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PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept


PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept  

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Hi Guys PLWSOP 2011 Is now a wrap! Ill do a full write up soon, but here are the winners! PL Omaha Winner = Burnley Joe NL Holdem Winner = Heniek31 Wii Bowling Winner = Morlspin Raffle Winners = 1st Poker Table top - Morlspin 2nd Poker Table top - Andy Bell 3rd Poker Set = Teaulc 4th Poker Set = Miss Daisy 5th PL Cap = Donna :ok
:clap:clap:clap well done all :clap:clap:clap
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Originally Posted by morlspin viewpost.gif Hi Guys PLWSOP 2011 Is now a wrap! Ill do a full write up soon, but here are the winners! PL Omaha Winner = Burnley Joe NL Holdem Winner = Heniek31 Wii Bowling Winner = Morlspin Raffle Winners = 1st Poker Table top - Morlspin 2nd Poker Table top - Andy Bell 3rd Poker Set = Teaulc 4th Poker Set = Miss Daisy 5th PL Cap = Donna
Well done all :clap
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

1st Poker Table top - Morlspin :ok
Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rollin:rollin:rollin:p:p:p
Nah, Joe picked the number out. It's sitting in his garage anyway, so saves on carriage!!! Well done Joe and Hen. Good time had here. Scandalous bowling from Mr Morl though..... :p
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Thoroughly enjoyable event again and great to see old and some new faces! I didn't do very well in the poker events but I generally play poker to enjoy it now rather than take it too seriously and enjoy I did so happy with that! Some great banter! :loon The casino was fantastic, Ruben & James organised the events extremely well and they couldn't do enough for us, top class as were the dealers! :clap Big disappointment were the numbers. 20 for the omaha which is a little down on last year but about what we were expecting but 26 for the holdem was very disappointing. So many people dropping out last minute for a variety of reasons (or giving no reason at all) doesn't help. Morls put a lot of effort into organising this and to only have 26 players from a forum which boasts over 55,000 members is remarkable given all the added value on offer! Having said that, we still all had a great time, big well done to the winners, Joe & Hen and also the cashers! Until next year... (if it can be justified)

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rollin:rollin:rollin:p:p:p
Nah, Joe picked the number out. It's sitting in his garage anyway, so saves on carriage!!! Well done Joe and Hen. Good time had here. Scandalous bowling from Mr Morl though..... :p
Lol Gaf, I had the numbers written down on a sheet and a mental and pi$$ed up Burnley Joe picked the numbers, I did have a chuckle to myself mind! And Dan....scandalous??? 244 on Wii Bowling after a hard day and numerous drinks is damn well amazing! :D
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Got home circa 6.30am :eek after leaving at 3.30am, boy am I getting too old for allnighters, but would do it all over again in a flash. :D Big big BIG thanks to Grae (& any little helpers where applicable) for arranging, organising and staging such an awesome event. I know it can never be easy trying to set such events up, the logistics of which can sometimes be a minefield, but what a fantastic day it was. Really great to finally meet a lot of the active regs on here face to face and what a great bunch of people every single one of you are, haven't laughed so much in years! Great banter, great tournaments (all of which provided fee free & fully dealer dealt with good structures), tremendous added value, free buffet, fun & games and very accomodating casino staff. You simply can't ask for anything more..... hats off to both Grae and GCasinos for all their hard work. :notworthy I do second Gaz's thoughts, a £40 per person overlay on a £50 tourney on top of everything else provided both on the day and throughout the year is asking a lot of any sponsor/host. As with all of the online leagues, lets do everything possible to give these extremely generous sponsors our maximum effort, support & loyalty :ok Well played Joe, Hen & ofc Morl's wrist action for shipping the PLO, NLH & Bowling respectively. Good luck in your added value events guys :clap Will post up a couple of pics soon but think others managed to get some better ones. Thanks again everyone, great day :cheers

