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PL Exclusive League with Devilfish Poker - Starts Jan 19th!

Sir Puntalot

PL Exclusive League with Devilfish Poker - Starts Jan 19th!  

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Re: PL Exclusive League with Devilfish Poker - Starts Jan 19th! Looking forward to this, and all of a sudden taken a liking to devifish poker. Signed up today as PLThommo85, played a 2 euro rebuy tourney, only took the add-on and did a deal heads up for about 110 euro's. Here's hoping my nice run continues tonight

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Re: PL Exclusive League with Devilfish Poker - Starts Jan 19th!

I'm having trouble downloading. :sad Tried twice now and it says "Poker Client cannot be started. Unable to find host connect2.b2bpoker.com on the internet." Suppose I better try in daylight and see if it works.
Still can't get it to open on my PC but I'm on via my laptop. I think it's a firewall problem as my PC thought it was high risk and recommended I declined some access, so I guess that's why it won't let me in now. There's a clause in the T&Cs about no 2 from the same household at the same real money table so if me and runadrum get seated together I guess one of us is not going to be playing. :sad(unless it only means cash) Also says 2 cannot use the same bonus code, so I tried to delete the punters code (as I never chase bonuses anyway) but it kept putting it back in. Fully expected my deposit to be declined but all went through OK. :ok
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