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Upgrade - Outstanding Problems/Issues?

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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues? Ok Reply to Thread doesn't work in FF, just noticed that. It does in Chrome. I'll add it to the list.

And I really miss punterlounge link at the right end of every thread/page.
What link? Really need more details or I'm pissing in the wind here guys. :ok
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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues?

Is that all you see in the upgrade? Good grief! No you don't have to go through a sub forum to access what you want, access it directly from the main index or the navigation menu.
Nope, it's not all I see. This was just the only frustration, so I put it in "Outstanding Problems/Issues." The accolades I put into the thread labeled "Upgrade - Tell Your Site Owner About the Outstanding Upgrade." It's a lot cleaner in general, so congratulations on that. It's already the best site content-wise.
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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues? First can I say that I'm liking the new look. Think it looks a lot more modern and fresher in appearance than the old forum did. Well done to all involved. Having said that.....I have found one slight bug so far, which seems to be an issue in both Safari and IE, so maybe on all browsers as well. Its just that on the links that run across the top of each thread, the link for forum never seems to work and when clicked just opens up a failure page with the web address being http://pl-worker3/ or something similar. Hopefully the attached image highlights what I'm on about. I've tried it from numerous threads and sections and always have the problem. The home icon still works so can be used instead I guess. [ATTACH]1892[/ATTACH]


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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues?

First can I say that I'm liking the new look. Think it looks a lot more modern and fresher in appearance than the old forum did. Well done to all involved. Having said that.....I have found one slight bug so far, which seems to be an issue in both Safari and IE, so maybe on all browsers as well. Its just that on the links that run across the top of each thread, the link for forum never seems to work and when clicked just opens up a failure page with the web address being http://pl-worker3/ or something similar. Hopefully the attached image highlights what I'm on about. I've tried it from numerous threads and sections and always have the problem. The home icon still works so can be used instead I guess. [ATTACH]1892[/ATTACH]
I get the same prob, but if you hit the little house icon just to the left of the word forum it works
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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues?

apologize for size
All that is doing is putting the "postbit" back on the left though, it's much better as it is now horizontal and the majority agree with this. It's being used on many major forums. The awards will be adjusted a bit later or tomorrow. I'm off for a lie down! :lol
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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening Its awful,really really bad. If some one some were has told you this will make you money sack them. The thing that made pl best (bar the contributors) was the simplicity and clarity of the site and the threads and the lack of in your face advertising. Now 25% of thr screen is taken up by ads or white space. If I was a gambling man I would put money on PL's new sign ups dropping and page views and posts plumeting over the coming weeks. It might work long term but I doubt it.

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I can only imagine how much work has gone into the site upgrade, so I thought I'd better get that out of the way first. But I don't like the new layout - I guess honest feedback is the only worthwhile feedback. I read Paul's earlier post that the site had to be changed, so fair play in that case, but I don't like the fact avatars and signatures are in line with the text box for posts, its all a bit overpowering IMO and you have to sift out to find the posts from the other stuff. I suppose it will take time to get used to and, as others have said, its the content and the posters that make PL the great site that it is. In time I guess we'll all get used to it. But if there is anyway to switch the avatars and signatures off or move them out of the way that would be great!

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening

I can only imagine how much work has gone into the site upgrade, so I thought I'd better get that out of the way first. But I don't like the new layout - I guess honest feedback is the only worthwhile feedback. I read Paul's earlier post that the site had to be changed, so fair play in that case, but I don't like the fact avatars and signatures are in line with the text box for posts, its all a bit overpowering IMO and you have to sift out to find the posts from the other stuff. I suppose it will take time to get used to and, as others have said, its the content and the posters that make PL the great site that it is. In time I guess we'll all get used to it. But if there is anyway to switch the avatars and signatures off or move them out of the way that would be great!
You can turn the avatars and signatures off here, Wayne... http://forum.punterslounge.com/profile.php?do=editoptions
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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening same issues as Fintron really, no doubt it will grow on me but smaller pages and text makes it a bit unwieldy to use for me. i think newbies may find it difficult but time will tell i suppose as ever change is difficult to accept for many so i certainly will try to adapt to this

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening Wow, this is different! And a bit slower too ? .... As fin has said, honest feedback is the only way to go and I must say, it's not blown me over. I know it takes time to get used to a new layout, but it feels cluttered. Maybe this will change with more use. I do agree with gcleud with regard to the white space, it's overpowering, my eyes get lost amongst and struggle to focus on the actual content. Also, I really miss the navigation at the top of each page - that's where I did all my navigating from - and now that's also just white space. Cheers.

