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Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up


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This e-mail just in from Poker.co.uk. The tourney is similar to Dollar Up but with only $200.00 added.

SATURDAY 4TH MARCH Registration Opens: 22:00GMT (17:00EST) Tournament Starts: 00:00GMT (19:00EST) (Saturday at Midnight) Buy-In: $1+$0.10 Plus: $200 Added to the Prizepool!
SUNDAY 5TH MARCH Registration Opens: 17:00GMT (12:00EST) Tournament Starts: 19:00GMT (14:00EST) Buy-In: $1+$0.10 Plus: $200 Added to the Prizepool!
--------------- STOP PRESS !! ------------- To help you on your way, we'll double your money! Act now and get on your first deposit!
Terms and Conditions: This offer is available from 12:00GMT on 3rd March 2006 – 23:59GMT on 6th March 2006 for all players who have never deposited before. Players will receive 100% up to $200 on their first deposit when depositing via credit/debit card or any direct transfers with Webdollar. This offer is not subject to deposits made manually through the Poker.co.uk Support Team. The bonus will be placed into the player’s bonus account and released at a rate of $1 for every $2 raked. The bonus account will expire at 23:59GMT on the 31st September 2006. Players are still entitled to receive the new player’s $100 bonus on top of this first time deposit bonus promotion.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

just got the very same thing right now.... Interesting sign up bonus too in the T & C's
Same thing crossed my mind. I take it the new player $100.00 bonus is the same as SO's? Add to that the other bonus that's released at $1 for every $2 of rake then it looks quite attractive. :ok
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Worth noting as well, they have a list of "banned" countries, and Hungary is on the list :ok (as is the UK).... Of course Hungarian players on other Boss Sites will still be seen at the table, but poker.co.uk exclusive events should have no Hungarians :ok

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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up just a quick question - as an affiliate how much do we get for me signing up through the banner? is it a one off or is it based on cash wagered/rake taken - just interested And where does the money go? is this what pays for the racing days out and stuff? (just want to make sure I get my fair share of the spoils! LOL) Damo :cheers pm is fine :)

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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

just a quick question - as an affiliate how much do we get for me signing up through the banner? is it a one off or is it based on cash wagered/rake taken - just interested And where does the money go? is this what pays for the racing days out and stuff? (just want to make sure I get my fair share of the spoils! LOL) Damo :cheers pm is fine :)
Been there, asked the question, got the answer, and the t-shirt, and the slap in the face! In other words, don't ask, just reg. Mind you, GaF will probably be nice to you.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Brill could you make mine a large tee please, as I am broad shouldered. One assumes that it has the PL logo on it? Damo :cheers

Been there' date=' asked the question, got the answer, and the t-shirt, and the slap in the face! In other words, don't ask, just reg. Mind you, GaF will probably be nice to you.[/quote']
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Hey Pro, it all depends how the question is asked ;)

just a quick question - as an affiliate how much do we get for me signing up through the banner? is it a one off or is it based on cash wagered/rake taken - just interested And where does the money go? is this what pays for the racing days out and stuff? (just want to make sure I get my fair share of the spoils! LOL) Damo :cheers pm is fine :)
Damo ..... I haven't read the details, however from the banner, it looks to be the same as the deal you mentioned ..... i.e. a $100 bonus after x raked hands ... I suspect it is structured the same as the deal you mentioned.... What happens with the income for PL? Well first of all, there are a lot of conditions attached to any bonus for PL - and not as many are generated as you might think ..... for example Pitbull Poker when the Pro asked the question didn't generate anyone who met the conditions to get any income for PL (the last time I checked), despite the huge interest and a fair number of people signing up through the banner. The conditions are no secret and usually freely available on the site if you wish to view it. So what happens to any funds generated? Well it goes into central PL funds which then go to pay for things like Sandown, as well as web hosting fees. As I've said before though - at the moment the Poker forum isn't generating any income for PL ..... when(if!) it is I hope that we will be able to persuade Paul to release some for Poker events (online and offline) - but that's probably a way off yet (seeing how it's going so far!!) Is it a bounty or percentage? It can be either or both and varies from site to site .... again though - the info is usually freely available on the site if you are interested. EDIT Just to add - there is no compulsion on anyone to use PL links ..... you can choose to use the links here, use someoone elses links, or use no links .... if you use PL links then the poker room supports PL, if you use someoone elses links then the poker room supports someoone else, if you use noones links, then the poker room supports noone (but don't give you any extra!!) - the choice is yours ......
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Didn't know whether to put this here or on the Cheating thread. Anyway, was just looking at the poker.co.uk website and found this... If management suspects such an activity, the player(s) accused will be investigated. Players found to have been, or reasonably suspected of cheating in any form, will have their account privileges terminated throughout Boss Media’s casinos indefinitely. Using the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt" to indicate cheating, Poker.co.uk has the right to confiscate any funds won while cheating. Confiscated funds will be distributed to victim players. Boss Media/Poker.co.uk will never keep confiscated funds. I wonder if the $180k (or was it $140k) was distributed amongst the other players? :unsure

