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Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next leg (Nottingham) 9th Jan


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Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Westcliff (Southend on Sea) 14th August Set myself a target of being on 100,000 plus by end of day or busting, didn't want to just squeak into day 2 on a short stack and played pretty well throughout, steadily building stack to 57,000 before playing one hand horribly and giving most of it back in level 7. Got back up to 58,000 by end of level 9 and dealt KQ in mid-position first hand of level 10 (600/1200). I called a min raise and the button raised to 6,000. Early raiser folded and I called to see flop of J,9,7. The button was a weak player who I felt I could get off a hand. He had tanked for 5 mins with trips 45 mins earlier and he only had 4BB left if he had folded!! Anyway I check, he bets 6,000 and I call. Turn was a Q to give me top pair and straight draw. I check, he bets 15,000 and I go-all in, hoping he folds but knowing I have outs if he called. He tanked for another 5 mins before calling with KK and the river was no help. Overall really happy with the way I played and enjoyed my more looser approach in this than my normal tighter play as I played more than double the hands than my normal style. Not sure what he has achieved in poker but Ryan Spittles was on my table for an hour before going bust with AA, none of the Hendon mob were there and they usually play the GPS games. Southend Genting is a very nice card room, would recommend a visit to anyone in the vicinity.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Stoke 11th Sept Good luck to muttley & SonicMan, both playing day 1a of Stoke today and of course any other PL members playing. SonicMan will appear on the feature table shortly, up to circa 65k at Dinner. Haven't heard any news on muttley yet, hopefully he's doing ok too. www.gentingpoker.com/video/stoke-live/

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Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Stoke 11th Sept

Haven't heard any news on muttley yet, hopefully he's doing ok too.
Through to Day 2 with around 70K. Was down to 6K in Level 3 having had KK busted in consecutive hands!! I managed to dodge a bullet late on when I was all in preflop with 99 v TT. Flop is 678r. Turn is a 5!
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Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Stoke 11th Sept Finished about 53rd...out of the money. Was on an above average 240K and ran KK into AA, all in preflop. The guy with AA put in a cold 4 bet from the sb and I 5 bet all in. As soon as he called I knew what he had, though his 4 bet range would be something like QQ+, AK+ and the odd random bluff (he's a good, aggressive player.) Feel a bit miffed to get so close to the money, especially as I could easily have gone for a walk for 40 minutes and guaranteed a cash, but I'm never folding KK here. Just a cooler, I guess.

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Very unlucky sir. I would've played it exactly the same myself (no comfort I know), not 3bet folding in that spot unless he hadn't played a single hand in 2 hours, sat bolt upright in his seat and shouted eureka. Guessing those didn't apply ;) You played terrific to run so deep in a quality field and you put yourself in a great spot to reach the final table, be proud mate, be very proud! Another day the 20% gets there and you get to boss the table during bubble approach.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looking like the online leg has been replaced with a DTD (leg 8) which is now after the grand final lol wtf? But as seems to be the norm since Gary left the communication is sketchy at best. Will post full details when they've been confirmed and 2014 schedule is also due out soon. Guess I get to remain champ for a while longer yet, RIP online leg,

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Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Edinburgh 9th Oct

With the exciting news that Dusk Till Dawn will be hosting a Leg of the 2013 Genting Poker Series, it is with regret that we have had to cancel the Online Leg of the 2013 Tour. Your buy-in has been credited back to your account which can be used on any of the GPS DTD Day 1's (including the Online Day 1A, plus any of the 2014 GPS Legs (with the exception of the Grand Final). I look forward to seeing you at a future Genting Poker Series Event. Regards James Lowe Genting Alderney Poker Manager
  • DTD leg (with online day 1a) on 9th-12th Jan 2014 replaces the online leg. Why they couldn't carry on with both is beyond me, I guess they were concerned about meeting the guarantee
  • Existing £440 tokens can be used for DTD leg, combined towards Grand final leg or a 2014 leg (schedule not yet released)
  • OP updated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Sheffield 12th Dec 2014 (Series 3) dates announced. Will set up a new thread after this years grand final. Series 3 5th-9th Feb 2014 = (Star City) Birmingham 12th-16th Mar = Sheffield 9th-13th Apr = (Westcliff) Southend 21st-25th May = Stoke 6th-10th Aug = Newcastle 17th-21st Sep = (DTD) Nottingham 29th Oct-2nd Nov = (Fountainpark) Edinburgh 10th-14th Dec = Sheffield

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Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Sheffield 12th Dec

so can our tokens be used for Series 3?
Had an email a week or two back confirming that tokens which were previously going to be used for the online leg could be used in: (a) The DTD leg (either online or live day 1's) (b) Could be combined or used as part-payment towards the £880 grand final © Could be used for any of the 2014 £440 legs. The email referred specifically to the cancelled online leg and the token which was refunded, no direct mention of any additional tokens. If you currently hold more than 1, might be worth just double checking with their support team, but don't forsee any issue tbh, always been fair in the past (except taking away any chance of me attempting a title defence lol ;) ) Also haven't actually had any confirmation of the buyin for Series 3 yet, obviously details being announced/confirmed all the time, but in view of above email would be surprised if anything other than £440 as per S2.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next Leg Sheffield 12th Dec Change to Brum date announced

2014 (Series 3) dates announced. Will set up a new thread after this years grand final. Series 3 12th-16th Feb 2014 = (Star City) Birmingham 12th-16th Mar = Sheffield 9th-13th Apr = (Westcliff) Southend 21st-25th May = Stoke 6th-10th Aug = Newcastle 17th-21st Sep = (DTD) Nottingham 29th Oct-2nd Nov = (Fountainpark) Edinburgh 10th-14th Dec = Sheffield
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Genting Poker Series 2013 - Next leg (Nottingham) 9th Jan Important: If anyone still holds a 2013 GPS m/e Token, please ensure that you.... (1) Use your token NOW - IMMEDIATELY to register for a GPS leg, any leg in the future to secure the use of the token before it expires. You will be able to unreg and reuse it later as long as you have reg'd for a leg. Once reg'd, support will be able to manually reissue in the event of any problem. (2) If your 2013 token has already expired, please contact support without delay, explain that you tried to use token on online leg but was expressly told you could reg for DTD leg or ANY 2014 legs. (I still have a copy of the email if needed). (3) In the event of any problem getting your 2013 used in a 2014 leg, please pm/copy me in full details. Genting are now suggesting that any unused/unallocated 2013 tokens will be lost despite previous assurances. In light of recent history and my assocation with/promotion of Genting following the 2012 win, I am keen to ensure that guarantees are stood by. I will search thread and try to contact directly those likely affected, but act now to lessen chance of loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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