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inspired by the mole

the croc

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Re: inspired by the mole

i reload to the $50 so in theory i can lose more than my $50 depending what happens next' date='i dont leave it so i have $5 on the table it will always be the maximum,same as the winning if i am $49 up the last pot could take my winnings to $98 instead of the target $50[/quote'] OK cool - I misunderstood.
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Re: inspired by the mole I couldn't let today end like that. I had a look through my hand histories and thought over some of the hands I'd played and decided to have another go. And this time I managed a $49 profit. Mostly through not playing like an arse. So note to self: don't play like an arse. :spank Jan 6th v2 +$49 Overall +$181

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Re: inspired by the mole

Just lost 3 buy-ins this afternoon. Bit gutted about that. Perhaps I need to have a re-think.... Jan 6th -$153 Overall +$132
this is where discipline comes into it,you have to ask can i afford to lose 3 buy ins from my bankroll.thats why i play each session with fixed goals(win or loss) glad to see you pulled some of it back again later :clap:clap:clap
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole another decent session on Virgin tonight, 1 hours play again and again bought in for maximum $200. Last hand history of the night shows tonights final buy in amount. :ok ***** Hand 898060159 ***** 1.00/2.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 06 January 2008 22:21:27 Table TH 901 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: dairyboy (82.42) Seat 2: PLgazza (421.00) Seat 3: Gnuhunter (138.27) Seat 4: Elo_Janusz (238.75) Seat 5: PasiER (192.00) dairyboy post SB 1.00 PLgazza post BB 2.00 ** Deal ** dairyboy [N/A, N/A] PLgazza [2d, 5h] Gnuhunter [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Gnuhunter Fold dairyboy Call 2.00 PLgazza Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [10d, 9c, Qc] *** Bet Round 2 *** dairyboy Check PLgazza Bet 6.00 dairyboy Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.20 Total Pot: 3.80 dairyboy Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza By default Win: 3.80 Gnuhunter Fold Win: 0.00 Elo_Janusz [N/A, N/A] Highest card ten Win: 0.00 PasiER [N/A, N/A] Highest card ten Win: 0.00

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Re: inspired by the mole 6 JAN 08 25/50C TABLE 2 HRS 13 MIN PLAY -$90.76 +$218.09 TOTAL(6 DAYS) TARGET NOT ACHIEVED first bad session of the year,following 2 hands did the damage. ***** Hand 898103418 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 06 January 2008 22:46:29 Table TH 715 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Hrzmies (49.75) Seat 2: thecrocpl (64.30) Seat 3: webbgrrr (73.36) Seat 4: iroques (13.13) Seat 5: ..ATL.. (59.35) webbgrrr post SB 0.25 iroques post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Hrzmies [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [7h, Ah] webbgrrr [N/A, N/A] iroques [N/A, N/A] ..ATL.. [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** ..ATL.. Fold Hrzmies Raise to 2.00 thecrocpl Call 2.00 webbgrrr Call 2.00 iroques Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [7d, 10h, 7s] *** Bet Round 2 *** webbgrrr Check Hrzmies Check thecrocpl Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [7d, 10h, 7s, 4c] *** Bet Round 3 *** webbgrrr Check Hrzmies Bet 4.00 thecrocpl Call 4.00 webbgrrr Raise to 12.00 Hrzmies Fold thecrocpl Call 12.00 *** River(Board): *** : [7d, 10h, 7s, 4c, 9s] *** Bet Round 4 *** webbgrrr Bet 18.00 thecrocpl Call 18.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 67.50 Hrzmies Fold Win: 0.00 thecrocpl Fold Win: 0.00 webbgrrr [10c, 10s] Full house Win: 67.50 iroques Fold Win: 0.00 ..ATL.. Fold Win: 0.00 ***** Hand 898150301 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 06 January 2008 23:18:10 Table TH 715 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Hrzmies (48.00) Seat 2: thecrocpl (62.42) Seat 3: ibanatsi (71.07) Seat 4: WhispJack (12.85) Seat 5: ..ATL.. (54.70) thecrocpl post SB 0.25 ibanatsi post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Hrzmies [N/A, N/A] thecrocpl [8h, 8d] ibanatsi [N/A, N/A] WhispJack [N/A, N/A] ..ATL.. [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** WhispJack Call 0.50 ..ATL.. Fold Hrzmies Fold thecrocpl Raise to 2.00 ibanatsi Call 2.00 WhispJack Call 2.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [8s, Ks, Kh] *** Bet Round 2 *** thecrocpl Check ibanatsi Bet 0.50 WhispJack Call 0.50 thecrocpl Raise to 2.00 ibanatsi Raise to 11.00 WhispJack Fold thecrocpl Raise to 32.50 ibanatsi Call 32.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [8s, Ks, Kh, As] *** Bet Round 3 *** thecrocpl All-in 27.92 ibanatsi Call 27.92 *** River(Board): *** : [8s, Ks, Kh, As, 5d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 124.34 Hrzmies Fold Win: 0.00 thecrocpl [8h, 8d] Full house Win: 0.00 ibanatsi [Ah, Kc] Full house Win: 124.34 WhispJack Fold Win: 0.00 ..ATL.. Fold Win: 0.00

