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I Had The Balls, But He Had The Nuts...


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:D Fancied a shortish game tonight, and so I regged for the $6 Wsop daily on Sp.Odds, and went out in the hand below;

Hand #297725878 at table: WSOP Daily Started: Sat May 13 23:46:02 2006 Higgs23pl is at seat 1 with 1360.00 lapinkulta is at seat 2 with 2760.00 alcafluent is at seat 3 with 3275.00 jobe666 is at seat 5 with 930.00 bigm2261 is at seat 7 with 1410.00 Rokkjær is at seat 8 with 1530.00 johanchung is at seat 9 with 1420.00 Taucher is at seat 10 with 3855.00 Rokkjær posts the large blind 30.00 bigm2261 posts the small blind 15.00 bigm2261: --, -- Rokkjær: --, -- johanchung: --, -- Taucher: --, -- Higgs23pl: Jh, Qs lapinkulta: --, -- alcafluent: --, -- jobe666: --, -- Pre-flop: johanchung: Fold Taucher: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 30.00 lapinkulta: Fold alcafluent: Fold jobe666: Fold bigm2261: Raise 60.00 Rokkjær: Call 60.00 Higgs23pl: Call 60.00 Flop (Board: 9s, Jd, Qd): bigm2261: Bet 90.00 Rokkjær: Call 90.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 420.00 bigm2261: Raise 750.00 Rokkjær: Fold Higgs23pl: All in bigm2261: Call 1300.00 Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: Jh, Qs (two pair, Queens and Jacks) bigm2261 shows: Kh, 10d (straight to the King) Turn (Board: 9s, Jd, Qd, 3c): River (Board: 9s, Jd, Qd, 3c, As): Mainpot: bigm2261 wins the pot of 2870 with ace high straight (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
The point of this, apart from highlighting some poor play on my part which suggested I didn't really fancy a game after all ( :$ ) is to ask how much should you fear 'the nuts'? You see, when I saw the flop it was as good as I could have asked for, with just 2 other players and the kind of flop that could have had something for everyone. Believe it or not I was thinking, and I had the villain on a medium pair, or an Ace with medium kicker - maybe even a J or Q (:hope it was even AA!). When he bet into it I was sold, and so I re-raised. When he re-re-raised the only hand I could possibly fear was trips or K 10 (although 10 8 was a possibility). I know I know that good sense says lay the hand down, but what if...he was drawing to a flush, or the straight? A couple of days ago in the 1st hand of an STT I was dealt QQ. I was in late position and put in a healthy raise (10xBB) to get rid of the limpers, and I had one caller. Flop A, A, 10. I bet another 200, he came over the top of me, and I folded (agonisingly). He didn't show, and later plays lead me to believe he was either drawing, or he had paired his 10. So, do you play scared (or safe) or should you gamble when you hit like I did (remember I was ahead of most hands on the flop)? Does fear of the nuts paralyse your ability to play, and cause you to possibly lay down the best hand, just because your knowledge tells you the possible combinations of hands that could beat you? Please don't criticise my obviously bad play here, its just being used to help me get a question across, and I look forward to your views.:D
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Re: I Had The Balls, But He Had The Nuts... i cant see the bad play, only 3 hands(that anyone would raise with) beats you. top 2 pair, even considering a flopped set, is a tough tough laydown. from my own perspective, i wouldnt have got off that hand. 50/50 inital call, but once its hit, i'm in. but then, i probably dont do as well in multi's as you

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Re: I Had The Balls, But He Had The Nuts... with the cards that come down on the flop i think i would have been a bit less aggressive with 2 callers in front of me ,anybody thats hit on the flop becomes a danger with a lot of possible draws out there ,and with only the 6th best hand on the flop. with the flush draw on the board anybody with trips or a straight is likely to bet into you (maybe a bit stronger than that tho)but chances are you would have ended up in the same position at the end of the hand anyway as neither turn or river would have looked like it helped them out . i probably would have flat called on flop but lost my chips on the turn or river dependant on how he played the rest of the hand out .

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