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Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December


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Re: Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December damoPL and sharpe1ne is feralbeast (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) who has just had my chips - his FH beating my flush (and I thought i was being clecer by just calling his 'obvious' steal attempts flop, turn and river....) NH matey Damo gutted as I was about 3rd or 4th at the time

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Re: Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December

damoPL and sharpe1ne is feralbeast (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) who has just had my chips - his FH beating my flush (and I thought i was being clecer by just calling his 'obvious' steal attempts flop, turn and river....) NH matey Damo gutted as I was about 3rd or 4th at the time
Lol the only hands i think i really won was when i was dominated might get to like this site. Yep FeralBeast is me.
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Re: Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December

damoPL and sharpe1ne is feralbeast (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) who has just had my chips - his FH beating my flush (and I thought i was being clecer by just calling his 'obvious' steal attempts flop, turn and river....) NH matey Damo gutted as I was about 3rd or 4th at the time
his kj beat my a k to knock me out in 8th he raised in the button to 3k Ireraised all in to 8.5 k but he called im pokerfen by the way
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Re: Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December

If anyone in white is PL please let me know' date=' I wasn't sure who you were. [/quote'] Sorry, never thought about all the names being different. :$ You might need to change all of the user names on the tab. Glad you offered to do this one instead of Boss. :tongue2 Well played everyone - looks like we've taken over this one! :nana
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Re: Paradise Poker (SO) Champions League December

Hey guys.Just reg to keep up to speed with things. Im martydoc and my bro is bennydoc69. Hes registered too so he should be about sometime soon
:welcome to PL guys, makes the table look better now from a PL point of view. :clap :clap :clap
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