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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues?

is it possible to close the forums that people dont use so as to condense the opening page?
I already asked...:\
I don't like people disabling forums, they can easily miss out on important things. Let's see how we go for a while and not make instant decisions.
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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening I think it looks clean and tidy. I'm not just saying that for the sake of it, I said it when I saw a preview of it before. The only problem with the white space I can see is when you scroll down a long thread like this one the Twitter feed stays up the page and then you have just blank white gaps down the right of the page but I can live with that. I don't think anyone has commented on the actual integration. There were 3 sites before, the punterslounge main site, the forum and the Sports Punter site and all were disjointed but now they actually look integrated at the top of the page. I've used forums set out like this before though so I'm kind of used to it and like the horizontal format. It looks a bit different at first but I think in a few weeks everyone will think it's fine.

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening Ok , here's my take on this as well . The site don't look so user friendly compared to the old one . I really liked the old one as its easier to find what i want . Its kind of difficult to find what i want now . I do punt on other sports regularly and now the other sports section is sub-branched into so many sections which is kind of "irritating" if you wanna search for bets put up by other tipsters late on . Other than that , the ads are ok with me , i dun really bother about Ads anyway as long as forum is good to use . My 2 cents worth :)

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening

Anybody else have the problem of getting logged out after about 2mins, its getting pretty annoying now. I mean fair do if am not active after about 10 mins, but its logging me out after about 2 mins.
Have you clicked on "remember me"? That works for me.
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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening Can I join in with the "honest feedback" :$ My views are largely what fintron said - having the user names, trophy cabinet, avatars, stats, etc above the posts (with [some large] signatures below as well) instead of beside the posts as with the previous design makes scrolling through a thread unwieldly. If there are 1 line posts, surrounded by the equivalent of 20 lines of other stuff, then the post is getting somewhat "lost". Following on from that, because the posts go virtually the full width of the screen (space on the left isn't used as before), on a wide screen (1900px for me), the line of text in a larger post is far too much to be good to read because its just a line of text - I'm having to browse PL on just half the screen, which is a complete waste of the other half :p And again, leading on from that, the heading of the page doesn't look good at all when the page size gets over a certain width, because its a "block", the block only works at an exact size. And once you scroll down from the top of the page, the mass of white space on the right seems pointless. I miss the old style quick navigation links at the top of the screen (but totally accept they didn't look very good, they were just wonderfully practical). From a practical point of view, the old version was miles better. From an aestetic perspective, the new version is a mile ahead. Sorry to be so negative :( I ALWAYS hate new websites, because they're not what I'm used to, but once I get used to them, they always seem to be better. Maybe that will be the case here. :hope

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening

I think it looks clean and tidy. I'm not just saying that for the sake of it' date=' I said it when I saw a preview of it before. The only problem with the white space I can see is when you scroll down a long thread like this one the Twitter feed stays up the page and then you have just blank white gaps down the right of the page but I can live with that.[/quote'] Yeah - that is what I was trying to describe - the space caused by a Twitter feed. I have a mouse that I control with one or two fingers and it's all too easy to move across into this dead space and not be able to see people's threads in their entirety. I don;t know how to do a screenshot Paul!!!;) I'm not loving it yet, but then how many fricking times do I hear this sort of thing! When I had to introduce computerised tills to middle aged women - Jeeesus - that was tough going for weeks on end - and everytime Facebook has changed over the years people have hated it. As long as everyone's efforts are being appreciated - which I am sure they are! As many have pointed out - it's the content that makes PL great. Let's give the new format a chance.
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Re: Upgrade - Oustanding Problems/Issues? Hi Paul Would it be possible to have a sideways scrolling bar at the bottom ? Because my eyesight isn't too great (old age !) I have my windows set at 200% magnification and can only see part of the page as an example of what i can see.....your post a couple above this replying to McNasara I can see up to.......'now horizontal and th'.........and can't see anything further to the right of the screen than that Most sites have a scroll bar at the bottom to scroll across the page ps I'm on Windows IE As I've finished typing this I can't see a 'Submit Reply' button ........I assume that must be off the edge of the page to the right.

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Re: Major Forum Upgrade - Due to go live Monday Evening

My views are largely what fintron said - having the user names, trophy cabinet, avatars, stats, etc above the posts (with [some large] signatures below as well) instead of beside the posts as with the previous design makes scrolling through a thread unwieldly. If there are 1 line posts, surrounded by the equivalent of 20 lines of other stuff, then the post is getting somewhat "lost".
also think so! :$
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