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Well I feel rather pleased with myself :). Did intend withdrawing about 500 euro's from Virgin but after a good couple of days this afternoon I withdrew 1000 euro's into my neteller account (whats that in good old ££££'s ? ) Left a couple of hundred euro's in there and it's back to the .50/1 $ tables for a while :ok Nice start to 2008

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Re: inspired by the mole

Can't see how you could possibly have got away from either of those 2 hands... you definately did nothing whatsoever wrong... GL with the next session.
think i actually got away lightly on the first hand. the 2nd was just one of those hands,i played it correctly and got the money all in while ahead,the other guy was never folding kkk so just unfortunate the ace landed.
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Lost a few $$ the other day but after tilting and winning decent on virgin I forgot to post the figures :$ So back on Paradise tonight, Original balance was 100 euro start session 125.55 euro

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Right, I now feel I need some other peoples views/advice here :\ Started a session tonight on the .50/1 tables after joining the waiting list. Sods law had it the first table I joined Croc was on there so I promptly left as PL presence is not good !!!! :lol:ok Moved to another table and again struggled and went down to about $60 ($100 buy in) and just did'nt feel I could do anything right. Moved straight onto a 1/2 table and played 30 minutes and left a few quid up, not loads but covered the earlier loss plus a few quid.... start session balance 125.25 euro's end session balance 176.35 euro's Now again I felt very comftable on the 1/2 tables and felt I had good reads on the players there which I did'nt feel on the .50/1 tables :\ Whats going on ? :unsure I shouldnt even be the 1/2 tables with this bankroll but I feel soo much more at home there but am I just getting lucky at the moment ? am I heading for a big fall ? Gut thoughts are yeah stick with it but head says bankroll/be sensible and I am fully aware of a 172euro bankroll for the 1/2 tables :lol:lol:lol:lol but if I look at the last week I have lost money every time I have sat at a .50/1 table and won money every time at a 1/2 table have walked away with profit. Honest opionions/advice wanted please :ok

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Re: inspired by the mole You're doing great mate :ok However dont get overconfident..... You feel comfortable, but the great thing about poker (that keeps fish playing out of their depth) is it's VERY difficult to know when the game is over your head - you can think you're winning, you can think you're crushing the game, when it is just variance ...... I'm not saying that's the case with you here (I havn't a clue!!) BUT it's a possiblility you should be aware of and careful of - if you dont have the bankroll for it, and it's money that matters, then no matter how good you are, you're taking a big gamble...... Others have said I'm too cautious (and I'm starting to believe they could be right) BUT you have to be careful not to be too gung ho...... A pro playing with a €172 bankroll on €1/€2 tables faces a significant risk (I would guess probability) of going bust.....

