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Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Burnley Joe

Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament  

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament yes you are right - you played you rag hands well and nearly suckered me with your trips aces after the min raise PF :$ what kept me in the game was the Q10 bluff when I got you to lay down TPTK otherwise I would have been struglling on about 1500 in chips or so after I bluff bet the turn for 900? (800?) I put you on an Ace in that last hand on the flop after you raised me, probably with a diamond kicker (AQ AJ A10 etc), and after the raise again on the turn I knew I was in trouble, because you are not raising twice with only an Ace on that board, especially a small raise which you knew I would call given the pot size when the King came I thought that was it, no more chips for me - however I was pleasantly pleased when you raised me, and at that point I did think you might have had AA again and realise how lucky I had been to the hit the King and outdraw you! very tough game - you played at me extremely well and picked off a lot of my flop bluff bets very well to steadily build your stack to 6K vs 4K on level 1- I guess in hindsight the 10 10 2 2 x FH should have made you more cash (your 10 vs my 2) but hey I got away with that (phew) Good game and once again, apologies for turning up 30 mins late or so and many thanks for being a good sport Cheers Damo :cheers ps not looking forward to it! LOL as I said I just play like JJ, he is a great mentor ;) pps yes most definately calling that flop with trips (99% sure) - would be a real think about though I must admit

Well, I was looking forward to and not looking forward to this match in equal measue tbh. I expected a tough game and got one, and as Damo will testify got my most success playing rag hands strongly. However, slow-playing the near-nut flush isn't always the best idea. For the record Damo, as I know you'll be interested I didn't put you on KK (who would? lol), but I thought you had the Q that could beat me on a 4 card flush, which is why I was walking the line between getting paid and avoding the flush. Although I think had I pushed on that flop you would have had to have called, so I'll file it under 'thats poker'. :lol kkkknp7.jpg Anyway, thanks for the game and good luck in the next round. :ok :ok :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament Me and theCloud played our game this evening - with a good portion of the luck I won. We got to first break virtually even and the decisive hand I think was when I went all in (behind 3300 to 6700) holding 8x on a flop of QJ8 - cloud had a J and I thought I was doomed but river was an 8. Last hand was me going versus his all in with 34o with A3 - 4 and 5 on the flop (I think) but the turn was a 2 to give me the run. Well played cloud :clap :clap - that was a bit of a marathon...... that could have gone either way

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Hey Rosco... Time now in DK... 11.48 am.. Am out tonight but can play anytime during this afternoon :ok
Cant Pene at work. Will look out for you on msn then will arrange it. we need to play this weekend cos I am off on Holiday next week.
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Yep, Well played GaF and good luck in next round! :ok When I went into Betfred I dicovered I was still playing Guesswest from 2 days ago - polished him off in 2 minutes but at 48 hours long, surely that has to be called an epic battle? :lol TQM
Congrats lol. Sorry about hogging the table I didn't realise anyone was trying to use it til I saw this thread just now.
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament cheers i was on the ropes for ages, Phil just outplayed me, and when i got deperate I got something worth playing, like my 77 vs KQ that I remember most as it kept me in the game and doubled me up back to starting stacks or so, which i then blew with Ace Rag vs Ak on a Ace flop...... and then had to scrape myself back into the game with Phil having 8K to my 2K cannot fault Phils play AT ALL - bloody marvelous, had no idea at any time what he had, i just got lucky when ALL IN a couple of times Damo

Well done Damo - first semi finalist :ok :clap :clap
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