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Female Poker Alias


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Re: Female Poker Alias

It is like that every year .... not very recommendable .... :sad
When we were walking into the city centre from our hotel we were laughing at all the people wearing safety goggles and wondering why on earth they had them on...... at 1 minutes past midnight on the new Millenium we certainly found out why. It was like being trapped in a chinese firework factory which was on fire which also had a bad safety record. I was quite surprised to see the Danes act like Brits and they were still sweeping up glass at lunchtime the next day, still had a great time in Denmark though.
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Re: Female Poker Alias

I was quite surprised to see the Danes act like Brits and they were still sweeping up glass at lunchtime the next day' date=' still had a great time in Denmark though.[/quote'] We only act like Brits when we are completely wasted ... is that what you are saying ???? :clap:clap :cheers
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Re: Female Poker Alias

he he, you ALWAYS act like a drunk Brit... :lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol :rollin Only...NEVER try to beat him at Trivial Pursuit... he is GOOOOD, even when he's wasted...
I might even take that as compliment .... or something .... :beer Especially the TP part ;o)))))
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