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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

SilentJay 76 Member Mar 5, 2008 de.gif
teaulcPL Member Mar 5, 2008 gb.gif
marrsinn Member Mar 6, 2008 ie.gif
I_Got_I.D.23 Member Mar 7, 2008 gb.gif
We still need one more. :\ And as it's a UK league, the captain should be (or must be?) from the UK, so that narrows it down. I nominate teaulc, who's done most of the "captaining" so far anyway.
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Sorry' date=' I won't be playing.Don't see much value in it.[/quote'] It doesn't look to me like you've understood it then :loon We're talking nearly $100,000 in prizes per season for complete freerolls - and entry numbers are relatively low - I dont think I've ever seen higher value freerolls!!!! Al - if you can get a few more people in, eSport are happy for you to add a couple of players :-)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

im stuck in a team of non uk players only 5 of us if they will let me move i will might try email tomorrow if youll have me
The FA have approved your transfer - please post your player registration documents with CVG Champions and your application will be approved :-)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Sounds like you may have the cookies for the site blocked. I also invited another player, btw. "Dr.Evil_1969". Hope that's OK. We're getting a little desperate here. (I don't know him personally. But we've "met" in a couple of other forums. I know he can play a little, since he beat me heads-up for a tournament win a couple of months ago. And he seems like a nice enough guy.)

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Hi all, I've just managed to join (thanks GAF) :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy (wrong thread i think :$) Am I right in thinking the first match is tomorrow at 2pm (GMT). If so, when will the Manger be picking the squad... I'm carrying a bit of a niggle, but should be able to run it off...;)

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions No - timing is US time, but their clocks change tonight - so It's complicated ..... eSport are trying to sort it out with Pokerroom and will send an email later to all players confirming start time - it should be 8pm GMT, but may be different until the clocks are sorted

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