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**Poker Saturday 10th March**


**Poker Saturday 10th March**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 15:45 Pokerstars Limit Razz
    • 19:00 PokerSatellites DailyDollar
    • 19:00 SO Boss Safety Net
    • 19:30 SO Boss Best of British Freeroll
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Laddies Cheltenham MTT
    • 20:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd
    • 20:00 Poker333 Pokerbowl Freeroll
    • 20:15 SO Boss Best of British RH Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March** I am currently playing 4 x 5c/10c cash tables on SO Boss to get the raked hands for tonights best of british raked hands game (100 RH) ..... has been a while though since I played Boss Cash - any guesstimates on how long it will take me to get the raked hands at this level? :unsure

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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March** I'd forgotten just how bad/profitable the play was here!!!!

***** Hand 555647297 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:38:26 AM TH Mini 40 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Torba_ (5.26) Seat 2: qskon2 (15.99) Seat 3: Telepe (10.72) Seat 4: crx_bg (0.00) Seat 5: finn41 (10.50) Seat 6: kk78 (21.15) Seat 7: -=PLAZON=- (15.15) Seat 8: ejha (4.40) Seat 9: agt8 (4.58) Seat 10: AraF (2.72) agt8 post SB 0.05 AraF post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** Torba_ [N/A, N/A] qskon2 [N/A, N/A] Telepe [Ad, Kc] finn41 [N/A, N/A] kk78 [N/A, N/A] -=PLAZON=- [N/A, N/A] ejha [N/A, N/A] agt8 [N/A, N/A] AraF [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Torba_ Fold qskon2 Fold Telepe Raise to 0.50 finn41 Fold kk78 Fold -=PLAZON=- Fold ejha Call 0.50 agt8 Call 0.50 AraF Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, 9s, Ks] *** Bet Round 2 *** agt8 All-in 4.08 Telepe Call 4.08 ejha All-in 3.90 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, 9s, Ks, Ac] *** River(Board): *** : [2c, 9s, Ks, Ac, 3s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.68 Total Pot: 12.98 Telepe [Ad, Kc] Two pair aces and kings Win :12.98 ejha [10d, Kd] Pair of kings Win :0.00 agt8 [3h, Qs] Pair of threes Win :0.00
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

any guesstimates on how long it will take me to get the raked hands at this level? :unsure
Seems like a very long time :loon :loon The 5c/10c tables always used to count - seems that they dont any more!!!
Lenise: Hello Telepe, my name is Lenise, How may i help you? Telepe: Hello Lenise: hello Telepe: Can you confirm please if hands raked on the 5c/10c tables count as raked hands towards raked hands MTTS? Lenise: raked hands only count from $1 or $2 tables up Telepe: ok - ty Lenise: they do not count on ant tournaments Lenise: your welcome Lenise: have a nice day
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March** Cutting my own throat :rollin telling you lot about it :ok - got an email yesterday from the old golden palace telling me they've pulled out of US - however they have a revamped site on a different server and if I'd care to re download (from www.goldenpalace.com I think) then theres a $7500 freeroll at 8:00 pm tonight (and another one tomorrow night). Tonights currently only has 87 registered - suspect you don't need the email to get into it. I'm PhilPL2 on there. Shoved it here rather than main page as I'm hoping the hordes from Debrecen won't catch onto it.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

I am currently playing 4 x 5c/10c cash tables on SO Boss to get the raked hands for tonights best of british raked hands game (100 RH) ..... has been a while though since I played Boss Cash - any guesstimates on how long it will take me to get the raked hands at this level? :unsure
Gaf, first of all dont take any notice what support says. Every penny, that goes as a rake, counts as a rake (unless its for their bonus and that what she was talking about). If you play 4 tables and play most of hands, it should take you between 1-2 hrs. The only problem is, when you go to register it doesnt show any longer, how many raked hands you have played. Well, it doesnt show immediately. When you finish your sesionand close all tables, give it about 30 minutes and then go and register. You should be in.
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March** Cheers Hen - I got about 45 mins in earlier - just checking how many raked hands I have.......49 raked hands :loon Stupid Stupid me for believing Live support!!!!!! Will go back and play the next 51 if I get a chance (though tonight starting to look busy!!!!).... Am currently playing some $3 Turbo STT Razz games on Stars in "warm up" for the focus game if anyone else is tempted......

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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

Cutting my own throat :rollin telling you lot about it :ok - got an email yesterday from the old golden palace telling me they've pulled out of US - however they have a revamped site on a different server and if I'd care to re download (from www.goldenpalace.com I think) then theres a $7500 freeroll at 8:00 pm tonight (and another one tomorrow night). Tonights currently only has 87 registered - suspect you don't need the email to get into it. I'm PhilPL2 on there. Shoved it here rather than main page as I'm hoping the hordes from Debrecen won't catch onto it.
Cheers Phil I'm in too Another shortcut for my Poker folder, I break them down into Prima, Wagerlogic, I Poker etc :$ Just can't resist a good freeroll though
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

just voted for the razz game never played before so any tips or even the rules will be a great help thx
Good article in the February Poker Player Mag if you have it (not online yet if you haven't I'm afraid)
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

