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PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Grand Final Tues 3rd April


PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Grand Final Tues 3rd April  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

Jeez ...wish i'd realised this was gonna be heads up this week' date='wouldn't have bothered playin,i'm pretty sure i'm not alone when i say i thought i was joining a group tourney.[/quote'] Its in post 1 mate I was asked to have different events occaisionally so we dont get bored of MTT's.......
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

28 mins of play vs rejmak, good heads up 1 hand of play vs staffy, pure dominance!
Your to good for me matey. its always going to happen though 30 mins forst game followed by a cooler of a hands first up. For the record I got the chips in ahead thats all that matters.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March I agree with all of this:lol

Your to good for me matey. its always going to happen though 30 mins forst game followed by a cooler of a hands first up. For the record I got the chips in ahead thats all that matters.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

Usually when an opponent puts you out of the game the reply is "GG"' date='not "*****",as you so eloquently put it :eyes[/quote'] Was that really said and if so in what context. I am refering to the rascist comments.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

I was 10minutes late sitting down and forgot this was HU but hey, this is a community game and you would all wait for a fellow PLer to sit down. Right? I hope whoever nicked all my chips in double quick time gets all the bad beats that the Poker Gods can throw at you.
same thing here the one week' date=' i have internet problems its hu and i get to the game with 250 chips, well fed up......[/quote'] I'm guessing one of the 2 of you is OQCpl or similar, if so I was your first round opponent, and I let the time run down every time I was on small blind for first 10 minutes. And to be fair my opponent was there at the start for a couple of hands. After 10 minutes I started to take blinds due to the structure of the tourney - as soon as I realised winners started next round straight away. I won't be playing the final tourney if its heads up again, as its clearly not fair to start next round before all first rounds are complete.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

I'm guessing one of the 2 of you is OQCpl or similar, if so I was your first round opponent, and I let the time run down every time I was on small blind for first 10 minutes. And to be fair my opponent was there at the start for a couple of hands. After 10 minutes I started to take blinds due to the structure of the tourney - as soon as I realised winners started next round straight away. I won't be playing the final tourney if its heads up again, as its clearly not fair to start next round before all first rounds are complete.
OCQpl is Lusitanea :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

I'm guessing one of the 2 of you is OQCpl or similar, if so I was your first round opponent, and I let the time run down every time I was on small blind for first 10 minutes. And to be fair my opponent was there at the start for a couple of hands. After 10 minutes I started to take blinds due to the structure of the tourney - as soon as I realised winners started next round straight away. I won't be playing the final tourney if its heads up again, as its clearly not fair to start next round before all first rounds are complete.
It wasnt me and bart, we were hu for 3 hours lol, then i go to next table with 4k, against 12k lol
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

Usually when an opponent puts you out of the game the reply is "GG"' date='not "*****",as you so eloquently put it :eyes[/quote'] We are looking into this as we speak Johnny. 100% unacceptable and not needed nor wanted on this forum
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March Just like to add - I think it is worth a try playing different games, but Ongame is not necessarily the best platform for a heads up tourney because of how they work on there. On stars, each round is completed fully before next round begins - takes more time, but is ultimately fairer. Not sure if we had an odd number of players tonight, or what happens if you do, but my guess is the player left out starts second round with 2k chips v 4k :\ As I said though - it was worth a try Morls :clap:clap

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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March OMG - it finished me in 4th when the other game were actually playing a level below us i,.e there tabel toal chips was 16k while Haichan an i had 32k on out table - surely unfair as i will have won more games than the guy who now comes 3rd!

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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

It wasnt me and bart' date=' we were hu for 3 hours lol, then i go to next table with 4k, against 12k lol[/quote'] Yep that was an epic battle, so great to get some much needed HU practise in against such a great player. A big thumbs up from me :ok Best player won in the end and thoughly deserved but I still had great fun. Don't dislike the format and I think it's great that Grae is introducing a few other variants, but I must admit i had (wrongly) assumed it was like a shootout format. I think both Mark & I would have played it differently if we'd known the winner of a long drawn out battle would be at a disadvantage going forward. Equally I can foresee potential problems (not on here with our members ofc) with 2 players agreeing to just passing blinds back & forth and in theory get ITM, albeit only a min-cash, so I think the variant itself maybe needs to be looked at a little more, maybe in conjunction with level structure/blinds etc. Hopefully I've got this wrong and I'm sure Coral Geof already has this covered and tried & tested. Great fun, think we just all need to adjust to this variant a little more next time out. Gl those still in :cheers
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

OMG - it finished me in 4th when the other game were actually playing a level below us i' date='.e there tabel toal chips was 16k while Haichan an i had 32k on out table - surely unfair as i will have won more games than the guy who now comes 3rd![/quote'] Maybe it pays out 3rd to the player who's had the least suckouts to get to that point :p
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

OMG - it finished me in 4th when the other game were actually playing a level below us i' date='.e there tabel toal chips was 16k while Haichan an i had 32k on out table - surely unfair as i will have won more games than the guy who now comes 3rd![/quote'] I think Andys right. We were playing a lot faster than other table. Seems bizzare if Andy ends up 4th
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March Nothing to do with how fast you played really?? I would've liked same amount of chips at each level, but my next game was 4k/ 12k , then final was 16k to 32k, so another mountain to climb. GG all, and nice to have different games on here.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March Hi all, here are the fill results of yesterday´s leg: congrat´s to Haichan12, he has already been granted his ticket to the final 1 Haichan12, wins 60 USD 2 d0nthurtm3, wins 36 USD 3 JoJoDancer91, wins 24 USD 4 andybellPL 5 mubamba 6 morlspin12 7 GoldnEagle88 8 D1v1ts 9 PLWashy3 10 staffyPL3 11 mrejmak 12 diageo32 13 Bagheira1 14 therealb0ne 15 franny554 16 oosengoosen 17 raassskkkk 18 OQCpl 19 kenawop 20 cratchet 21 DasBootPL 22 Adelita 23 PLT3aulc 24 lysith Geof

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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

is there a league table?
if you read earlier post,it will be done when helen gets back from wherever she has gone,the spreadsheet doesnt like working with my excel software,so it will up soonest. :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

is there a league table?
Will post tonight. :ok Need PL names for the following, if the owners of the aliases would please post so they can be included in the league. [TABLE] [TR] [TD=class: xl67, width: 153]LEW200100[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]cannywynn[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]diageo32[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]Pokerboo08[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]therealb0ne[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]d0nthurtm3[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March

Will post tonight. :ok Need PL names for the following, if the owners of the aliases would please post so they can be included in the league. [TABLE] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]LEW200100 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]cannywynn [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]diageo32 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]Pokerboo08 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]therealb0ne [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl67]d0nthurtm3 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
d0nthurtm3 is me
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