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Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January

As has been pointed out several times in recent weeks' date=' Liverpool have not beaten a team in the top half of the table this season, but are unbeaten against teams in the bottom half. Therefore, under Brendan Rodgers they seem to do worse against the top teams if anything[/quote'] First, I would prefer to use a bit wider time window - say, the last 3 seasons, rather than the last few months since Brendan has been coaching. Especially since the core of Liverpool players that will confront United has been the same over the past several seasons. And Liverpool did perform very well against top teams. Second, I would prefer not to take raw stats, but rather to dig into it. Yes, Liverpool did not get the points against top teams so far under Rogers. But Liverpool did outplay both United and City, where ferocious referee and defensive mistakes denied them the victory. Liverpool had a pretty decent performance against Spurs and Chelsea. They had an excellent game against Everton which this year can also be considered as a top team. Liverpool was poor only against Arsenal. So, even if they don't get the right results, Liverpool continues to play very well against top teams even under Rogers.
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As has been pointed out several times in recent weeks' date=' Liverpool have not beaten a team in the top half of the table this season, but are unbeaten against teams in the bottom half. Therefore, under Brendan Rodgers they seem to do worse against the top teams if anything[/quote'] They've played Arsenal, City and United in that bracket already this season. I personally don't see that section of results as conclusive or indicative of being unable to win against top sides. It's a hard one to judge, but Rodgers is just undergoing a transitional period so results have been inconsistent.
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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January I haven't read the thread yet but I strongly believe there is massive value on United. Look at what United's price would be against teams around Liverpool's position in the league; they would be maximum 1.36 if they were playing Swansea or West Brom. Liverpool do tend to up their game against the better teams but then again they have lost their last four visits to Old Trafford, the last time they avoided defeat was the 4-1 win four years ago when they were a very different side. Liverpool are better than West Brom or Swansea and they are good enough to expose United's defensive weaknesses, so I'd say they should be a higher price than 1.36 despite their league position, also it's a derby game which makes it a little more unpredictable, I'd say a fair price on United would be 1.57...current price is 2.01 with Pinnacle. For me the only question is when to go in as Liverpool's price tends to shorten the closer you get to kick off, I'm not sure if the usual rules apply here or not though.

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January

They've played Arsenal' date=' City and United in that bracket already this season. I personally don't see that section of results as conclusive or indicative of being unable to win against top sides. It's a hard one to judge, but Rodgers is just undergoing a transitional period so results have been inconsistent.[/quote'] What are you talking about Jase? Liverpool have played 10 games against teams in the top half, and won none. Considering that they have 1 defeat in 11 against the bottom 10 teams, statistically at least this make them EASY to judge. Transitional period? does that apply to every manager who took over at the start of the season? Are Villa is a 'transitional' process, are Swansea in a 'transitional' period? One thing you CAN say about this season is that statistically , Liverpool have been predictable.
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What are you talking about Jase? Liverpool have played 10 games against teams in the top half, and won none. Considering that they have 1 defeat in 11 against the bottom 10 teams, statistically at least this make them EASY to judge. Transitional period? does that apply to every manager who took over at the start of the season? Are Villa is a 'transitional' process, are Swansea in a 'transitional' period? One thing you CAN say about this season is that statistically , Liverpool have been predictable.
Sorry, I thought the debate was specifically about top teams... :unsure. As this is a game versus a top team, specifically top four. Anyway we're only half way through the season yet so where teams are now has little baring IMO. As regards the rest, Villa are in transition, yes. But not Swansea, probably. I don't understand that point if I'm honest....
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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January

Sorry, I thought the debate was specifically about top teams... :unsure. As this is a game versus a top team, specifically top four. Anyway we're only half way through the season yet so where teams are now has little baring IMO. As regards the rest, Villa are in transition, yes. But not Swansea, probably. I don't understand that point if I'm honest....
Jase regardless of peoples thoughts if this is a top game or not...We have it on Sunday as a 1:30 ko. And at the prices quoted. The almost evens for a team who is clear top of the league, that is 21 points clear, and scored 20 goals more, is value. Emotional pasts should never come into it. This should knock you over as a home banker on current form, but as ever the bookmakers have been knocked over with the flood of money for LFC, they are backed heavily in most games, and no surprise to see it again. Man Utd 5 points max bet. 11/12 betfair.
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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Nani and Anderson are both back in training and both are in the squad for Sunday's clash with Liverpool. Also Jones and Rooney are back in training. Ferguson said Rooney won't be in the squad but he is raring to go and I expect him to be on the bench for this clash. This will be the first time for years that all players are fit and available at the same time!!!

