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what to do when....


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You continue to get bad beats again and again and again, when your losing every sodding coin flip you get involved in, and when you lose AA to 23 on the river, A10 to A9 and get continuous runner runner's against you?? im seriously thinking of calling it a day with Online Poker - yeah i know people are gonna say more hands are played, bla bla bla but the standard of online players is quite frankly disgusting. I could tell of numerous hands where some dickhead has called an all-in with joker hands and caught it - before yeah fair enough i could take it now and again i knew id win in the long run.. but guess what? i aint winning in the long run cause i continue to get these silly little ****ers playing me... classic example is i start a heads up, this guy does one thing, and one thing only every hand - goes all-in so i wait, and wait, and wait 73 79 54 63 crap hands as usual, and i finally get something worthy AA - he has 22, and there it comes on the river - $20 down the drain because some dickhead is on tilt. next situation i got A10 i raise 3x BB and get a flop of AAJ - i bet 300, some idiot goes all in with 55, and gets 5 turn, 5 river what the hell so what im saying is - do i give up?? im playing the right moves maybe i just dont have the temper for these clowns, or do i continue to play? or the other 2 options are only play Live (where the standard is better) and/or have a break from Online poker (have been playing alot recently) thanks guys

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Re: what to do when.... It's tough, and I think it's something most players go through. I know a few people on here (myself included)who've been through phases where they felt like they couldn't win a hand for love nor money. I have to say though, in my experience and that of others I've spoken to about it the best place to start is by examining your own play. If you are getting hit by a lot of bad beats then you are doing something wrong. Maybe a good place to start would be your sig, but best of luck whatever you decide:ok

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Re: what to do when.... I went through one of these runs a couple of weeks ago, it's tough. Take a few days off and then start playing slowly. start back with only 1 STT a day, and concentrate on it. I found I was playing 5+ STT's a day I went on a storming good run, hitting cards from everywhere 70% itm, then it turned stone cold, without warning. 20 games without a ITM place, took a few days off and came back slowly, paying attention to the fundamentals, made a big effort to put my oponents on cards, worked for me

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Re: what to do when.... Ok, i think i'll have a break for abit then I do think im playing too much, end up spending most of the day on the computer most nights playing Poker - on average how many games do you all play?? and what type? like for example do you play 3xSNG's and then leave it no matter win/lose or play until you lose one game and then leave it? I've always thought i should get a system in my head in which i play a certain amount of games (whether it be SNG, MTT or STT) and then turn off the computer - does anyone do this?

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Re: what to do when.... I find im best at Short-handed sit n go's, thats good really cause ive finally found where im best playing - so maybe i should just come home from work and play 2 short handed sng's and then leave it? thing is i find it hard not to turn to the heads up after, if i dont make atleast the top 2 on both (or if i get another bad beat) and i end up being very wreckless and bluffing way too much. comes from being too much of a gambler, and not enough experience of a poker player!

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Re: what to do when.... I've been having a Bad Beat too, transfered all the poker-money to my gambling account and ain't touching poker for a while now :p Simply get this irritated feeling that starts in my stomach like a little ball when I get bad beated 3-4 games in a row :| Like having AQs and losing to A8o in an all-in or having somebody at 80 while your on 1920 and they just keep on going allin and you only calling when you have the hands for it and the come on top anyway... Gotta hate it, my nerves can't take it :p Will get back to poker when I feel like playing again :)

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Re: what to do when....

or having somebody at 80 while your on 1920 and they just keep on going allin and you only calling when you have the hands for it and the come on top anyway
lol, i can so relate to that it's scary
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Re: what to do when....

so maybe i should just come home from work and play 2 short handed sng's and then leave it?
I do exactly this most nights, come home from work, have dinner, feed / play with / bath the baby, pop him to bed around 7:00pm. Sit on the sofa and use the wireless laptop and play 2 five player stt's, with the PL open in the background. Win or lose that's me and from 8:00pm onwards I spend time with the wife. Weekends are pretty much the same, except I'll get an hour of poker in after lunch (during baby's afternoon nap), if we're at home. All up this is about 10 hours a week of poker, and is a decent balance to my home life.
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Re: what to do when.... I think everyone goes through it mate. At the moment i`m playing loads but normally I play from about 7 until i get bored which is anytime just after midnight. I play one freeroll and three torneys, depending on the stake and prize. But i have only just come back from a two week break, (although did play two torneys whilst away!!!!! sad or what). But i agree with what most people are saying about taking a break, yesterday and today i have played a lot better, although I play better when only playing one game at a time, although most evenings they seem to overlap and i concentrate on the one with the best prize. Take it from me mate, two weeks away will refresh the batteries and you`ll be picking off all the fish and the bad beats will soon turn the tables. Chin up mate ;)

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Re: what to do when.... I know the feeling fader....there does seem to be a lot of jokers out there at whatever level,whatever type of game....bad beats are part of the game....but does hurt when you seem to have a lot of them happen against you....can not count the amount of times I have had AA KK QQ beaten by funky cards it hurts for a while...well a long time ...then back to work....feel time out is always best and the neighbours agree lol. Keep your chin up you will get them back !!!!

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Re: what to do when.... I can sympathise mate. Had a very bad run lately - played about 15 STT over 2 days and bubbled most of them. Entered a cheap MTT to try to steady myself and went out before the 3rd level. last hand had 77 KT7 on flop went allin and the guy that had been rivering me all night called. He had T7 River was T. You need to want to play poker because then you want to win and actively go after the win. Don't let the buggers grind you down. Have a break and come back eager. I'm going to take a break and try some of the higher value tables to see if there are less muppets. (i should be the only muppet at the table) good luck :ok

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Re: what to do when.... All the way through July I was working from home, so every morning I would play 3-4 45 man SNGs. Poker is about long term results, so I knew that even if I lost them all, it didn't matter, because over the course of the month I would cash enough times to make it profitable. And I did. Against muppets that play terribly, just stick to standard TAG poker and you'll come out on top.. eventually. Once you can move up limits, you'll still find donkeys, but there will be slightly fewer, and they'll be slightly less donkish. We all have bad runs though, it's just part of the game. I had a stinker of a hand yesterday - I raise an early position limper 5xBB and he calls so we're heads up on the flop, and I have position. Flop was J99. He quickly checks. This normally means - "I've missed", or "I'm drawing and hoping to do it cheaply with some rubbish like KQ". So I shove for about twice the pot (seeing as low limit planks will call almost anything else). He calls and shows J9. These things happen... and they happen to us all. Chin up :)

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