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Blue Square - Up to $15,000 added, 21st Feb


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One for the diary? Once in a Blue Moon You've all heard the phrase "Once in a Blue Moon" but what does it actually mean? I'm no lunar astronomist so I won't attempt to bore you with the details, suffice to say that a "Blue Moon"* is due on February 21st and Blue Square Poker will be spending money on a special tournament to celebrate! Normally big tournaments are better value for you the fewer players that take part, but not this time. Blue Square Poker will be adding increasing amounts of money to the Prize Pool of this special $5 event the more players that get involved:

Players Added Money**
1-199 $500
200+ $1,000
400+ $3,000
600+ $6,000
800+ $10,000
1000+ $15,000

In order to add the maximum amount of cash we need your help - so start spreading the word and get your friends, family, pets, neighbours, postmen, and local shopkeepers involved! (ok not pets) If we can round up enough players we will be adding 3,000 times the buy-in of the event!! Good luck at the tables! Regards, Jamie Reeve Poker Operations Manager

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Re: Blue Square - Up to $15,000 added, 21st Feb Already over 100 players in this, its different from other tournaments being that it actually makes fiscal sense to get more people involved. My guess is that it will reach a couple of hundred by the end of the weekend and i'll have a spread on the runners being 615-635.

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Re: Blue Square - Up to $15,000 added, 21st Feb Bit perplexed at being knocked out........plenty of fish left in there for the remainder to get! :cow Sorry, did you want the 'how the feck did he call that?' story?.....not from me....I'm always happy to be ahead when the chips are in!! :ok Good luck all! :hope TQM

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