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WPT Magazine GUKPT Freeroll 16th January 2011 Avongirl takes it down!!!


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Re: WPT Magazine GUKPT Freeroll 16th January 2011

and now 61 for a reason I won't say - but which won't be too hard to guess - I would expect that number to keep rising :eyes
In view of the embarrasingly low turnout for the game on Coral before xmas its no surprise that magazines in general make little effort to keep out non-subscribers these days. If they dont get the numbers then it puts the support for future games from the networks at risk (same goes for forum games, traffic rules) but it's a raw deal for the folks that actually subscribe) apart from the fact we enjoy the actual content of the mags of course. :D
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Re: WPT Magazine GUKPT Freeroll 16th January 2011

and now you told potentially 100k people who view the forum daily......
Sorry but I was annoyed last night.They say if you find it somewhere let us know and we will get them to remove it.Well they are just as bad as others who share it. I did find the link on a foreign forum thats how I knew it was there. Still only 118 in. Slap wrist won't do it again.
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Re: WPT Magazine GUKPT Freeroll 16th January 2011 Been railing for most of the game having busted out early myself. If anyone deserves this, it has to be Avongirl. I'm prepared to use my "one-time", poker gods please be kind to her. p.s. Hope everything is ok and your dad is better real soon DasBoot Bart

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