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

And Dan....scandalous??? 244 on Wii Bowling after a hard day and numerous drinks is damn well amazing! :D
That's my point. Shouldn't be in the zone after that much!!! Cheers again though for sorting all this out. Know how much hard work went into making it a cracking day for all.:clap:clap:clap
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Both Donna, and myself, had a great time, and thanks to everyone for making us feel most welcome :clap All the time, and organising of this event came off beautifully. So big congrats to Graeme, and all that worked to make it a very memorable day. :ok :clap:clap:clap

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept My thanks too to Graeme for the organisation that saw the event run smoothly and to the Coventry G Casino for their hospitality. The care and effort taken by Graeme in connection with the shirts for the event was much appreciated. Great to meet new faces as well as old and congratulations to Hen and Joe as the main event winners. The first STT that we early exiters played was mammoth in terms of the time it took to play out, so congratulations to Richard for being the last man standing ! I hope those who occupied the cash tables were profitable and I look forward to next year. :ok

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept If winning a league game is a great feeling, this is just.... I'm sure Paul is very proud of you Greame, you have done excellent job :notworthy:notworthy. Very low and disappointing numbers, as I was looking forward to meet few new people. And only Andy and his lady here. I really enjoyed proper game. Prior to FT, I think I only sucked out on Andy (but he was short). On the FT, I was sucked on like 5 times (I think) and still got to HU with Fred even in chips. It was one of most bizarre HU I have played. I think we played close to 30 minutes and we played post flop one hand :rollin. With 10bb each at the beginning, it would come to, who gets lucky in one hand and well... that was me :p. In the biggest pot my Q7 v K9 hit the flop. Unlucky there Fred, but very well played :clap. Huge thank you to Washman, who took me there. If not for him, I wouldn't have made it :ok. It was great to see all of you guys. I think, I was more looking forward to see you, than playing itself :cheers. Thank you again PL :clap. I still have few pics to post...

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Congratulations to Hen, Fred, Burnley Joe plus and all who cashed and also to the management team! It was a fantastic event. Very well organised and we had a great time. It was so good to put faces to names. Very much looking forward to the next event :clap:clap

If winning a league game is a great feeling, this is just.... I'm sure Paul is very proud of you Greame, you have done excellent job :notworthy:notworthy. Very low and disappointing numbers, as I was looking forward to meet few new people. And only Andy and his lady here. I really enjoyed proper game. Prior to FT, I think I only sucked out on Andy (but he was short). On the FT, I was sucked on like 5 times (I think) and still got to HU with Fred even in chips. It was one of most bizarre HU I have played. I think we played close to 30 minutes and we played post flop one hand :rollin. With 10bb each at the beginning, it would come to, who gets lucky in one hand and well... that was me :p. In the biggest pot my Q7 v K9 hit the flop. Unlucky there Fred, but very well played :clap. Huge thank you to Washman, who took me there. If not for him, I wouldn't have made it :ok. It was great to see all of you guys. I think, I was more looking forward to see you, than playing itself :cheers. Thank you again PL :clap. I still have few pics to post...
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept just to echo everyone elses posts, an excellent day and many thanks to Graeme and GCasino for making it so :clap:clap:clap well done to Joe and Hen for their wins :clap:clap:clap as has been said before,very disappointing numbers and i am gutted for Graeme for all the hard work he has put in, i know times are hard but we have all known for months when this was on and when we have a member flying over from Finland to play,well what can i say......... i hope we have a vastly better turnout next year :hope:hope

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept I'd just like to echo everyone else's thoughts really. A very well organised event so big thanks the morls, PL and Gcasino:clap It was the first time i'd been to his casino and i was very impressed, although not to sure about the PL Holdem cash games:unsure Congrats go to Hen and Joe for their wins :clap:clap:clap Was good to meet the regulars and a few new faces, but as said before the turnout was disappointing, lets hope it can be justified for next year.:hope O and thanks to Mark & Donna for saving me a £10 on my breakfast as you said they didn't even bother asking what room i was in so got it for nought, although breakfast had finished they made me a bacon and egg sandwich instead:)

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Great to catchup with all the old faces and the new faces, its been a long time since I have attended one of these events. Big thanks to Morl for organising the event I know the effort which goes into organising and getting the superb sponsorship is not easy. Adding the no rake made it even more value. make it even disapointing for the numbers. Congrats joe and Hen. dunc, cash tables were good and despite the advise from Joe I turned a nice profit thanks to the monstor know as king 5. some Called me a fish (Brian) I got called alot worse from the guy who put £150 into the put with top pair???? hopefully see you again next year.

