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Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added


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Re: Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added

croc- if you want to pm me your user name, alias, and email address i'll try it on my pc if you like - i dont need your password:ok it worked for philossify;)
im regged already m8 thanks,was just saying laddies wont work for me tonight for some reason
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Re: Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added Yep my click on poker wont work .... contacted Laddies and got the followiing response .... looks like various other AOL customers are having probs.....

....... Please rest assured that our IT technicians are currently working hard to resolve this issue and are hoping to find a way around this problem. There is a technical fix that has helped a small number of customers this morning - please try loading the poker software, as soon as it starts appearing on your desktop, please right click on the small Ladbrokes icon at the bottom of your screen and press close. After having spoken to a few customers, it appears that closing this icon actually allows the software to load. As stated before, this has only proved to work for a small number of customers but you may find that this works for you. We hope this helps. ..........
Suprisingly (to me) the technical fix mentioned works .... right clicking on the taskbar icon and hitting close seems to work. Having flushed my dns cache (ipconfig /flushdns) when I go to www.ladbrokes.com from IE it doesn't go to The SunBet site anymore..... it goes to laddies ... however pressing poker on there doesn't get anywhere..... Pity I got the fix just too late to get to the sportsday games :sad Laddies also go on about some bandwidth stuff and aol ..... maybe they have been badlisted because of the srtreaming adverts they shove out and the links they use have been blocked .... whilst I can get my Laddies client to come up with the fix they told me ... the advert panels which are linking to some laddies internet site are not working (Navigation to the web page was cancelled message) ....
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added I see this is the focus game for Sunday so thought the thread was worth a bump as it says registration may take up to 48 hours to process. I've just registered for the pub now using a link I got in a email. Registration is open for Sunday's game (43 in so far) and it won't let me in yet saying it's an invitation only game. I would get your name down tonight otherwise you might not get in.

The name of the pub is The Britannia' date=' 157 Biscot Rd Luton [/quote']
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Guest gazza271

Re: Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added

forgot :$:sad going to ring them tomorrow so :hope
emailed Laddies at lunchtime saying I still could not access the registration page, they replied within 10 minutes and said sorted,register after 4pm. Just tried and now registered :ok Top service Laddies,well done :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: Laddies Pub Poker - CPC Package added

Licensed Premises may be eligible for a free pub poker pack if they have at least 15 unique people representing them during the Championship. This means that 15 unique players must register for the tournament and choose that specific licensed premises at the time of registration at ladbrokespoker.com/pub and then go on to play in at least one of the Pub Poker Championship tournaments. Pub Poker Packs will consist of poker tabletops, chips and cards, as well as point of sale material. The promoter reserves the right to alter the contents of the pack at any time without any prior notice.
Looks like we've qualified for this. :ok
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