be other options available to you. In terms of the 2 day event, this is to give everyone a mini-GUKPT festival type experience (extremely useful if you ever intend on playing a GUKPT for real) and helps to provide a great structure. By fitting these into a single day, it does kind of turns them into a turbo shove-fest which again no-one would want to travel any distance to play. They usually lay on a side event or two as well so everyone gets a fair run for their trouble. Not sure if you played any of the legs from last year but they are a great event to play, really good banter, large added value prize etc and great opportunity to meet up with some fellow PL'ers which is always good for a laugh. Bart

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - First Live Event Newcastle 20/21 Apri Hi Bart, I have the same problem as Awesom. I also won a seat in Sundays Online Final and believed there would be expenses for travelling up to Newcastle. I've raised this with Rupert Graham who emailed me yesterday confirming that I had won a seat but I've yet to hear back. Is there anything else I can do? Regards, Matt.

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Hi Bart, I have the same problem as Awesom. I also won a seat in Sundays Online Final and believed there would be expenses for travelling up to Newcastle. I've raised this with Rupert Graham who emailed me yesterday confirming that I had won a seat but I've yet to hear back. Is there anything else I can do? Regards, Matt.
Hi Matt and congrats on the seat, was a great battle 5-handed, you played a really good game :ok Hopefully you've already got it resolved by now, but if not Rupert and/or one of his colleagues from Grosvenors support team should be able to sort this out for you. They are extremely busy with a corporate restructuring (of BlueSq) at the moment, but have been superb as always. Appears the tournament was set up to pay out expenses to the top 2 by chip count when stopping at 3 handed. Think that took us all by surprise a little as expecting to play on, but we perhaps should've checked the tourney info more carefully. They will highlight it more in future to avoid any confusion. Well played again, looking forward to meeting you at the PPUKT, be sure to say hello and will buy you a drink! Shout if you experience any problems.
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 satellite thread - First Live Event Newcastle 20/21 Apri Hi Bart, yeah Rupert has been in touch and it's all been sorted thanks. I'm a bit of a newbie to Punters Lounge so didn't realise at the time that I was playing with so many PL guys. Cheers mate, see you in Newcastle!

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