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APAT Team Event - avongirl finishes 2nd


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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL Live updates on APAT site. Includes, at 3:48 this afternoon :sad Marcin Rejmak of Punters Lounge raises to 300 James Barber of Chezger makes it 800 Marcin raises to 1900 At this point James suspects the worst! He flat calls with KK flop K-x-x and he stacks Marcin with AA to go to 17,000 chips

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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL Just had a look at the "live chip counts" page, which hadn't changed much in the PL section, other than showing Helen on 6,000, the others on 10,000, and the departure of Gaz and Al, but it now looks as if H is the only one of our team still left in :unsure Did the Newcastle bus leave early ? :loon

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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL avongirl has made day 2 with 115k in chips which is about 3rd or 4th highest stack! :clap There's 32 players remaining and Helen was the only PLer to make the points! The rest of us went out quite early, all before 10pm which was very disappointing! :( I could do a write up of my tournament but there's no point as I simply wasn't good enough and let the forum and my teammates down. Apologies to all and Good Luck to Helen who thoroughly deserves a nice cash tomorrow! :ok

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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL

Live updates on APAT site. Includes, at 3:48 this afternoon :sad Marcin Rejmak of Punters Lounge raises to 300 James Barber of Chezger makes it 800 Marcin raises to 1900 At this point James suspects the worst! He flat calls with KK flop K-x-x and he stacks Marcin with AA to go to 17,000 chips
Yeah thats was my fck... start of tournament--cant fold that AA:wall:wall Left with just above 2k manage to back on 14k at one moment and play up to 8 level than on blind 600-1200 push all in (11k) from buton witk AKs only to jump under AA no help and out. Very sorry for not made to points :( Would like to say thank you to pick up me into a team--was nice to see evryone again As Geordi said few times last night--we where shit :sad:sad
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Re: APAT Team Event - Team to represent PL very disappointing and from a personal view, awful. i was up and down like a whore`s draws and actually got to 21k at one time and then a couple of stupid plays and donked half of it :eyes. Helen (supersub) is on tip top form at the moment and fingers crossed she will run good today :hope

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