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Utd to score over 2.5 - 12/5 - Coral I think this bet would have had some value at 2s, at 12/5 it just oozes value. Whilst United have started slowly in many games this season, they tend to have started with a real sense of purpose against the bigger teams (Chelsea, Arsenal, City). In their 4 games (including CC against Chelsea) against the top 4 in the table United have scored at least 2 in all of them - scoring over 2.5 in 3 of the 4. When they've played teams who are traditionally their rivals they've played with an intensity and a real desire to score, and over the course of this season they've scored an average of 2.57 goals per game. Liverpool have conceded over 2.5 in 2 of their last 6 - at home to Villa and away at Stoke. Whilst this is a game they will be more motivated for, it's hard to see them stopping Van Persie. For this bet to break even United need to score 3 or more 29.41% of the time - I think that happens comfortably, and there's quite a bit of value to be had here.

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Manchester United-Liverpool AH-0.5 @1.94 5/10 Sbobet HUGE value here on Manchester United. They are the number one contender for the title without a doubt being already 7 points clear of Manchester City. The Red Devils have a marvellous home record of 9 won matches out of 10. They scored 28 goals during these 10 matches. United are a real home force as you see it by looking at the stats of the past seasons. United get better and better like they normally do after Christmas. They didn't concede in the last 2 league matches and Vidic is giving the defence more safety and confidence. I expect two of Ferdinand, Evans and Vidic to play in the defence from the beginning. Right-back will be Rafael and Evra continues on his left side. The midfield pair is most likely consisting out of Carrick and Cleverley, two very underated players but their impacts are huge. Cleverley is playing a brilliant season while Carrick is a beast in controlling the ball. There are two possible formations Ferguson could opt from: either he will play with two wingers, most likely Young and Valencia, or he will opt to use the diamond formation and bring in Kagawa instead of Valencia. To add to this strong squad, both Nani and Anderson are fit and will be back in the squad for thi clash between the arch-rivals. Rooney and Jones are also back in training and this is the first time for years that all players are fit and available at the same time. Ferguson has ruled out Rooney to participate in this match saying he is more likely to feature in the FA Cup's rematch against West Ham on weednesday, but Rooney is raring to go and I expect him to be on the bench for this one. Liverpool are a very inconsistent team. They always do rise their game against United but their squad is simply too weak to me. They have an average squad + Suarez. Gerrard has become old. Sahin is a flop so far and Liverpool want him to leave in this transfer window. Johnson will step in as left-back as Enrique is injured while young Wisdom will play as the right-back. Kkeper Reina is far away from his best as Liverpool would be willing to let him leave if the get an good offer. If the play Gerrard, Lucas and Henderson in midfield they will have no chance against Carrick and Clverley. Suarez is the main threat but Sterling looks to be tired and also Sturridge's possible participation won't be too scary for United. If United were to play against another team that are one or two places behind or ahead of Liverpool, United would get just @1.3 or so. No way that these odds are fair at all. HUGE value here as I'd expected maximum @1.6 for the home win even considering the big rivalry between both teams and the fact that Liverpoll always rise their game against United. Normally a high bet here but I don't want to get too much imvolved as a fan. If I wasn't, I would probably bet 8/10 or even more here. Furethermore the referee will be Howard Webb who is said to favour United (although there are no stats that proof this). GL

