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Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Burnley Joe

Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament  

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Me vs Les tomorrow at 8:30 or so - best of luck Les :ok
Gl both, for the winner please message me when you can play, I am away from wednesday this week till thursday the week after. Hopefully get in before I go. thanks
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

I am away from wednesday this week till thursday the week after. Hopefully get in before I go.
Please keep updates for when you play here :ok If you win Rosco, I'll try and be available to play our Semi straight after your Quarter-F (if that works for you)
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament One lucky straight after pushing AQ far too hard on a KT flop, and I took a big lead - Les played well but it's always hard to beat a lucky muppet like me! You around Rosco? Will be available for the next couple of hours, or tomorrow from 8 o'clock-ish.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

J u wanna play Heads up after Gazza and hodgy? EDIT - J Would prefer to play tonight after gazza
Guys I just logged in half hour early in case Hodgey was early, If you wanna play now I will unregister :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

I'll be there in about 5 mins gazza. I just have to see if I can get a glimpse of the Reading Kangaroo's on Sky at halftime as my mate is dressed up as one! :lol
thanks gazza hodgy table free now gg Jaded. :ok Rosco through Gaf, let me know when your free
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

End of the road for me :cry Vgg Rosco, had me on the ropes for a long time and I made a mini-comeback, but never felt I could get back into it - best of luck against GaF.
thanks J. Gaf can you give me 15 mins? is there 2 table cos I think gazza and hodgy need to play
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Gaf can you give me 15 mins? is there 2 table cos I think gazza and hodgy need to play
No probs - give me a shout when you're ready :ok Tables aren't a problem - there's always an empty table - as soon as one starts, another is created :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Well played Hodgey :clap :clap :clap I was pretty much behind all the time, good game, enjoyed that. GL in next round :ok
Thanks a lot mate. It was tooing and frowing for the first 20 minutes and then I got 2 hands in a row to get a lead. Cheers mate, good game, enjoyed it too. :)
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament Congratulations to the semi-finalists! :clap GaF? v rosco and Hodgey v robilaruk. Since the prize money for 3rd and 4th is different, I imagine there's got to be a 3rd place playoff? If you could each PM me to let me know how to pay your prize money (I think I can manage most methods that don't involve carrier pigeons), then I'll deal with it as soon as the places are all decided.

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