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**Poker Tuesday 3rd July**


**Poker Tuesday 3rd July**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 20:10 iPoker $4000 GP Freezeout
    • 21:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 21:00 SkyPoker The Open
    • 21:00 The Sun $10,000 Freeroll League
    • 22:00 SkyPoker Velocity

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 3rd July**

Reg for the focus game appears to be open already. Just been on SpOdds and noticed the $1 challenge is in the lobby for usual time Weds, no indication that it might be password protected. :unsure
Have emailed them :ok :hope
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 3rd July** 3 hands and out!! First hand, adventurous raise from UTG with 59s, 2 all ins behind me. I folded, they turned over 33 and AKo, 597AJ board would have given it me. Second hand, raised in BB with QQ, bet into a Kxx flop and was called, A on the turn and had to give it up. Third hand, QTs in small blind, T7x flop, looking good, end up all in, he turns over T7s, I get the Q on the turn and he completes the runner-runner flush on the river. GL all still in. (Most of you, hopefully!)

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 3rd July** I'm gone too, 638th. Left with 95 chips after I called a pre-flop all in with AA and he hit a flush, thought I had a whole round to pick my spot to start to build it back up from button position, and got moved tables straight into BB. How mean is that. :( Lasted even less time in the 'token' game, with QQ losing to 99 hitting quads. :eek Early night for me. :cow Good luck all left in. 100 places pay out so I expect to see plenty of winnings. :hope

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 3rd July** Out in 128th. Got a nice stack going after my QQ came up against AA but managed to hit another Q. Then got rivered 3 times in a row including after I got caught stealing TQM BB with J9. He turned over AK and the flop came AJ9 but a K on the river sealed my fate.

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