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Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll


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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

i did feel sorry for dave488, he was a massive chip leader at one time and got bad beat so many times:sad ..... BUT not too sorry:tongue2
Very well done m8, never met you in person, but seem to be a nice bloke and you certainly deserve it.:clap :clap :clap Must admit have been sick to my stomach all day, can't believe i lost it when i was in such a good position when the final table started, at little bit of sympathy certainly helps, but certainly need for you to be sorry.;) Don't think i got bad beats as such, but got myself involved in too many 50/50's and just seemed to lose most them, the ducks stick in my mind when i doubled you up, got 7's next hand and ran into aces, went from 30k to 10k in 2 hands, wouldn't say I went on tilt:unsure , but definately gambled a bit more to try and get myself back in it. So thats a 4th, 2nd and 7th in the last 3 freeroll's to live events, surely i will get there eventually.:hope
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

wouldn't say I went on tilt:unsure ' date=' [/quote'] You did seem prepared to shove/call all in with any pocket pair :unsure I think I saw you 3 or 4 times with an underpair to someone elses overpair..
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

You did seem prepared to shove/call all in with any pocket pair :unsure I think I saw you 3 or 4 times with an underpair to someone elses overpair..
I think the only time i was against overpair was when i had 7's and rlpn40 has min raised my big blind, thought he probably had over cards so decided to put him all in, thought i had some decent fold equity, obviously not when he turned aces over!:eek Other times i raised teaulc's big blind with ducks, he pushed i had 3 to 1 to call and he hit over card on river i think. Other time i called TQM's all in with 6's, the teaulc re-raised me all in, which didn't like, but had two thirds of my chips in the middle and had to call. Against 3 overs, TQM hit his, but i won side pot. Don't think i played them great by any means, but decided to go for win, the ducks was the one that really cost me would have been on 40k, think there was 40k in middle for 6's too. Anyway I will maybe have look through hand history when I have time and see if they are as i remember them.:ok
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

I dont think they are bracelet events only 12 out of the whole series are.....
No worries there. Having met him, I don't think Al's the sort of chap who would want to wear a big flashy gold bracelet. Ex-RN salty sea dogs don't go in for that sort of stuff. ;)
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

okay,when do i start to get concerned.....?? after the initial automated (seemed like it) email,i have heard nothing:sad ...how long do i leave it?? i did send an email yesterday but nothing............
Didn't the guy reg here? maybe a mod will have more details about him. There doesn't seem to be any info on the website all we have is the story he gave in here about being based in the South Pacific etc. You would have thought he would have made contact by now but these poker sites are notorious for putting the customer last so maybe not too much to worry about. edit - he's been lurking so why doesn't he post? View Profile: Chrispy44
Chrispy44 user_offline.gif Newbie Punter
Last Activity: Yesterday 17:09
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

Sir Auron' date=

Congratulation on winning the WSOP Triple Play Freeroll. $2,000 will be credited to your account shortly.
Al, Is the $2,000 in your account yet? If not, I'd be worrying and not be booking anything. If so, I'd be booking my flights and hotel.
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

Al, Is the $2,000 in your account yet? If not, I'd be worrying and not be booking anything. If so, I'd be booking my flights and hotel.
not yet dave,that is why i am getting a bit edgy,,,,it is only 3 weeks away and if this is gonna happen it has to be soon.........
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll I don't know what to suggest Al. I was lucky in that my Dublin/Singapore trips were won with Paddy Power/Betfair. I was able to contact their customer services via telephone and the necessary credits and hotel arrangements were made quickly and efficiently. Please God, not another GoalPoker. :hope

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

have you tried this number Al? International: +(00)350-51710
just phoned them and they say they dont deal with the tournaments, that is down to their poker-team who only use emails as a source of contacting people:eyes :eyes :eyes so will just have to wait and see........... cheers guys
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

just phoned them and they say they dont deal with the tournaments, that is down to their poker-team who only use emails as a source of contacting people:eyes :eyes :eyes so will just have to wait and see........... cheers guys
WHAT!!! :@ I'd a ripped him a new one
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll right,i have emailed them as well as speaking to them again,this could take another couple of days:@ i am just surprised that as this is a major prize offered by pokersatellites that they would do everything possible to make this a success,so they could make a massive pr advert,and persuade more people to their site. at this moment i am feeling very dejected and deflated:sad

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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

not yet dave' date='that is why i am getting a bit edgy,,,,it is only 3 weeks away and if this is gonna happen it has to be soon.........[/quote'] When I won a trip to Vegas on Boss the spending money only came a few days before take off... ... and it has only been a few days... I wouldn't worry at all :ok
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

When I won a trip to Vegas on Boss the spending money only came a few days before take off... ... and it has only been a few days... I wouldn't worry at all :ok
cheers pene tbh,i am not overly concerned but just like to get things sorted sooner rather than later,,i hate waiting:lol :lol
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll

Well done Mate - :notworthy Enjoy the experience it was well earned. :clap :clap :clap ps - if you want your bags carried I know a bloke with a passport ;)
are you trying to get rid of him???:tongue2 i dont want sloppy seconds:loon
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Re: Poker Satellites WSOP freeroll I'm with Pene - not overly concerned for you yet mate - I think it's "normal" for poker rooms to be quite slow off the mark on these :ok I'm also encouraged by the email you got quite quickly after the tournament - so far as I know Boss have no technology to send these automatically, so I think someone sent it to you manually :ok

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