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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

2 - Enterprise class infrastructure. The ability of the data centre to provide multiple infrastructure redundancy (power and cooling) ensuring Mansion systems run 24/7/365 (N + 1).
I just can't begin to tell you how much that makes a mathematician squirm!
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

Was reading this with interest - http://www.sportandtechnology.com/features/0443.html - think we need assurances from Mansion that the problems were not with their sub contractors either!!!
All this really means is that they store their kit on somebodys elses site and potentially are connected to an internet (network) connection.Other than maybe some server management (i.e is it powered on) all the apps I would suspect will be managed remotely. This made me smile "Ireland offers ultra low network latency to Asia and North America " wow ultra low - I'd be interested in seeing what the round trip response time is between Ireland and a place in Asia, I'd put my house on that its not ultra low. This made me smile ( wow twice in one night ) from the suppliers website Traffic routing optimization using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) (see my previous note :-) ) · Load-balancing over multiple networks and consistent performance ( so many networks had to simultaneously fail during this failure !!!! ) · Essential backup in the event that a provider fails ( see above ) · Guaranteed Service Levels for mission critical applications and users ( and again) Think your being told a few white lies !!!
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES)

All this really means is that they store their kit on somebodys elses site and potentially are connected to an internet (network) connection.Other than maybe some server management (i.e is it powered on) all the apps I would suspect will be managed remotely. This made me smile "Ireland offers ultra low network latency to Asia and North America " wow ultra low - I'd be interested in seeing what the round trip response time is between Ireland and a place in Asia, I'd put my house on that its not ultra low. This made me smile ( wow twice in one night ) from the suppliers website Traffic routing optimization using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) (see my previous note :-) ) · Load-balancing over multiple networks and consistent performance ( so many networks had to simultaneously fail during this failure !!!! ) · Essential backup in the event that a provider fails ( see above ) · Guaranteed Service Levels for mission critical applications and users ( and again) Think your being told a few white lies !!!
Mike can I have a room next to you in Brum in case I have trouble sleeping :lol
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Mansion Poker Closes to U.S.

Published: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Author: email_news.gifprint_news.gif
Rumors of the possibility had been flying around the internet for a couple weeks and today, Mansion Poker finally confirmed it. The poker room is no longer accepting action from residents of the United States. The following has been posted on MansionPoker.com’s FAQ: “We regret to advise that we are not accepting deposit or gaming and wagering transactions from Members in the United States. However, US Members may continue to access their MANSION account for administrative functions.” Why it took Mansion so long to pull out of the U.S. is unknown, considering the other online poker rooms that ran away did so quite a while ago. Conventional wisdom is that because Mansion runs a sportsbook, the company was a particularly vulnerable target. The only major poker room still open to U.S. customers that is connected to a sportsbook is Bodog. Mansion Poker is best known for its Poker Dome Challenge, which pits online qualifiers against each other live in Las Vegas for an eventual chance at one million dollars.
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Re: Mansion Crash (AND LIES) Ok, just spoke to the Mansion Poker managers for the last 25 minutes. Here is their official response.

Dear Paul,

Firstly, we apologize if you felt that we did not take your enquiry seriously enough.

However, we have conducted further investigations on our side and have concluded once again that the cause of this subset of users being disconnected does not appear to be located at MANSION.

We use a third party global monitoring service consisting of a large number of diversely located monitoring nodes which comprehensively track the availability of each of our services on both networking and application level. This service is used to enhance our members’ experience by ensuring that we constantly remain aware of both localized and global issues impacting our members’ ability to connect to our services.

We have verified detailed reports for the time of the disconnects, and see no indication of any issues. The Poker site and application enjoyed 100% availability, and were seeing impressive performance statistics for that typically quiet time of the European morning.

Moreover, application logs have also been studied to confirm this from our perspective and, to remind you, the tournament went uninterrupted and was concluded successfully.

Like members of all gaming companies, ours are vulnerable to so-called “Internet weather” as well as localized problems in their country of origin. For example, ISPs a, b, and c, may each have had 2 MANSION customers traversing their network to connect to our application at the given date and time. If ISPs a, b, and c were all located in the same country, it is quite feasible that all rely on the infrastructure of the national incumbent telecommunications provider. This can very easily result in users of different ISPs, whether in the same region, or on a national level, to be disconnected. As they were all using MANSION at that time, it is all to easy for them to conclude the root cause to be located on our side.

Kind Regards
Now, I know that's not what you guys involved maybe wanted to hear, but I do believe Mansion have dug and dug into the problem and all their reports say that it wasn't their end. Who's fault was it? I don't know is the answer and the technical guys on here could be arguing all day with the Mansion tech team. One thing I will say is, Mansion are in my opinion a very credible company and unlike so many other poker companies PL'ers have come across, if they were at fault, I am certain they would admit liability, but what do you do, when your tech team is pulling report after report saying "Mansion was fine." PL has a great relationship with Mansion, but that did not stop me pressing them quite hard on the phone, but everything they said made sense. I said why not just settle the problem, but they replied "If we do that, we admit liability and whilst we would admit it, if it was our problem (they have in previous cases I'm told), our tech experts said that it definitely wasn't our problem." If Mansion were playing games, I don't believe all the affected players would have even got their $100 back, but they did. So, I'm disappointed this has happened in the first place, but I'm satisfied that Mansion have looked into the problem and that they weren't at fault, as I don't believe they would lie to me over a small amount of money that they could easily afford to hand out, but in doing so, would mean if the situation happened again, they would have to do it again, if at fault or not. So, everyone has their $100 back and let's get back to taking advantage of the big value in the 100k events, which are set to continue into February I am told.
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Re: Mansion Crash

Pokerroom don't seem to give a fcuk mate' date=' infuriating. :(:([/quote'] yes I did seem to gather that last November :( as I said I dont really care just wanted to make people aware of what they are like :@:@
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Re: Mansion Crash

So you wasted a week - and fell for their bulls*it - nice one boss haha
That's uncalled for. Whatever the outcome of this particular case, Paul has a great record of getting bookies/poker sites to pay up in disputes with PL members. Nobody's going to have a 100% record, and maybe you should be praising him for putting in the effort rather than mocking him for wasting his time.
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Re: Mansion Crash

That's uncalled for. Whatever the outcome of this particular case, Paul has a great record of getting bookies/poker sites to pay up in disputes with PL members. Nobody's going to have a 100% record, and maybe you should be praising him for putting in the effort rather than mocking him for wasting his time.
Point well made:ok . However, I do feel a sense of frustration that a company the size of Mansion were not able to offer Joe, GaF, and the other disconnected parties some level of goodwill gesture. By doing so does not necessarily imply an admission of guilt. It would merely point out that whatever occured was certainly of no fault of the affected players.The company would just be seen as being benevolent, and acting in the spirit of fair play.
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Re: Mansion Crash There is NOONE I would rather have represent my interests in a case like this than Paul :ok And there is NOONE I believe who would get better results than Paul :ok Thank you very much for your efforts Paul, I do appreciate it :ok Will add my comments on Mansion in a bit :ok

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Re: Mansion Crash

There is NOONE I would rather have represent my interests in a case like this than Paul :ok And there is NOONE I believe who would get better results than Paul :ok Thank you very much for your efforts Paul, I do appreciate it :ok Will add my comments on Mansion in a bit :ok
WELL SAID>>:clap :clap :clap In Total Agreement.:ok
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