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PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009


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In this month's magazine (page 70) details of the above tournament. 5 seats up for grabs, each worth €150, each with £100 expenses :beer. 6th to 20th get tickets for the Weekly Final (ticket worth €16.50). Freeroll is on Wednesday 7th January, 8pm, and registration starts 48 hours earlier (8pm on Monday 5th January)

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009 Nice, I subscribe to Inside Poker but not PP, so I've just ordered the mag with the first 3 issues for £1 then £5.99 for every 6 issues there after, can't grumble at that, here is a link for anyone who is interested. :ok Removed see below Thanks McG, anyone have any idea if the first issue I receive will be this one? :cheers

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009 Darn it, I was hoping to get the PokerKings league password sent out to you all before you remembered this but our broadband went down last night and kicked me off early. :\ It's going to be a Sandboxie night. ;)

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009 FFS ... out on about 5th Hand - get QQ in early position, put in my standard raise - two callers (including the BB), Flop comes a very nice 332 - BB leads out for 1/2 pot, I call - other player pushes All-In. BB calls, and so do I. BB has A2 !, other guy has 88 - I'm 70% Fav Turn a Ten, river a fcukin Ace .......... !!

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009

FFS ... out on about 5th Hand - get QQ in early position, put in my standard raise - two callers (including the BB), Flop comes a very nice 332 - BB leads out for 1/2 pot, I call - other player pushes All-In. BB calls, and so do I. BB has A2 !, other guy has 88 - I'm 70% Fav Turn a Ten, river a fcukin Ace .......... !!
do i sense a bit of anger there young man??? just shrug your shoulders and say wd nhgg and fu :ok
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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009 Gone in this :eyes limped in with KK got the raiser i wanted pushed all in, 2 nd player called the 2 all ins, first guy hits set only to be outdone by the other caller hitting the flush on the river with his AJ. good luck all still in :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009

I'm so drunk its not right!easy chips for somebody but not GG!:beer
i see your still in.... n1 m8! :ok I really wasn't up for the game at all - just couldn't be arsed to try and get through a field of 470 runners...... very strange for me! :unsure Anyways - I see we still have quite a few left in this with 70 players left... best of luck guys! :hope
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