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5% of bankroll - will it work?


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Hi guys, I've been chatting about this strategy in other threads with a few of you, in particulalr Rob (DAMO) who is currently trying a $1 - $xxxxx challenge (along with a few other people I notice!) ala Chris Fergusson... I'm not going for the $1 - $20,000 challenge myself but using the same concept of the "5% of bank at any table" rule, I hope to improve my game and make a profit longterm, but more importantly NEVER HAVE TO DEPOSIT AGAIN!! You see, I'm the sort of player who will deposit $50 into my account, play a few $5 games, win some lose some, step up to a $10 head to head after a loss, lose that, play a $20 STT, lose that and burn my cash. I think I'm actually quite a good player and did keep some accurate records last year which showed a profit until TILT took over or I withdrew the funds for something else or I switched the money to my sports account and blew it on the horses and football!! My aim this year is to be more disciplined and keep a rigid plan in action at all times by having a separate poker account that MUST NOT be used for any other bets, withdrawn for any other reason of which only 5% of the bankroll can be used at any time, be it STT's or cash tables. I never really used to think of my account as a "bank" something to protect and build and was never really able to relax as so much of my account was on the table. The key is to GO DOWN to the lower levels in proportion to my bank to begin with and as my bankroll builds the blinds/buy-ins will increase as will the profit (hopefully!) I cannot believe how more relaxed I am at the tables since doing this. I started with $110, just enough to start with $5 (+0.50c) STT's and have made a small profit with these so far. I can also divide the bank at any one time by 20 and take that money to a cash table at the lowest possible level and play there as an alternative to STT's. I'm keeping records of these games too which also helps. As soon as the bank hits $220 I can afford to have a stab at $10 (+$1) STT's etc.. My bankroll now stands at just over $174 which means I can also take $8.70 to a 5c/10c table - (if I double over, I leave the table and re-buy for 5% of the new bank etc..) or still contiune with $5 or less STT's... The standard of play is pretty awful at this level which is the only thing I'm not really used to but as I said before playing poker knowing you're only using 5% of your bank has really helped me focus, become more tuned in and having a target or plan should prevent me from going "bankrupt" and the knowledge that this could lead anywhere is also quite exciting. I expect to go up and down levels as I progress but this should enable me to "find my own standard/level" which is also interesting. I will continue to post my results on a regular basis here and wonder if anyone else is trying or has tried a similar concept? Cheers Danny :ok

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Reading the first section of your post, i can certainly relate to your style, of depositing winning a little then over a period of stupid play at times and levels, i should not even be playing. Over the last few days i have been looking at a change and tring to build up a nice bankroll, and only playing at suitable levels and times i feel most comfortable. Your systems seems to be ideal for me to try and will be giving the same idea a try. hope you have some success with it and are able to stick to it!! :ok

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Good luck DC. I think your strategy is the best way to go. You still enjoy playing and hopefully long term you will build your bank wich is your ultimate aim. Too many people try and increase there bank too quicky and end up going bust.

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? I'm doing something similar on paradise spodds though without depositing. Since the start of December I've been playing the safety net and managed to win $118 so far so I am going to start the low level cash games then when I'm up to $220 I plan to start the £10 sng's.

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work?

My aim this year is to be more disciplined and keep a rigid plan in action at all times by having a separate poker account that MUST NOT be used for any other bets, withdrawn for any other reason of which only 5% of the bankroll can be used at any time, be it STT's or cash tables.
Danny, I find it helps having my sports betting funds at a bookie where I'm not likely to play poker, and my poker funds at a site where there is no sportsbook. The amount of skins out there means you should find what you need. Anyway I defintely agree that 5% is the way to go, so good luck. :hope
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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Thanks guys, some very valid points. Mr V... good idea about the sites poker/non-poker etc... It must surely be a question of will power too. I gave up smoking in May 2002 and haven't touched one since, so if that's possible surely it's easier to say NO to using poker funds for other things?! One idea I had was to make everything poker-related, for example the next time I decide to have say, a £5 bet on something, I must stop and say that's 1-2 hours equivalent earnings/graft on the poker tables which should make me question whether or not it's worth punting!! :ok

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? agreed - must keep the BR seperate and you must stick to the agreed principles (even when the muppets are driving you NUTS playing the 10c cash table - ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Good luck Danny - it can be done - I have found that my cash game has really improved by playing with a small buy in and having to wait and wait and wait for cards - have managed to play on my 'proper' account on sporting and win a few hundred $ over the last couple of weeks playing .25c/.50c tables, because I am learning how to play cash games on betfair previously cash games were a massive leak for me - a MASSIVE leak good luck matey and keep us posted - I am sure we can share some ideas and tips :ok Damo

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Looks like a good approach DC :ok It wont improve your game, but it will allow you to withstand normal variance. Just one thing I would take issue with - "which means I can also take $8.70 to a 5c/10c table". I dont think you should vary your buy in on a cash table to hit 5% of your bankroll - it changes too much of the way you should be playing. Assuming your style is to usually buy in for the maximum, I think you should wait till you can buy in for the maximum.....