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

You're doing great mate :ok However dont get overconfident..... You feel comfortable, but the great thing about poker (that keeps fish playing out of their depth) is it's VERY difficult to know when the game is over your head - you can think you're winning, you can think you're crushing the game, when it is just variance ...... I'm not saying that's the case with you here (I havn't a clue!!) BUT it's a possiblility you should be aware of and careful of - if you dont have the bankroll for it, and it's money that matters, then no matter how good you are, you're taking a big gamble...... Others have said I'm too cautious (and I'm starting to believe they could be right) BUT you have to be careful not to be too gung ho...... A pro playing with a €172 bankroll on €1/€2 tables faces a significant risk (I would guess probability) of going bust.....
yeah thats what I'm aware of, 1 bad session could see the entire bankroll wiped out :( Do I stay at this level and buy in for minimum ($100) or go to the max ($200) ? I would love to stay at this level and as said feel good but also totally aware of the bankroll issue. The other thing that "worries" me is that I cannot seem to win at the .50/1 level and maybe it's a concentration issue or could be the "glamour" of winning $200 pots which has been happening at this level.
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole 15 minute session on 1/2 table, early double up trip set of 8's..... Start session balance 176.35 euro's End session balance 353.28 euro's

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

15 minute session on 1/2 table, early double up trip set of 8's..... Start session balance 176.35 euro's End session balance 353.28 euro's
I got abuse from a couple of players for this hand, How would you have played it ? ***** Hand 899735204 ***** 1.00/2.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 08 January 2008 00:26:04 Turbo TH 1 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Mr.tejfog (73.62) Seat 2: fchr (251.88) Seat 3: Ladha84 (217.05) Seat 4: Di{L}Do (143.16) Seat 5: gazza271 (215.10) Ladha84 post SB 1.00 Di{L}Do post BB 2.00 ** Deal ** Mr.tejfog [N/A, N/A] fchr [N/A, N/A] Ladha84 [N/A, N/A] Di{L}Do [N/A, N/A] gazza271 [8h, 8d] *** Bet Round 1 *** gazza271 Raise to 8.00 Mr.tejfog Fold fchr Fold Ladha84 Call 8.00 Di{L}Do Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h] *** Bet Round 2 *** Ladha84 Check gazza271 Bet 16.00 Ladha84 Call 16.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h, 8c] *** Bet Round 3 *** Ladha84 Check gazza271 Bet 32.00 Ladha84 Raise to 64.00 gazza271 All-in 191.10 Ladha84 Call 191.10 *** River(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h, 8c, 6d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 429.20 Mr.tejfog Fold Win: 0.00 fchr Fold Win: 0.00 Ladha84 Fold Win: 0.00 Di{L}Do Fold Win: 0.00 gazza271 [8h, 8d] Three of a kind, eights Win: 429.20
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Re: inspired by the mole The reraise all in at the end was extremely bold :loon With a 4 straight on the board, I'd have flat called (at most) - wonder what he called with :unsure :loon I just cannot put him on a hand here......What did you think he had?

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

The reraise all in at the end was extremely bold :loon With a 4 straight on the board' date=' I'd have flat called (at most) - wonder what he called with :unsure :loon I just cannot put him on a hand here......What did you think he had?[/quote'] I went all in on the turn mate when I hit the set, put him on AK tbh.
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Re: inspired by the mole

Did play the .25/.50 tables this afternoon for half hour but finished exactly with what I started with :lol. Must admit find the play at .50/1 a better table. seem to make slow steady progress there but struggle on the .25/.50 tables :unsure
Now you find the 1.00/2.00 a better table, better try the next level soon, dont listen to GaF get over confident. Been playing a lot more NL cash myself and am finding it nigh impossible to get motivated for any of the value freerolls and low stakes MTTS about. Cant see anything wrong with the way you played the set of eights
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Re: inspired by the mole 7 JAN 08 50/1-1/2-2/4 TABLES 2 HRS PLAY -$183 +$35.09 TOTAL(7 DAYS) TARGET NOT ACHIEVED decided on a break from the norm tonight,played 50/1,1/2 and 2/4.was doing ok for a while but started to slide towards the end.normal service resumed tomorrow :ok

