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The Equaliser

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Posts posted by The Equaliser

  1. 26 minutes ago, BillyHills said:

    No, why do you need an incentive??

    its just for fun but your doing your best to ruin it by continually questioning everything.

    Just enjoy it just or stick to your betfair forum, its like you don't trust anyone who might be making it pay.


    1.   I don't need an incentive, the £20 Challenge has been floundering forever with very few contibutors.

    2.  When people stop questioning everything no progress is made.

    3.  I do enjoy it.  Punters Lounge is the best there is out of all the forums.  Who makes it pay is questionable.  Please provide the data? It follows from then that Punters Lounge can give a historical account what is profitable.  Your stats suggest that whether it be the selections, the naps or accumulators that it makes a profit.  You also said that you only bet on the naps as you can't do all the bets, and that you make more money on football betting.  Be a bit dynamic and set out a betting formula with a points bank that should make money for your supporters over time.

    4. I can do it for you if you wish?  just let me know?

    Please don't get emotional about all this, it is just betting.  Punters so often defeat themselves by not understanding what they are up against, it is your duty to set them on a path to being able to come out on the positive side of the ups and downs in their betting activities.

    You can do it if you really try (John Loeffier).  Enjoy the song







  2. One Trixie today for £1.50 = £6.00 outlay with a possible return of £236.63


    A  2.30 Ex Fortescue 3/1

    B  3.00 Ex Kilcrea Bridge 15/4

    C  2.50 Nc Epsom Des Mottes 4/1




    2.30 Ex Fortescue £3 win at 3/1

    3.00 Ex Klcrea Bridge £3 win at 15/4

    3.20 Nc Epsom des Mottes £3 win at 4/1

    5.00 Sou  Red Stripes £1 win at 8/1

    5.00 Sou You’re Cool £1 win at 6/1

    3.50 Nc Ted Veale £1.00 win at 12/1

    7.30 Nc Karalini £1.00p win at 20/1


    Total singles stakes £14.00  


    Total stakes  = £20.00


    Daily results update:

    Complete wash out on singles yesterday therefore a £20 loss

    B/wd - £163.58 less £20.00 = £183.58 C/Fwd


    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.



  3. One Trixie today for £1.50 = £6.00 outlay with a possible return of £236.63


    A  2.30 Ex Fortescue 3/1

    B  3.00 Ex Kilcrea Bridge 15/4

    C  2.50 Nc Epsom Des Mottes 4/1




    2.30 Ex Fortescue £1 win at 3/1

    3.00 Ex Klcrea Bridge £1 win at 15/4

    3.20 Nc Epsom des Mottes £1 win at 4/1

    5.00 Sou  Red Stripes £1 win at 8/1

    5.00 Sou You’re Cool £1 win at 6/1

    3.50 Nc Ted Veale 50p win at 12/1

    7.30 Nc Karalini 50p win at 20/1


    Total singles stakes £6.00  


    Total stakes  = £12.00


    Daily results update:




    No published bets yesterday so the balance remains the same

     £800 original bank.  B/Fwd £511.04




    Six losing bets yesterday


    Original bank £400.00 B/Fwd £359.33 less £6.00 = £353.33 C/Fwd


    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


  4. 18 hours ago, BillyHills said:

    Mar 2

    Hunting season may start early this month?

    Well done Pete:clap


    A well deserved win from Pete who has won this comp twice before.

    Not sure how to play this now; it's a bit chilly on £2.50.  I will go for either selections at around 10/1 or 25/1 plus.  No point in selecting short priced favourites unless one's sole objective is to get into next month's KO cup or just for the greater good of having an excellent strike rate.

    Looks like Pete will keep on pushing too. Very best of luck to him and all other contestants.



  5. 3 minutes ago, roger2256 said:

    If you dont mind me asking , how old are you and where are you from ?? 

    Your missing the point of the £20 challenge.  It's not in any way a competition,  no one needs any financial incentive . It's a place to test theories,  a bit of fun , in my case prove a point . 


    Hi Roger., I am 69 years old and will be 70 in April.  I was born in Charlton south east London and lived in London for most of my adult life.  I have since retired to the countryside.

    I don't miss the point of the £20' it is just that if there was a small prize of say £50 attached to it then a lot more punters would get involved.  I personally am not bothered by prize money but a lot of punters are as can be seen by the success of the naps competition. I am just trying to promote Punters Lounge a little bit, nothing more.

    There is nothing complicated about me, I just try to help my fellow punters not to lose their shirts, that's all





  6. 3 hours ago, BillyHills said:

    Why are you curious? I dont understand.

    Carlos could be watching without being a member or posting for years and following Rogers bets with interest.

    I was curious because I wondered how a person making a first post would be aware of Roger's strategy.  I don't buy your explanation.  It doesn't matter anyway because Carlos explained what was going on.  Is there any chance of you adding a financial incentive to the £20 challenge to make it more interesting?


