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PokerStars Sunday Storm $10+$1 Buy in


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Re: Pokerstars $100kGtd $10 Buy in. That might make an interesting focus game :loon :loon (Then again - sunday night, 20:30 BST start - will go on pretty late I imagine...) If it gets over 10,000, then the guarantee obviously means nothing....

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Re: Pokerstars $100kGtd $10 Buy in. they also run 70fpp 10man sng's for 1 entry into this.. easy. be ready for a field of 5500 at least in the 100k Gteed tho!! I played the 100k last sunday (goldstars get free seats in this) and cashed just past the bubble - I would envisage plenty of Pl'ers doing very well in these. Also, if you happen to be on stars - it's defo worth checking out the 400fpps rebuy sat to the sunday million. - TOTAL fishtank and the easiest 215$ you will ever make i.m.o. (you can use the tournament chips for sngs or w/ever rather than playing the million.. :nana if you are poor like me ;) )

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  • 10 months later...

Re: PokerStars Sunday $200k Gtd $10 Buy in break time,sitting with 35k and 812/1008. took a hit when my AJ lost to 10/10 but got some back when my AK beat KQ. my best showing so far in this.. i have 2nd place man on my table and it is amazing how he wins time and again when he is behind, true what they say,chips go to chips

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Re: PokerStars Sunday Storm $300k Gtd $10+$1 Buy in Sunday Storm

sunday-storm-thumb.jpgWhen: 15:30 ET
Buy-In: $10 + $1
Guarantee: $300,000
Where: ‘Tourney’ & ‘Regular’
With a buy-in of just $11, the Sunday Storm is ideal for players of all levels and bankrolls. But the huge guaranteed prize pool of $300,000 means there’s everything to play for. If you’re looking for your first taste of big money action then this is the tournament for you. It starts every Sunday at 15:30 ET.
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Re: PokerStars Sunday Storm $300k Gtd $10+$1 Buy in

on a normal sunday around 35 000 expect this to be like 50 000 next week
Aye most of last Sundays were made up of all the 1c buyin gtd seat tourni's running through the previous week :ok
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: PokerStars Sunday Storm $300k Gtd $10+$1 Buy in Guarantee reduced. ;) Sunday Storm

sunday-storm-thumb.jpgWhen: 15:30 ET
Buy-In: $10 + $1
Guarantee: $200,000
Where: ‘Tourney’ & ‘Regular’
With a buy-in of just $11, the Sunday Storm is ideal for players of all levels and bankrolls. But the huge guaranteed prize pool of $200,000 means there’s everything to play for. If you’re looking for your first taste of big money action then this is the tournament for you. It starts every Sunday at 15:30 ET.
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  • 6 months later...

Re: PokerStars Sunday Storm $10+$1 Buy in Gotta love stars, how can he call here? PokerStars Game #71609116034: Tournament #549010003, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (75/150) - 2011/12/04 19:46:29 WET [2011/12/04 14:46:29 ET] Table '549010003 1975' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: Jjulianis (16955 in chips) Seat 2: RaPiDRabBBiT (800 in chips) Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (6290 in chips) Seat 4: David1111978 (9370 in chips) Seat 5: voina040484 (7870 in chips) Seat 6: PWR OF 1 (3010 in chips) Seat 7: Ryzzium (8901 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: next4268 (3075 in chips) Seat 9: country689 (7630 in chips) RaPiDRabBBiT: posts small blind 75 BurnleyJoe: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to BurnleyJoe [7h 9h] David1111978: folds voina040484: raises 150 to 300 PWR OF 1: calls 300 Ryzzium: folds next4268: folds country689: calls 300 Jjulianis: folds RaPiDRabBBiT: folds BurnleyJoe: calls 150 *** FLOP *** [6h 7c 7d] BurnleyJoe: checks voina040484: checks PWR OF 1: checks country689: checks *** TURN *** [6h 7c 7d] [6d] BurnleyJoe: checks voina040484: checks PWR OF 1: checks country689: bets 450 BurnleyJoe: raises 600 to 1050 Ryzzium is connected Ryzzium has returned voina040484: folds PWR OF 1: folds country689: calls 600 *** RIVER *** [6h 7c 7d 6d] [Kh] BurnleyJoe: bets 3150 country689: raises 3130 to 6280 and is all-in BurnleyJoe: calls 1790 and is all-in Uncalled bet (1340) returned to country689 *** SHOW DOWN *** country689: shows [3s Ah] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes) BurnleyJoe: shows [7h 9h] (a full house, Sevens full of Sixes) BurnleyJoe collected 13255 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 13255 | Rake 0 Board [6h 7c 7d 6d Kh] Seat 1: Jjulianis (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: RaPiDRabBBiT (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: BurnleyJoe (big blind) showed [7h 9h] and won (13255) with a full house, Sevens full of Sixes Seat 4: David1111978 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: voina040484 folded on the Turn Seat 6: PWR OF 1 folded on the Turn Seat 7: Ryzzium folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: next4268 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: country689 showed [3s Ah] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Sixes

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Re: PokerStars Sunday Storm $10+$1 Buy in :cigar:cigar ev ery little helps PokerStars Game #71615212478: Tournament #549010003, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (500/1000) - 2011/12/04 21:15:43 WET [2011/12/04 16:15:43 ET] Table '549010003 691' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: teaulc (13187 in chips) Seat 2: kopytko9 (36318 in chips) Seat 3: rachel23780 (1835 in chips) Seat 4: Serg333/4444 (16384 in chips) Seat 5: Izum305 (17302 in chips) Seat 6: Zlatan2007 (16499 in chips) Seat 7: leser110 (26776 in chips) Seat 8: tciiiiiiiii (22183 in chips) Seat 9: pkrips (16425 in chips) teaulc: posts the ante 100 kopytko9: posts the ante 100 rachel23780: posts the ante 100 Serg333/4444: posts the ante 100 Izum305: posts the ante 100 Zlatan2007: posts the ante 100 leser110: posts the ante 100 tciiiiiiiii: posts the ante 100 pkrips: posts the ante 100 pkrips: posts small blind 500 teaulc: posts big blind 1000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ad Ks] kopytko9: folds rachel23780: folds Serg333/4444: folds Izum305: raises 2202 to 3202 Zlatan2007: folds leser110: calls 3202 tciiiiiiiii: folds pkrips: folds teaulc: raises 9885 to 13087 and is all-in Izum305: folds leser110: folds [Qh Ac] Uncalled bet (9885) returned to teaulc teaulc collected 11006 from pot teaulc: shows [Ad Ks] (high card Ace) *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 11006 | Rake 0 Seat 1: teaulc (big blind) collected (11006) Seat 2: kopytko9 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: rachel23780 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Serg333/4444 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Izum305 folded before Flop Seat 6: Zlatan2007 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: leser110 folded before Flop Seat 8: tciiiiiiiii (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: pkrips (small blind) folded before Flop

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