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Aussie Millions 2010


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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Daniel Neilson Eliminated in 24th Place (AUD $5,335) Daniel Neilson shoved his 96,000 chip stack in the middle from the small blind into Jonathan Karamalikis' big blind. Karamalikis made the call with kx.gif10x.gif. Nielson showed 9x.gif7x.gif suited. Karamalikis' hand held and he now sits on 650,000.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Darryl Gassali Eliminated in 23rd Place (AUD $5,335) Darryl Gassali was all in on the turn with the board reading jd.gifjc.gif4h.gif6h.gif holding 9s.gif9h.gif. His opponent was Steve Friedlander and he held kd.gifjh.gif. The river card was the js.gif, giving Friedlander quads and sending Gassali to the rail.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Richard Scott Eliminated in 21st Place ($5,335) Grant Levy held qh.gif9h.gif against Richard Scott's ac.gif10d.gif in all-in-preflop action. The board ran out qd.gifjd.gif9s.gifqc.gifda.gif and Levy busted Scott to move up to 175,000 chips. Great effort m8 :notworthy:notworthy and gl for main event :clap

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Cheers guys :ok Think I made one big mistake though :\ I raised from button with 55, and SB pushed for about 100k, I folded and he showed AKo. If I'd have called and lost I'd still have had 30-40k, but if I won it.... Nevermind, still have a 10% share in another guy who's made FT, but is shortest. Still its another $500 min :dude

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Richard Scott Eliminated in 21st Place ($5' date=335) Grant Levy held qh.gif9h.gif against Richard Scott's ac.gif10d.gif in all-in-preflop action. The board ran out qd.gifjd.gif9s.gifqc.gifda.gif and Levy busted Scott to move up to 175,000 chips. Great effort m8 :notworthy:notworthy and gl for main event :clap
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Thanks for the support everyone :ok Have had a very steady day or two, and have finally managed to sober up, so am playing main event today (day 1) - starts at 12.30pm local time, but may be a bit later depending on how much time they waste with a band and the 'shuffle up and deal' stuff. Anyway, feeling pretty good, and will be concentrating on staying alive, and making the most of any big hands today. Am determined not to double up and then bust out like last time :$

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Hi from Oz. :D Just left Washy playing the last couple of levels tonight. He's been on the same table all day as Akenhead and Tabatabai (who is now out). :ok Seems to be a few on the table who like to play any 2 cards so he's falling asleep hardly playing any hands. Play due to finish around 2am here. He had got a bit low on chips but got a double up with aces to take him over 20k so hopefully that will see him through to day 2 on Wednesday. Plenty of names around today - Ivey, Billy the croc and Dwan were all on the same table, :loon (only Durrrrr left), Boatman (x2), Hanson, Harrington.

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