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Cheers all Had a great time, as usual great to meet everyone yet again What can i say about the omaha, not a lot to be honest, overplayed loads of hands and sucked out. Got very lucky against better players, but very happy to win. Great heads up with Staffy and thoroughly enjoyed it and glad a deal was done for a few others lol Cant really remember that much of the holdem, but from what i can it was fun! Excellent job as always by Morls for the organisation etc Well done to all the cashers in both events and side events (and you Rosco, glad you did well) My landlord from my local managed to win a few hundred as well at blackjack i think, so all in all a decent trip! Roll on next years, and as discussed, i think a deposit would be a great idea, non refundable that is Thanks again Joe :ok

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Not a lot to add to the comments of others re the preparation from Graeme re the merchandise, trophies, badges etc. :notworthy He didn't stop fretting throughout the day, especially on his 3 attempts at Wii Bowling (well, the 3 that counted, anyway). It must have been disheartening for him, more than anyone else, to see so few people attending. Also embarrassing that the Casino clearly set aside such a large part of the main area to accommodate us, when we didn't even have 30. Unsure of the exact number, but fairly sure we had more in Newcastle last December with stacks of snow on the ground :unsure Actually got to say hello to Fred for the first time, and Bart looks a lot older than his picture, doesn't he - by the way, who photo-shopped the hair off the top of my head? Other than the socialising aspect, which is always the main highlight of these events, there are a number of highlights for me from the weekend, in approximate chronological order:

  • Getting to the money in the PLO tourney, despite having little or no idea what I was doing.
  • Glenn honouring his promise to buy all of the other players from THAT table a pint.
  • Being hungry and tucking in to TWO plates of chicken curry and rice.
  • Watching Wii virgins, Jeremy "swivel-hips" and Duncan perform and finally get the hang of it.
  • Being at the same table as Brian in the Holdem and hearing him in action - always entertaining, even if it was only for a short time ;)
  • Seeing Dave488 lose about three quarters of his large stack trying to run 3 consecutive increasing bluffs in the same hand with 72o, 1 pre-flop, then continue on the flop of J55, and a meaningless turn, little realising that Rob was holding pocket Jacks and going nowhere :lol
  • Finally deciding to use my "lucky" card protector in the final STT of the night/morning, and being out in the first hand, when I didn't believe Gaz's bets :$
  • Witnessing a weird HU - pretty sure blinds were 3k/6k when Hen shoved for 135k with J3 and Fred called for his last 60k with JT, which held up. Hen pulled it back soon afterwards, as explained, then he looked really thrilled, arms raised aloft, after the win. Fred was also a true gent in defeat :ok
  • Taking over dealing responsibilities from Mark, with Helen as my glamourous shuffler, then trying to talk Donna (does Red Wine go well with a gallon of Amstel?) through the last few hands.
  • Also getting a free breakfast, so only paid £50 for B&B for Rob and me - room overlooking the pitch, and we had a wander down to the pitch on the Sunday morning.
  • Advising Fred at breakfast that he could watch the Athletics on Channel 104, then realising that Channel 104 was "1-2-1 Dating" :lol

Hope there's another one next year - perhaps tying people in earlier will help, either by winning tournaments or getting deposits :ok

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There was Wii bowling? What can I say except I played my best poker in two events and didn't make the first break in either :) The cash tables were great though and I think Rosco and I needed an escort (not that type Joe) at 5am with pissed off regs on our tails. I'm not too bothered about the numbers, their loss really but would really love to see it in Cov again great casino, great staff, great hotel next door and great cash games. Thanks to Morlspin and PL for the organisation and well done to BJ and Hen for the wins. Sorry I never got round to chatting/socialising with everyone but I found a seat I couldn't leave.

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