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Re: inspired by the mole MInd you I'd be posting similer losss if I hadnt hit this hand ** Game ID 906536994 starting - 2008-01-07 23:21:37 ** West Ham [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - rammy29 sitting in seat 1 with $102.46 - gavinflor sitting in seat 3 with $112.98 - stramash sitting in seat 4 with $99.94 - BigAwn sitting in seat 5 with $119.53 [Dealer] - B52 sitting in seat 6 with $96.03 - Mustafaresa sitting in seat 7 with $12.50 - MikeyBills sitting in seat 9 with $17.64 - fivepenny sitting in seat 10 with $112.40 B52 posted the small blind - $0.50 Mustafaresa posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to fivepenny: Jack of Spades, Jack of Clubs MikeyBills folded fivepenny called - $1.00 rammy29 folded gavinflor called - $1.00 stramash called - $1.00 BigAwn raised - $2.00 B52 folded Mustafaresa went all-in - $12.50 fivepenny called - $13.50 gavinflor folded stramash folded BigAwn raised - $25.00 fivepenny called - $25.00 ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Spades, 2 of Spades, 2 of Diamonds fivepenny bet - $66.00 BigAwn went all-in - $94.53 fivepenny went all-in - $21.40 ** Dealing the turn: Queen of Spades ** Dealing the river: King of Spades fivepenny shows: Jack of Spades, Jack of Clubs BigAwn mucks: Mustafaresa mucks: fivepenny wins $40.42 from the main pot fivepenny wins $237.80 from side pot 1 End of game 906536994

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole Croc, just interested for my own sake really :\ How did you find the 1/2 and 2/4 tables ? I know you lost a couple of quid but how was it ?

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Re: inspired by the mole

should say you know how I feel about 1/2 tables but 2/4 tables was a totally different kettle of fish :sad
2/4 can be scary if you let it be,i tend to be a lot tighter on there.the rewards can be great though,seems if you get a tight image a lot think they can bet you out of every pot which you can use to your advantage.again though bankroll is so important,tbh i should have never been on there last night,but i like the higher levels every now and again :)
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Re: inspired by the mole

I got abuse from a couple of players for this hand, How would you have played it ? ***** Hand 899735204 ***** 1.00/2.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 08 January 2008 00:26:04 Turbo TH 1 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Mr.tejfog (73.62) Seat 2: fchr (251.88) Seat 3: Ladha84 (217.05) Seat 4: Di{L}Do (143.16) Seat 5: gazza271 (215.10) Ladha84 post SB 1.00 Di{L}Do post BB 2.00 ** Deal ** Mr.tejfog [N/A, N/A] fchr [N/A, N/A] Ladha84 [N/A, N/A] Di{L}Do [N/A, N/A] gazza271 [8h, 8d] *** Bet Round 1 *** gazza271 Raise to 8.00 Mr.tejfog Fold fchr Fold Ladha84 Call 8.00 Di{L}Do Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h] *** Bet Round 2 *** Ladha84 Check gazza271 Bet 16.00 Ladha84 Call 16.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h, 8c] *** Bet Round 3 *** Ladha84 Check gazza271 Bet 32.00 Ladha84 Raise to 64.00 gazza271 All-in 191.10 Ladha84 Call 191.10 *** River(Board): *** : [7d, 3h, 5h, 8c, 6d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 429.20 Mr.tejfog Fold Win: 0.00 fchr Fold Win: 0.00 Ladha84 Fold Win: 0.00 Di{L}Do Fold Win: 0.00 gazza271 [8h, 8d] Three of a kind, eights Win: 429.20
I think you played this hand perfectly, and i would have had no hesitation going all in on the river with that board (I no you went in on the turn). As for BR you are skating on thin ice (1 bad session and its gone) but if you are prepared to risk going bust in order to build a large stack then do it. There should be know reason why you cant do well at 50/1.00, maybe you put more concentration in at the higher stakes and are not giving the 50/1.00 game the respect that you should be. Or maybe you prefer the adreniline flow at the bigger stakes and the smaller game seems less thrilling.
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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole An hours session tonight on the 1/2 tables, quite pleased with the result as at one stage went down to half my buy in but manage to grind it back up to a small profit. Original Balance 100 euro'sStart Session Balance 353.20 euro'sEnd Session Balance 422.40 euro's

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Guest gazza271

Re: inspired by the mole

An hours session tonight on the 1/2 tables, quite pleased with the result as at one stage went down to half my buy in but manage to grind it back up to a small profit. Original Balance 100 euro'sStart Session Balance 353.20 euro'sEnd Session Balance 422.40 euro's
Sorry, computer had a mad 5 minutes :@ Original Balance 100 euro's Start Session Balance 353.30 euro's End Session Balance 422.40 euro's
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