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**Titan Freeroll and League Series**


**Titan Freeroll and League Series**  

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

It appears that Titan have forced all gatecrashers to sit out. Well done GaF' date=' and anyone else involved in sorting that out.[/quote'] Good news :ok Though surprised - they told me they couldn't do anything - I still forwarded them details though in the hope they would deal with it after the event......
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

Happyhornet...''The reasoning being, I was always told unless I have something to say, say nothing at all!'' Hell no...the forum would be empty if we all did that! If you post on every subject, you'll eventually find somebody will respond to one of your posts and that makes it all worth while.:ok
You are, of course, right. Trying to think of something witty to say on the spur of the moment can sometimes be a problem!!;) You may have opened the floodgates, and I will now post on almost any subject!!:rollin
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

If the password is being sent out by pm then how are these people getting it? If they are being passed on by plers then I think that its time they were plers no more:@ Or is that too harsh?
There is absolutely no question - any PL'r caught passing on PL passwords to "the masses" will get an instant and permanent ban......
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

f the password is being sent out by pm then how are these people getting it? If they are being passed on by plers then I think that its time they were plers no more:@ Or is that too harsh?
whoam01 the non-PLer of my table said that he are in exchange with other guys for pw´s .. But he didn´t say who gave him our pw... :$
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

Wierd way to get knocked out! Went all in with pocket Q's against Clouds AT, he hit trip aces and left me with 10 chips on small blind. The BB was gazza who was sitting out, everyone folded, the cards were turned over and I was knocked out by a sit out. :loon
Sorry mate :$ :$ :$ :$ Was really looking forward to this game after last nights partypoker :wall and was due to finish work at 7 so home for about 7.45 :) 6.30 get a call and end up having to nick some little scroat for ABH and only just walked through the door :@ :@ :@ :@ really sorry mate :\
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** Can I lodge an official complaint... Jaded raised 6000 chips and that pushed me all in. My KK made his 78 (yes, seven eight!!!!) look pretty sick. But then of course, this being poker... 3 10 5.....4.....yes, you guessed it.....6 !!!!!! Great game, can't wait for the rest now.:)

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