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Posts posted by MCLARKE

  1. Excellent results once again.

    A quick question, what time is used for the odds quoted above?

    For instance, Dubai One was available at 5/1 up until 6.17 but at 10.14 best price was 3/1.

    AZZECCAGARBUGLI (where do they get these names from!) was available at 18/1 from 9.29 but before then the best price was 12/1.

    In effect the 5/1 and 18/1 were never available at the same time.



  2. Always a bit wary about staking plans, I increase my stake by £1 every time my bank has increased by a certain amount, it won't make me a millionaire but has meant that my average weekly profits have been increasing over time. It also means I don't bet more than I feel comfortable with.

    Out of interest how do you calculate your assessed chance of winning?

  3. Last one managed 4th place at 5/1 so turned a loss in to break even.

    3 today, all 4 places.

    CATT 7.10 ROBBEN RAINBOW @ 7/2.

    CATT 8.15 CROSSE FIRE @ 100/30.

    DUND 7.15 THE KID BOBBY B @ 6/1.

    No selections for a couple of weeks as I am off on a Baltic cruise.

  4. Valiant,

    I'm the same, don't make that much on my own accounts because of bookies restrictions but enough for a few beers. I've set up accounts for my daughter now she's got her own house / address and she's raking in the money by using all the free bet offers and laying on the exchanges. I only give her my best bet of the day, wish I could have been so disciplined on my own accounts in the past !

  5. I can see where Henry TD is coming from in trying to verify the profitability of a system based on early prices. I think to find all the relevant data would be a big task.

    Personally when I am testing a system I like to make a profit at SP in the knowledge that in reality I could improve that by 10% by using early prices or BSP.

    To judge a system on profitability based on BOG may turn out to be a waste of time because if you do hit on a good system it will not be long before the bookies will not allow you to bet at BOG anyway.

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