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PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11


PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11  

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Leg 1 5/10/11

Thank you Helen and Bart, where can you get an evenings entertainment like that for $5? A bigbad thank you to the punters team and blue square. :clap
Well done Ken, good luck in final :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Leg 1 5/10/10

Sorry, thought id replied. Ill change it to Wednesday 2nd Nov at 8.30pm so players can play both and wont affect the other games :ok
Unfortunately cant make this date as off on me hols,bloody typical high on leaderboard as well could've of made the sunday it was scheduled for :@:@:@:@:@:@
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Leg 1 5/10/10

Unfortunately cant make this date as off on me hols' date='bloody typical high on leaderboard as well could've of made the sunday it was scheduled for :@:@:@:@:@:@[/quote'] You got to appreciate mate that its hard to please everyone! The reason it has changed is due to another PL game on that night meaning probably a lot of the finalists won't be able to make both. It's unfortunate that you're away but you got to understand that moving it to the Wednesday was the sensible thing to do. :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Leg 1 5/10/10

You got to appreciate mate that its hard to please everyone! The reason it has changed is due to another PL game on that night meaning probably a lot of the finalists won't be able to make both. It's unfortunate that you're away but you got to understand that moving it to the Wednesday was the sensible thing to do. :ok
I hear you mate i,m more gutted than annoyed im even gonna play the next 2 games to show my support and appreciation to PL :ok:ok
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