Cutting my own throat :rollin telling you lot about it :ok - got an email yesterday from the old golden palace telling me they've pulled out of US - however they have a revamped site on a different server and if I'd care to re download (from www.goldenpalace.com I think) then theres a $7500 freeroll at 8:00 pm tonight (and another one tomorrow night). Tonights currently only has 87 registered - suspect you don't need the email to get into it. I'm PhilPL2 on there. Shoved it here rather than main page as I'm hoping the hordes from Debrecen won't catch onto it.
Cheers Phil. :clap
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March** My exit shown below. I had three low cards and the player who initially raised had been raising with the Ace showing far too many times to always have three babies. So i thought that there was a better than average chance I was ahead. I'm quite sure my play from 4th street was OKor was it. Bad play, unlucky or a cooler hand ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PokerStars Game #8832168367: Tournament #44301240, $3.00+$0.30 Razz Limit - Level V (80/160) - 2007/03/10 - 11:51:56 (ET) Table '44301240 14' 8-max Seat 1: spireitedaz (1314 in chips) Seat 2: aapco (2526 in chips) Seat 3: sozo99 (1145 in chips) Seat 4: nl711 (1380 in chips) Seat 5: JulieWinters (907 in chips) Seat 6: Rob_in_KC (2237 in chips) is sitting out Seat 7: MarkC22 (1758 in chips) Seat 8: WelLookyHeA (2467 in chips) is sitting out spireitedaz: posts the ante 16 aapco: posts the ante 16 sozo99: posts the ante 16 nl711: posts the ante 16 JulieWinters: posts the ante 16 Rob_in_KC: posts the ante 16 MarkC22: posts the ante 16 WelLookyHeA: posts the ante 16 *** 3rd STREET *** Dealt to spireitedaz [3d 2s 5h] Dealt to aapco [2c] Dealt to sozo99 [4d] Dealt to nl711 [Td] Dealt to JulieWinters [3c] Dealt to Rob_in_KC [8s] Dealt to MarkC22 [6d] Dealt to WelLookyHeA [Ad] WelLookyHeA has returned nl711: brings in for 24 JulieWinters: calls 24 Rob_in_KC: folds MarkC22: folds WelLookyHeA: raises 56 to 80 spireitedaz: raises 80 to 160 aapco: folds sozo99: folds nl711: folds JulieWinters: folds WelLookyHeA: raises 80 to 240 spireitedaz: raises 80 to 320 Betting is capped WelLookyHeA: calls 80 *** 4th STREET *** Dealt to spireitedaz [3d 2s 5h] [Ac] Dealt to WelLookyHeA [Ad] [7h] spireitedaz: bets 80 WelLookyHeA: raises 80 to 160 spireitedaz: raises 80 to 240 WelLookyHeA: raises 80 to 320 Betting is capped spireitedaz: calls 80 *** 5th STREET *** Dealt to spireitedaz [3d 2s 5h Ac] [8c] Dealt to WelLookyHeA [Ad 7h] [4s] WelLookyHeA: bets 160 spireitedaz: raises 160 to 320 WelLookyHeA: raises 160 to 480 spireitedaz: raises 160 to 640 Betting is capped WelLookyHeA: calls 160 *** 6th STREET *** Dealt to spireitedaz [3d 2s 5h Ac 8c] [7s] Dealt to WelLookyHeA [Ad 7h 4s] [Qc] spireitedaz: bets 18 and is all-in WelLookyHeA: calls 18 *** RIVER *** Dealt to spireitedaz [3d 2s 5h Ac 8c 7s] [Qh] *** SHOW DOWN *** spireitedaz: shows [3d 2s 5h Ac 8c 7s Qh] (Lo: 7,5,3,2,A) WelLookyHeA: shows [5c 2h Ad 7h 4s Qc 3s] (Lo: 5,4,3,2,A) WelLookyHeA collected 2772 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2772 | Rake 0 Seat 1: spireitedaz showed [3d 2s 5h Ac 8c 7s Qh] and lost with Lo: 7,5,3,2,A Seat 2: aapco folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 3: sozo99 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 4: nl711 folded on the 3rd Street Seat 5: JulieWinters folded on the 3rd Street Seat 6: Rob_in_KC folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 7: MarkC22 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 8: WelLookyHeA showed [5c 2h Ad 7h 4s Qc 3s] and won (2772) with Lo: 5,4,3,2,A

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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

Cheers Phil for the big freeroll laters' date=' im in under my new name of Daceys0a0Tart , as morls and hebburnlad were taken aparantly[/quote'] I'm spireitedaz4, apparently there's an imposter who has already registered using spireitedaz, spireitedaz1, spireitedaz2 & spireitedaz3. Bloody nerve :rollin
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Re: **Poker Saturday 10th March**

Daz, looks like a cooler hand to me. :unsure
I did think I was in front for the whole of the hand, although that wasn't the case. Bloody seventh street :D . It's that the right phrase for Stud variants. Not sure if I play the limit tourneys right, but usually select a hand that i'm prepared to go to a showdown with, to double up and give me a little breathing room before entering the fray again.
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