  7. Not a day for multiples today




    3.40  Weth Casual Cavalier £3 win at 11/2

    4.45  Wolv Allux Boy £3 win at 7/1

    5.15  Wolv Decoration Of War  £3 win at 11/2

    5.45  Wolv Bugler Boy £3 win at 13/2

    6.45  Wolv Scofflaw £3 win at 6/1

    7.45  Wolv Lakeview £5 win at 4/1


    Total stakes = £20.00 today


    Daily results update:

    No published bets yesterday so balance is unchanged at - £163.58




    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


  8. Not a day for multiples today




    3.40  Weth Casual Cavalier £1 win at 11/2

    4.45  Wolv Allux Boy £1 win at 7/1

    5.15  Wolv Decoration Of War  £1 win at 11/2

    5.45  Wolv Bugler Boy £1 win at 13/2

    6.45  Wolv Scofflaw £1 win at 6/1

    7.45  Wolv Lakeview £1 win at 4/1


    Total stakes = £6.00 today


    Daily results update:




    No published bets yesterday so the balance remains the same


    £800 original bank.  B/Fwd £511.04




    No published bets yesterday so the balace remains the same


    Original bank £400.00 B/Fwd £359.33


    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


  9. 1 hour ago, roger2256 said:

    I'm sorry if you thought I was being smug 

    Hi Roger,

    I accept that I have not carried out the research that Carlos has done, although I am curious about how he did so with a first post, however, most of us are busy people and if something seems odd and I raise an issue it is because I feel that other people may have missed something too.  I don't have the time to go back over lots of posts so as to establish why something is so.  Carlos's explanation was brief and to the point.  So I now know how you are working your figures.  The £20 challenge in itself does not have any incentives attached to it.  I just thought that if people started recording their own YTD figures in postings then at least there could be some type of self achievement beneifit if some of us could become top of the leader board during the year.  None of us can beat @BillyHills  £8k place pot though.

    Anyway, many thanks for your apology it is very much appreciated

  10. No time to publish any bets today


    Daily results update:




    No winners yesterday, so much for the favourites, hence a £4 loss on the day

     £800 original bank.  B/Fwd £515.04 less £4.00 = £511.04 C/Fwd




    15 bets yesterday with one winner returned at 8/1 , therefore £11.25 less £9.00  = £2.25 Loss on the day.


    Original bank £400.00 B/Fwd £361.58 Less £2.25  = £359.33 C/Fwd


    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


  11. 27 minutes ago, BillyHills said:

    Are you a traffic warden or something in real life??

    No.  Just trying to work to a set of rules; no pop at the two punters affected, just trying to establish what I can work to in the future.  I would feel more comfortable if the rules were changed to "break even, or in profit"

  12. On 2/28/2020 at 2:31 PM, roger2256 said:

    A reproduction of last run and the same result ,won with ease .

    Won 5/1 

    Win or place 24/42

    10 win = +50  10 place returns 20 =+10 

    Balance -200     win only (6) -340 

    Well, the above post indicated -440 and with a £10 5/1 winner then it couldn't change to -34o ; could it?  No matter, it's your little confusing baby

  13. On 2/28/2020 at 2:31 PM, roger2256 said:

    A reproduction of last run and the same result ,won with ease .

    Won 5/1 

    Win or place 24/42

    10 win = +50  10 place returns 20 =+10 

    Balance -200     win only (6) -340 

    Hi Roger, not sure how your win balance comes down from - £440 to - £340 with a £50 win.  Am I missing something?

  14. One Trixie today at £1 = £4.00 staked with a potential return of £54.00


    A 1.50 Don Blackjack Kentucky 2/1

    B  2.00 Lin Royal Birth 2/1

    4.32 Kel Dunly 2/1




    1.50 Don Lisduin Bhearna £1 win at 8/1

    2.25 Don Joke Dancer  50p win at 10/1

    4.10 Don Apple Rock 50p win at 12/1

    2.12 Kel Alberts Back £1 win at 13/2

    3.57 Kel Bialco £1 win at 6/1

    1.25 Lin Cuban Spirit 50p win at 10/1

    3.45 Lin Ahorsecalledwanda £1 win at 9/2

    4.20 Lin Cry Wolf £1.00 at 10/1

    4.20 Lin Sea Sculpture 50p win at 12/1

    4.55 Lin Fleeing Visit £2 win at 8/1

    5.30 Sou Mister Music £2 win at 4/1

    6.00 Sou Hatcher £2 win at 4/1

    6.30 Sou Argus 50p win at 12/1

    7.30 Sou Bill Cody £2 win at 13/2

    3.45 Ling Vitesse Du Son 50p win at 100/1


    Total Singles = £20.00 staked


    Daily results update:

    All single bets lost yesterday, therefore B/fwd - £132.58 less £20 = - £152.58 C/Fwd



    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


  15. One Trixie today at £1 = £4.00 staked with a potential return of £54.00


    A 1.50 Don Blackjack Kentucky 2/1

    B  2.00 Lin Royal Birth 2/1

    4.32 Kel Dunly 2/1




    1.50 Don Lisduin Bhearna 1 win at 8/1

    2.25 Don Joke Dancer  50p win at 10/1

    4.10 Don Apple Rock 50p win at 12/1

    2.12 Kel Alberts Back £1 win at 13/2

    3.57 Kel Bialco £1 win at 6/1

    1.25 Lin Cuban Spirit 50p win at 10/1

    3.45 Lin Ahorsecalledwanda £1 win at 9/2

    4.20 Lin Cry Wolf 50p at 10/1

    4.20 Lin Sea Sculpture 50p win at 12/1

    4.55 Lin Fleeing Visit £1 win at 8/1

    5.30 Sou Mister Music £1 win at 4/1

    6.00 Sou Hatcher £1 win at 4/1

    6.30 Sou Argus 50p win at 12/1

    7.30 Sou Bill Cody £1 win at 13/2

    3.45 Ling Vitesse Du Son 25p win at 100/1


    Total Singles = £11.25 staked


    Daily results update:




    No published bets yesterday so balance remains the same

     £800 original bank.  B/Fwd £515.04




    11 bets yesterday with no winners = £9.25 Loss on the day.


    Original bank £400.00 B/Fwd £370.83 Less £9.25  = £361.58 C/Fwd



    “When placing a bet on a selection, never take SP and, always bear in mind that to make a profit, in the long run, the WINNERS have to pay for the LOSERS.”  Always remember that if every favourite won the bookies would go out of business so don’t be afraid to oppose them.


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