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January I can't really see any logical reason for the United price to be so high. Think it has been slightly higher but anything near evens is very good imo. United are by no means unbeatable and have looked ragged at times this season but look to be coming into decent form now and are starting to get players back from injury. Plenty of discussion on here about whether Liverpool are still a 'big' team (who gives a toss? This is a gambling thread), what about the more important aspects of the game? Vidic isn't yet up to speed, I personally don't think he will be until next season, and Fergie has said he is going to rotate Rio and Vidic until the end of the season, which could work quite well but doesn't give them any kind of stability. Rio and Evans are very likely to start this game and look the most suited of the United options up against Suarez, who is the main Liverpool threat, although it does give them problems in the air without Vidic from set pieces. I have a feeling Rooney is likely to be on the bench at least, a 20 or 30 minute cameo perhaps, Nani also comes into contention along with Anderson. I watched United against Wigan and I thought Rafael was superb going forward, Evra had also improved from what I had seen earlier in the season, seemed to have an extra half yard of pace. I can certainly see Liverpool scoring but out scoring United? Unlikely for me. How will Ferguson approach the game, Kagawa is expected to start although I doubt if he will last the 90mins. That points to just RVP up front for me with Kagawa just behind, he won't put Kagawa in a midfield 4, this would be harsh on Chico as he has looked back to his old self recently. Its difficult to predict United's midfield as they have plenty of options and none of their wingers are in good form really. I might be wrong but I think we will see; --------------------------------------------De Gea--------------------------------------------- --Evra------------------------Evans--------------------------Ferdinand-----------------Rafael-- ------------------------------Cleverley-----------------Carrick---------------------------------- --------Valencia----------------------------Kagawa-------------------------Young/Giggs-------- ---------------------------------------------Van Persie----------------------------------------- If Fergie springs a surprise and starts Rooney I think it will be at the expense of Kagawa as he will be wary of the midfield struggles they've had recently against Liverpool, accommodating a luxury player like Kagawa in a straightforward 4-4-2 is asking for trouble and I don't think he would anyway. I don't know if there would be any impact on the over 2.5 odds if they do go with just RVP up front. ----------------------------------------------Reina---------------------------------------------- --Wisdom------------------------Skrtel-----------------------Agger---------------------Johnson-- -------------------------------Gerrard-----------------------Lucas------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Henderson-------------------------------------------- --------Suarez-------------------------------Sturridge-------------------------------Sterling----- Apparently Sturridge is likely to start for Liverpool and with Sterling and Suarez they have a real threat on the break and look to be set up to be a decent away side with pace to burn in forward areas. Henderson seems to be the preferred option over Allen in the more advanced role although Gerrard will obviously be getting forward at every opportunity. Liverpool sat back too much at OT last year and got picked off, I think they will press United high up the pitch here and really try to close down the space quickly. They have plenty of pace and ability in forward areas and will certainly get chances because United rarely keep clean sheets. Liverpool's away record has been documented on here enough, by the teams I have put up above it looks like a midfield battle but I think it will be an entertaining game, there is a bit of needle between the sides and the OT crowd will make some noise for a change both teams will pass the ball well and Liverpool might well have more possession than people think, likely to be fairly high tempo which will probably suit United if they can get the ball out to wide areas quickly, Rafael and Evra will be bombing on at every opportunity and the Liverpool side looks quite narrow defensively. Rodgers might well pick Downing for his defensive abilities, but I don't see them being overly cautious, it isn't in his nature and why not have a go at United? They have conceded plenty and Liverpool will be confident of scoring at least one goal. Fedar made a good post earlier about the odds for over 2.5, people will say there is no 'value' in over 2.5 goals purely because it is under 1.65, just because a line has low odds doesn't have anything to do with what people call 'value' (although the use of this term annoys me sometimes!), I think it is a decent price as the over 2.5 looks likely for me and this fixture usually delivers for goals and overall entertainment value, the stats Fedar listed speak for themselves. Over 3.0 at evens is certainly worth a play also, I'm having a couple of small plays on correct scorelines too as for some reason I've convinced myself it will be 2-1 or 3-1. Man United - 1.95 - hills - 5 Points Goal Line Over 2.5 - 1.61 - 32red - 10 Points Goal Line Over 3.0 - 2.02 - bet365 - 5 Points Correct Score 2-1 - 9.0 - 32red - 1 Point Correct Score 3-1 - 15.0 - 32red - 1 Point

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January This is getting annoying, but since I was accused of contradicting myself, I feel I need to answer. Ruscopico, how come these two statements - "United have good price to win vs. Liverpool" and "Liverpool performs well against top teams", cannot be true at the same time in your universe?! Do you believe that what is not white is necessarily black?! Yes, United have good price because their clinical at home this season, and they are clinical at home against Liverpool. And Liverpool do perform well against top clubs. And the latter fact was pointed out only as a reply to your pathetic and laughable attempts to claim that United-Liverpool is no different than say United-Stoke or United-West Bromich. Now could you please try to contribute with something with respect to betting, because I somehow fail to see any contribution from you on this thread, besides your arduous attempts to prove that one of the greatest team in history of football is a small team.

