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Super Flops


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Re: Super Flops one for Adetrick :loon:loon:loon BossMedia Game #1637215866: Table (321337144), VirginFestivalLeague - 100.00/200.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:42:34 - 2009/06/09 Seat 1: MRG777 (1645.00) Seat 2: Unknown (0.00) Seat 3: Coo1fish (1575.00) Seat 4: teaulc1 (3510.00) Seat 5: Hustler63 (4633.00) Seat 6: afc1234 (3046.00) Seat 7: AceIan (3305.00) Seat 8: Adetrick (3677.00) Seat 9: razmatazz (590.00) Seat 10: Unknown (0.00) Hustler63 posts the small blind of 100.00 afc1234 posts the big blind of 200.00 teaulc1 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc1 [7d 8h] AceIan folds Adetrick raises 600.00 razmatazz folds MRG777 folds Coo1fish goes all-in with 1575.00 teaulc1 folds Hustler63 folds afc1234 folds Adetrick calls 1575.00 *** FLOP *** [Tc Ac Jc] *** TURN *** [Tc Ac Jc] [Jd] *** RIVER *** [Tc Ac Jc Jd] [Qc] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3450.00 | Rake 0.00 Board: [Tc Ac Jc Jd Qc] MRG777 won (0.00), mucks Coo1fish won (0.00), showed [Jh Js] teaulc1 won (0.00), mucks Hustler63 won (0.00), mucks afc1234 won (0.00), mucks AceIan won (0.00), mucks Adetrick won (3450.00), showed [Kc Ad] razmatazz won (0.00), mucks

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