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? I sort of agree GaF but as ring tabling is more profitable at the moment for me- $3.86 per hour compared with just under $1 per tourny for STT's I'd sooner play on the ring games and not wait till I can afford the maximum buy in (playing the STT's now and again) My funds are with Sporting Odds - maximum buy in is $10 on the LOWEST levels. I suppose I could shift to Betfair where the maximum buy in for micro levels is $5 so I am not immediately under pressure. Having said that, 5% of my bankroll is now $9 so it's not too much pressure starting a dollar down from maximum. Thanks for the input I'll keep you posted. Ps Quad tens last night really boosted the bankroll against a flush and a full house :loon Initial deposit $110.00 Ring tables: played 14hours, profit/loss +$52.95 STT's: played 32, profit/loss +$29.20 Current bankroll = $192.15

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Good luck with this Danny :ok I play poker at betfair because that's where my "betting fund" is. You're probably quite right to keep them seperate. I'll be looking for somewhere else to play poker tourneys methinks. Preferably somewhere with a monthly deposit bonus so i can withdraw my balance then put it back in and get a wee bonus too. We know how to play the game. Now it''s time to make it pay. I'll be looking at the poker tracker software too. Might as well do it right if i'm going to do it.

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Hi Danny Am doing something similar on PokerStars with STT PL Omaha H/L games. Hardest thing I have found is keeping discipline as there is always urge to go up to next level or higher. Tried to do this last summer on Party Poker but got bored one night and ended up playing a few higher level tables which I lost on. Once I broke my rules, I just ended up blowing my bank. Started again with $100 bank in Nov and am now up to $300. Need a few more money finishes to move up from $10 to $15 level (got there once just after Xmas but dropped down after losing first game!). Sometimes I have to play lower level $5 STTs as action can be limited - I do not consider this to breach rules. I would like to think my STT pot limit Omaha Hi/Lo 'level' is at $50 but we'll no doubt eventually see if I can get through transition from $10 - $15 - $30 STTs first. Anyhow, best of luck with system. Look forward to see how you are getting on.

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? 5% of you banroll is an ideal amount, the trouble is when you have a really low bankroll and grind it out on the small stakes table it tends to take such a long time to get your bankroll up higher and you can become really disheartened. Also the level of play on these table is pretty bad and on sites like Prima Poker on the low level buyins you'll encounter some very bad beats and you have to asddapt your play. Good Luck :-)

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Good Luck Danny. I am Doing Something Similar. Recently withdrew 80% of my bankroll. This leaves me with with a few hundred in many different sites An idea I had to improve my game and challenge my self was to play the Following using different accounts. $50 chosen as I will start with the Free $50 given to me by VC poker. STT's $50. Using 10% rule. Cash $50 Using 10% rule, Minimium of $5. Heads Up $50 using 10% rule MTTs $50 Playing Value tournies. The rest will be used to play Satallites and leagues. So far STT's up $18. I will update details on my Blog once it is up and running.

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Definitly focussing on ring tables rather than STT's. Averaging LESS than $1 per game on STT's ($5 buy in) whereas I'm averaging almost $3 per hour on the 5c/10c tables. Thinking of also switching funds to a new site, maybe poker stars, where there are more players and $50 to pick up for joining by playing ring tables anyway. Full update to appear at the end of Jan. Danny

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Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Well here are the results after a month playing poker using 5%. I've not played nearly enough - only 35 hours on the cash tables, but that's partly because I started out on the STT's and changed to the cash tables halfway through the month, whilst occasionally playing the odd STT. I'm happy that I'm more focused and also more relaxed knowing that only a small portion of my bankroll is involved and this in turn has caused me NOT to tilt after losing my buy in during a session. :ok Next month I hope to play twice as many hours on the cash tables...minimum!! :ok I've taken GaF's idea on board of making sure I buy in with the maximum chips so I'm not at an immediate dis-advantage whilst also taking care that I'm not playing with more than 5% of my roll. :ok This means I'll be playing 0.05/0.10 poker for a while until my bankroll hit's $400 and I can afford to buy in with $20.00...:loon Initial deposit $110.00 Ring tables: played 35.08 hours, profit/loss +$97.92 (hourly rate of $2.80) STT's: played 36 games, profit/loss +$36.70 (STT rate of $1.02) Current bankroll = $244.62 Cheers guys :ok

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  • 1 month later...

Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Ever feel like you're carrying a bucket of coins and regularly throwing them in the air only to catch MOST of the coins each time. As time passes by fewer and fewer coins make it into the bucket until slowly you find the whole exercise a complete waste of time, effort, concentration and worst of all ...money? Good luck to the chasing brainless minnions out there who have practically destroyed my confidence forever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: 5% of bankroll - will it work? Read some articles, discussed the game with some fellow poker players, read some books. Started again @ 10c/20c level playing 5% of bank at table but 9seater tables rather than 6 and so far so good... Managed to make $100 and confidence is returning.... I guess we all have these moments where nothing feels right and the poker world is against you, taking a break helped. It's hard to give up so easily.

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