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Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions


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Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions I finally got Pokertracker in October and although having major issues surrounding it crashing when looking at stats it appears to be helping my game as have achieved much better profits in the 2nd half this year than the first half of the year. So just 1 target for me and that's to get consistent monthly profits from cash games and hopefully move up 1 or 2 levels by the end of 2010.

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Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions since playing in Vegas I have the poker bug back and miss the live games, which I unfortunately there are no live near. Anyways new years resolutions for on line 1) Play only a maxium of two tables 2) Play cash, bank role starts at 400 euro, starting at 1/2 limit (aim 3k) 3) read more articules, mags blogs, vids 4) Dont play when tired or not in the mood. 5) try and keep records, 6) use software to assist. 7) another busy year at work but semi try for wsop. p.s agree with Wasp's comments about the smaller local buyin events, additionally to get used to playing longer tournaments.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions I hope that I will become a better poker player in 2010. Besides this I hope that the US will have a more pragmatic law on betting in online poker games in 2010. There are actually a lot of countries (Germany, UK...) who have who allow to bet in online poker. I will keep my fingers crossed that this will soon be also true for the US.

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  • 10 months later...

Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions so how did you all do? i have to admit i didnt achieve any of these :eyes although i must admit i wasnt very disciplined this year

after some thought,here we go...... 1: keep strict records / bankroll management. 2: win a Live NLHE tourney. 3: improve on my finish @ the WSOP. 4: play an EPT tourney. 5: play Irish Open 6: play more SNG and Cash rather than tournaments.
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Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions

[ ] Play 30k sngs [ ] 20k profit from sngs [ ] 5k profit from mtt [ ] qualify for a live +3k buy in event. [ ] take a vegas trip [ ] win another omaha mtt with +200 runners Stop playing mtts when I know I'm not feeling it. When I grinding sng's I tend to just register for a dozen tournies on stars by the time I finished my sng session I've got all these tournies up I have no interest to carry on so I just play stupid. At the end of the week it tallys upto a couple hundred dollar wasted. This is a huge leak in my profits each week.
Hmmm Only one I managed was the 5k profit from mtts. I managed over 15k sngs but given a big downswing recently profit sucks this year. Don't think I've even tried to quailify for any live events. omaha tournie i did finish like 3rd in a mtt but no win. No vegas trip did spend 3 1/2 months in thailand though.
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Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions

Going to really study my opponents' play inbetween playing. Did some a few days ago and my last few sessions my aggression has nearly doubled as i found places to exploit people so will be looking for more of that. Want to play the WSOP one of the low buy-in events.
Studied a lot - mainly second half of year though (or maybe that i don't remember the 1st half :lol) I'm a lot better at realising people's weaknesses and trying to exploit that quickly but it's a tough skill to master. Didn't play WSOP, i'd have to save like $5k excess. Again next year is looking unlikely, i don't know how to save lots of thousands :eek At start of year i had hopes of pushing $2/4 by this time but too many distractions (breaks) prevented even pushing $1/2 really. It's just been an average year, but my tournament play has come on and winning a PL live event was the highlight of my poker career :eek so it's not been all bad.
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