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Live Poker Virgin


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Hi Lads/Lasses, Joined a local poker society, and have my first live game tonight. I'm very experienced online - but have only ever played live with non poker-playing friends for fun. Any quick one-line bits of advice to give me for my first tournament (£20 freezeout).

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Re: Live Poker Virgin Play your cards, but if you can sit and watch as much as possible for the first couple of rounds, you will get a clearer idea of the game, button movements, bets. you will also see how people play and will be seen as a tight player, so when you start playing people will think u have a hand. Oh and most of all Enjoy it.

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Re: Live Poker Virgin Big sunglasses, a loud hawiian shirt and yell 'goddam' after every hand :tongue2 Don't be intimidated, there'll be a lot of people who play there regular and talk a good game, it doesn't mean they're any good, they may only play once a week. Good luck:nana :nana :nana

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Re: Live Poker Virgin

  • Learn to shuffle and deal. If you can't shuffle just spread the cards out on the table
  • When you are raising say "Raise to ...." especially if you are just sticking 1 chip in the middle.
  • Do not be intimidated, most live players are useless.
  • Watch everyone closely and THEN look at your cards
  • Chat to people, have a laugh and enjoy yourself.

Good Luck :ok

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Re: Live Poker Virgin The most important thing: ENJOY YOURSELF:nana Have some banter, but try to ignore the yappy guy. (one at every table) :wall Don't get talked into things, play your way:unsure And finally before you leave the house, pray to the poker gods for good cards:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Ohh yeah, if you get hit with a bad beat, remember unlike online, the people will see you cry :cry Good luck :hope

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Re: Live Poker Virgin also dont do what i done at my first tourney. i was all in and dealing an i accidently set the deck down on top of my cards :wall:wall:wall:wall. what made it worse i would have won the hand:@. but it didnt stop me going down and trying again the next week. thanks to lemonjon for reminding me of it:spank:spank:spank:spank

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Re: Live Poker Virgin Good luck Cloud, I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to play live, don't know why I'm entering things that take u to Vegas as I'd make such a tool of myself I know. Have only ever been in one casino before and lost all my money on two turns of the roullette wheel, black jack looked way too hard and the very idea of a game of poker never even entered my head.:loon Can't wait to hear how you get on.

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Re: Live Poker Virgin

Good luck Cloud, I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to play live, don't know why I'm entering things that take u to Vegas as I'd make such a tool of myself I know. Have only ever been in one casino before and lost all my money on two turns of the roullette wheel, black jack looked way too hard and the very idea of a game of poker never even entered my head.:loon Can't wait to hear how you get on.
good luck cloud my advice has all been said. Dan Dan im a bit like you m8, best way to start is to go to one of the PL poker nights great laugh as we know each other not too intimadating , and gives you good idea of how to play:ok
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Re: Live Poker Virgin

good luck cloud my advice has all been said. Dan Dan im a bit like you m8, best way to start is to go to one of the PL poker nights great laugh as we know each other not too intimadating , and gives you good idea of how to play:ok
Will do some time soon, looks like a fun night to be had.
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Re: Live Poker Virgin good luck cloud have a good time and dont worry about mess ups ,theres usually at least one a game in live play, even in a game with regular live players. the only things to worry about are stuff the computer does for you. the size of bets counting out properly and makeing sure you raise at least x2 original. string bets where you effectively call by putting the chips to flat call then announce raise seconds later. burning cards on the deal ,1pre flop ,1 pre turn ,1pre river. this one got me once, i forgot to burn before the river (which someone luckily noticed )in the final hand in my local tourney,i was dealing for the two guys heads up both pretty even and both all in pre flop one ak one on qqs.the guy with qs tripped on the flop and thought he'd won till someone said about the missed burn ,the correct river gave the guy with ak a straight .mr qs wasnt happy but ive seen similar stuff every week and you usually find everyones pretty good about stuff like that especially in a £20 freeze. i wouldnt worry to much about reads etc but a good way to help you along is to watch as much of the other peoples play as possible ,dont turn off because your not in a hand . enjoy it and hopefully get in the money:ok

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Re: Live Poker Virgin

Cheers for the good luck messages. I'm leaving in a minute - got a few last minute nerves:unsure :unsure . Hopefully I won't be reporting back too early.
Don't be afraid to ask the dealer, and make sure you announce "raise" BEFORE your chips go over the line.:ok DAN DAN - Please, take my advice, get to your local casino on the cheapest poker night (say £10 rebuy) - take 2x the buy-in (in case of bad beats) and play it like a freeze out. I promise you once you look down and see QQ or KK you while think there has been an earth-quake you're trembling so much, BUT once you win your first hand you will start to relas and enjoy it. I still don't think Mrs V. and I would have gone to our casino were it not for the fact that she had that Betfair tourney, but I can honestly say I love playing live. Take the plunge!! I promise you will love it. :ok
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Re: Live Poker Virgin Well I've survived my first live tournie. Took me a few hands to get used to the play, and what people were playing with. Started out with 31 players and 2000 chips apiece, and half an hour in, I'm down to around 1600 - not really seeing a card. Then it starts to improve - I win a couple of medium pots and at the first break there's around 23 left and I'm up to around 2500. The next session things improve again, got involved in a couple of uncalled all-ins and at the end of it I'm up to around 4500 and there's around 15 left - just above average. That's when the drought started - couldn't play a hand for what seemed like ages - all-ins all over the place. Stayed in with my diminishing stack, and limped onto the final table of 9. Two hands in and I'm the big blind, and without even looking at my cards I've got to go all-in - in a 3 way showdown - I turn over 2 9 and that's me gone. No money but some bonus points for the final table (top 6 paid). Thoroughly enjoyed the night - and it definately will not be my last venture into live poker - already signed up for the next one in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the advice guys and girls - some of it really did come in useful.

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