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Jase' date=' i have no attitude but when people contradict themselves just to argue, i think i'm witnin my rights to point this out.[/quote'] What Hastgill says :) No one is trying to argue against you. You will see members question what you say. Just don't take it personally :ok
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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Agree to what has been said earlier in the thread regarding potential United win. I took a look at the stats and found out that United have registered 7 or more shots on target in all of their home games this season, bar the Sunderland one. In that particular one I remember they scored 3 and sat back in the second half, and I also noticed that against bottom half of the table teams Sir Alex does not want his men to get too tired.. (West Ham, WBA, QPR games) against Liverpool there's no question United players will have an extra bit of motivation with that, 7 or more Utd shots on target looks appealing @2.25 I personally think they can cover that with ease with the potential they have also, Robin van Persie is on fire, and with United also in good shape, RvP to score & Utd win & >3.5 goals in the game @12 is worth a punt this would have come in on 4 out of 10 occasions this season when United played at home (against Newcastle, Stoke, Sunderland and Fulham) and I doubt whether he played full games in the other ones. With Rooney out, on Sunday he most probably will both bets with BetVictor

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Sorry Jase, I just feel i'm entitled to reply on this one.... Fedar, your first comment on the thread: Liverpool do play better against top dogs, but the last time they did not lose at Old Trafford was during Benitez' and Torres' reign - the 1:4 victory in 2009. In all the following games they not only lost, but were severely outplayed. At Anfield, Liverpool plays great against United, but away from home is completely different story. 1.80 is an excellent price for a home win, which is probably 80% likely to happen. You later state: First, I would prefer to use a bit wider time window - say, the last 3 seasons, rather than the last few months since Brendan has been coaching. Especially since the core of Liverpool players that will confront United has been the same over the past several seasons. And Liverpool did perform very well against top teams. Second, I would prefer not to take raw stats, but rather to dig into it. Yes, Liverpool did not get the points against top teams so far under Rogers. But Liverpool did outplay both United and City, where ferocious referee and defensive mistakes denied them the victory. Liverpool had a pretty decent performance against Spurs and Chelsea. They had an excellent game against Everton which this year can also be considered as a top team. Liverpool was poor only against Arsenal. So, even if they don't get the right results, Liverpool continues to play very well against top teams even under Rogers. You keep talking about how Liverpool play well against top teams but are also backing Man U to win this game - That is a contradiction in anyones language. How they do against top four teams is immaterial in respects to this game.

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I have already written my piece about how good the overs price is but the only reason the price is at $1.65 is because its premier league and the bookies are still pricing up like in previous seasons. If this match with the goal stats was being played in the Dutch , Spanish or German leagues the price would be bordering $1.40.

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Okay, this has been discussed in pretty good depth in this thread, but for me, this is my biggest bet of the weekend. United to win -104 (note this was placed yesterday, and odds have drifted slightly to about -111 now). I would recommend playing all the way up to -125/-130, as I think fair price would be closer to -150 Honestly, United are in excellent form right now. Even with the Rooney injury, they are still a deep side, and getting a few players back will only help with their depth. United is 7 points clear of City, and while this may be a situation where SAF may want to rest a few players, as they played a pretty heavy schedule around New Year's, that thought would be quickly quashed, as they have had a few days off since their last match, and this is Liverpool, ffs. And even though Liverpool has not been a top 4 team the past few years, their is still a rich history between these two clubs, and if you can't get up for Liverpool, who can you get up for? United has dropped points in only one home game this year, vs Spurs. And Spurs is a very offensive team which capitalized on a number of United shortcomings on defense. Well, Liverpool is nowhere near as potent an offense, and United is getting healthier and more cohesive in the back. And after Spurs jumped out to a nice lead, United really dominated the rest of the game and Spurs held on for dear life. Since that time United just on a tear at OT. SAF has shown supreme confidence in Jonny Evans at CB, and has felt free to rotate Vidic and Rio, keeping them both rested and healthy. My only concern is that one of the central defenders will make a rash challenge on Suarez in the box and he'll flop - but that's nothing new and nothing you can really handicap as to whether it will be called or not. Now, Liverpool has definitely been playing a more offensive game of late, but to be honest, I can't see them putting much pressure on the attack in this one. The like to control possession and I think United will be perfectly content to let them knock it around a bit. But when it comes to attacking/pressure in the final third, I just don't see it. Suarez is a brilliant attacker, but they need to get it to him, and I'm not sure who can break down the United side. The return of Lucas has allowed Gerrard to drift further up, but he's still not near the threat he was in open play. On free kicks, set pieces, sure. United's offense is terrific, and Liverpool does defend well, but I think United is too much. They can attack in multiple ways. Valencia/Evra or Young/Rafael on the wings, or they do have the ability to put pressure in the middle with the likes of Kagawa, Anderson, Cleverly. Obviously the latter aren't the big names nor strike fear in opponents fans, but they have been really effective. And of course, United has the talisman in RvP, a pure striker, a killer out there. United 2-0 here. g'luck

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January 4pts Man Utd to beat Liverpool 10/11 Bet365 Liverpool have been very inconsistent this season but the big occasion is sure to inspire their players here. Whether it inspires them enough I’m not so sure as of course the United players will be bang up for this one too. The build up to the match will be all about RVP vs Suarez but the actual result could be determined elsewhere and with United having more match winners in their side that can be the difference and the thing that sends them 10pts clear for a few hours at least. Full preview here: http://www.punterslounge.com/man-utd-vs-liverpool-betting-man-utd-have-matchwinners-all-over-the-park-to-see-off-liverpool

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January "The match against Liverpool is of paramount importance to us. " "Duel with Liveprulom the historical character, each subsequent wearing a special charm. Liverpool is a great opponent, a team with top players, the team that we can certainly cause a lot of problems. "Said Robin Van Persie. Striker Manchester United, Wayne Rooney, due to torn knee ligaments will not be able to help their comrades in the derby against Liverpool and it falls very difficult. Wayne Rooney is known as a big fan of Everton, the club where he earned the name of football, and his absence against Liverpool even harder. "Suarez is very smeared. I do not know if I enjoyed being controversial, but he certainly did that. I sincerely hope that we will not succumb to his wiles. "Said Man utd coach. "It is always smiling and always motivated and very menatalno strong and balanced." says Brendan Rodgers

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Ok I will give my 2ps worth - i priced up this game in my head before ssing the odds and had Man Utd at least 4/6 if not 4/7 so to see them almost evens with some bookies looks a good price - I think if Man Utd were playing any other team that are placed near Liverpool in the league ie West Brom, Stoke, Swansea, Everton or even Arsenal I think Utd's price would have been a lot shorter - yes I know there is a lot of history between these clubs but i just think the gulf in class is massive - Liverpool are rebuilding but that is going to take time for Brendan Rodgers to do this and the time is not now. Can see Man Utd winning this 2-0 or 2-1 but as I have got older my bets have become shrewder so I am going to go with - Man Utd to win or draw - odds are 1/4 with Skybet which I think is a good price. I think the only risk to this is a stupid early red card but with Utd being at home and Webb in charge the chances are Liverpool are more likely to be down to 10 men than Utd. Good luck all who are having a go in this match and for the record I am a neutral in this match so am not biased. Joe

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Liverpool +0.5 @ 2.05 pinnacle Liverpool @ 4.50 sportsbet Still a massive game for both sides and though Man Utd lead the ladder, they have not been a dominant side like they have been in other seasons. Luck, the ability to score in "Fergie time" and the opposition gifting them goals have aided them to get more points than they would have deserved. They have a heavy reliance on van Persie to score those much needed goals for them, and now without Rooney, there is even more pressure on him to score. Opposing him is Suarez, who Liverpool also need to fire in order for them to score. He has scored the majority of their goals and is the players they look for to make it work in the box. Apart from these two players, no one else stands out. The other strikers: Valencia and Young for Man Utd and Downing and Sterling for Liverpool have been inconsistent and shown fleeting touches of creativity. In midfield, if Kagawa sits in behind the front three, then he has shown little of the promise expected of him, much like Shelvey for Liverpool. Carrick and Cleverly up against Gerrard and Lucas, and once again, not much separates these players, so the midfield is pretty even. In the backs, Man Utd have not conceded in their last two EPL games to Wigan and West Brom, while Liverpool have three clean sheets in their last four games against Sunderland, QPR and Fulham. If anything, believe that Liverpool have the edge here. While Evra has been their best player in defence, and Da Silva has also done well, still believe that Evans is their weak link, while Ferdinand is not the same player he used to be, and Vidic is still not 100%. Like Evra, for Liverpool, Johnson has been their best back, while Wisdom has shown some talent but is in for the biggest game of his life here. Agger and Skrtel have shown, that when they are focused they are arguably the best centre back pairing in the league, but will have their work cut out here trying to stop van Persie. Whichever of the centrebacks negate van Persie or Suarez will determine the outcome of this game. Going back to the game at Anfield last September, Shelvey's reckless challenge on Evans (who also should have been sent off going in with his studs) gave Man Utd the advantage but they still were down 1-0 early in the second half with a goal by Gerrard. A very good equaliser by Da Silva and a soft penalty by a diving van Persie won them the game, yet for much of the game, they were second best, and won on the base of grinding the opposition away. That game illustrated Man Utd's season thus far: not playing the best but doing enough to get the results. Up against a committed side who does not make mistakes, will lead to them losing games. If Liverpool can cut out the mistakes, then they have every reason to believe that they can get at least a point here. Man Utd should win, and given their position on the table compared to Liverpool, you would expect so, but if you watch them regularly, they are not the Man Utd of some of the teams in the past. Sooner or later, the luck runs out. 63-137 (-44.44)

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Manchester United v Liverpool ManU to beat Liverpool @ 1.85 Bet365 Today after noon from 14:30 hours, in the stage number 22 will meet most popular teams in the history of English football Manchester United, Premier League leader day and Liverpool, the team ranked 8th. Manchester United certainly start favorite in this duel, they succeeded to direct duels in the last 2 h2h games,2-1 to Liverpool in the first leg and 2-1 at home in the return game last season. Manchester United has already taken an advance of 7 points from Manchester City and seems to be the favorite in the fight for the title this season. If last year they lost by 8 points advance to the City in this season is unlikely that they will make the same mistake. The shape is very good, with 0 defeats in the last 9 games and one draw, 1-1 at Swansea, where very few teams managed to collect points. In the last round they won a clear difference from Wigan 4-0. Their journey this season in home games is unbeatable by any team in Europe in September Won Drawn -0 - 1 defeat, defeat coming in September 3-2 with Tottenham. Manchester United also has a very good goal, 54-28 (28-13 A), the best goal difference, by far the best offense in the Premier League but only 10th defense, their averages are 2.57 (2.80 ) and 1.33 goals scored per game (1.30) received goals per game. United has yet to match today's difficult name to the list of unavailable, Wayne Rooney will be replaced with Kagawa. Liverpool is again a poor season, topping the 8 th position 21 points behind MUtd and 9 places behind CL. Liverpool is in average shape with 3 wins and 2 defeats in the last 5 games, 3-0 victory at home to Sunderland, 3-0 to QPR in the last two matches 4-0 and 3-1 defeats at home to Fulham and Stoke and 3-1 at home to Aston Villa.

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January Head to head. United have scored in the last 6 fixtures against Liverpool. United 5 times more than 1 goal. United winning 8 of 10 no draws in 10 games last 4 meetings over 2.5 last 4 BTTS Brendan Rogers .... "We hope we don’t have the decisions go against us that went for United," Rodgers said. "In the first game, a sending-off [Jonjo Shelvey] and penalty cost us the game. Jonjo Shelvey gave the ref no choice with a 2 footed red-rage lunge Consistent stats for United this season are goals and wins . Draws are not on the menu. I think Rooney will be a big absence fro United. Playing deep has worked really well and United are lacking that quick link up/connection between midfield and attack. Who will step up and do that job ? Kagawa, Carrick, Cleverly are forming a nice midfield. Plenty of goals here , but more for United. Man U over 2.5 goals is 9/4 United have won 6 1st half games of 10 at home. They are 13/10 to win the 1st half bet365. An absolute low odds banker is United to win either half which is 1/3 bet365 They have done this 100% at home (10 of 10) this season. In the last 2 seasons they achieved this 25 of 29 times (86%) United win , win either half, over 2.5 goals and win 1st half all look good to me.

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Re: Manchester United v Liverpool > Sun 13th January United to win from behind: 8/1 with Totesport. United will give every team a chance to score and with Suarez LFC have every chance of scoring against them too. However, I can't see anything other than a United win here. Of United's 9 home wins this season they have fallen behind first in 4 of them. I think 8/1 is well worth a stab.

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