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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Ok, just been looking at the banking details. Poker.co.uk uses WebDollar. Had experience of them before, I think it was on Gala Poker... another Boss Media site. Anyway, they deal in dollars. That's not a problem, but what is a problem is that they have one exchange rate for depositing and another one for withdrawing. Can't rememeber the exact rates, but I think I deposited £20, played one hand at a cash table (required to get into a freeroll... which was subsequently cancelled!) and won about $3. When I came to withdraw all that was in there was £20.19. That that is some rip-off! Further, I wrote an email to WebDollar asking them to explain this, and to this day I still haven't had a reply. I know most of the PL'ers like the Boss Media setup, but I personally wouldn't... I'll re-phrase... WON'T deposit to WebDollar. I've already asked the question in another thread, but I don't know if anyone has looked any further into it... what about the iPoker network sites for the new PL home? The likes of Betfred, Playgate, CDPoker, Titan. Ever since I found £1.18 in my playgate account over a week ago, I have been playing $1 6-player turbos there. For such small stakes, most of the games are generally of pretty good quality. And they do have a number of 'guaranteed' tourneys for little cost, i.e. $1, $2, $5 etc. Haven't looked into despositing and withdrawing rules yet, but I'd be grateful if someone else would have a look at the site(s) to see if it would be an alternative.

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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up you have the option to deposit in sterling - that way you do not get charged for the exchange rate - so when you sign up your webdollar account it is sorted I haven't had a problem when I have done it like this Damo

Ok, just been looking at the banking details. Poker.co.uk uses WebDollar. Had experience of them before, I think it was on Gala Poker... another Boss Media site. Anyway, they deal in dollars. That's not a problem, but what is a problem is that they have one exchange rate for depositing and another one for withdrawing. Can't rememeber the exact rates, but I think I deposited £20, played one hand at a cash table (required to get into a freeroll... which was subsequently cancelled!) and won about $3. When I came to withdraw all that was in there was £20.19. That that is some rip-off! Further, I wrote an email to WebDollar asking them to explain this, and to this day I still haven't had a reply.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

That's not a problem' date=' but what is a problem is that they have one exchange rate for depositing and another one for withdrawing. [/quote'] No different really from buying/selling currency anywhere else tbh. Banks, for example, will always buy at one rate and sell at another so that they make some profit to cover the costs and fluctuations of exchange rates. If you bought USD then decided a split second later you didn't want it you would end up losing out. :ok
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up I had fogotten how LOOSE players on the micro tables are on Boss Media am 3 tabling the 5c/10c NL to clear my bonus, have been playing 2 hours and I am $30+ to the good! I am getting a better hourly rate than my usual $10/$20 STT's LOL :rollin Damo EDIT: $35.56c profit in two hours - lovely ;)

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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

you have the option to deposit in sterling - that way you do not get charged for the exchange rate - so when you sign up your webdollar account it is sorted I haven't had a problem when I have done it like this Damo
Will need to look into that. Didn't think I had the option when I did it through Gala Poker. Or do I need to go straight into WebDollar and do it there rather than through the poker room? And, Brael, yes I know banks have different exchange rates for currency. But 1) that's not something I do every day - I could with poker!, and 2) many sites DON'T charge, so I prefer to use those.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up on webdollar - you can deposit in dollars, or deposit in sterling if the site is UK - it is the first choice you get after typing in your address etc and B4 confirming your card details ( I think) It says that this will mean you do not incur charges from your bank for the transaction - and all future transactions are also in sterling - so I depositied £120 odd pounds which came to about $203 dollars and I will withdraw £xxx which equates to $xxx Just a thought Damo

Will need to look into that. Didn't think I had the option when I did it through Gala Poker. Or do I need to go straight into WebDollar and do it there rather than through the poker room? And, Brael, yes I know banks have different exchange rates for currency. But 1) that's not something I do every day - I could with poker!, and 2) many sites DON'T charge, so I prefer to use those.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

on webdollar - you can deposit in dollars' date=' or deposit in sterling [i']if the site is UK - it is the first choice you get after typing in your address etc and B4 confirming your card details ( I think) It says that this will mean you do not incur charges from your bank for the transaction - and all future transactions are also in sterling - so I depositied £120 odd pounds which came to about $203 dollars and I will withdraw £xxx which equates to $xxx Just a thought Damo
Ok, I did it on Gala Poker. I assume that is an english site, but can't be sure. Anyway, I defintiely changed it to £'s and deposited £20... was equivalent to about $33. Played one hand on cash table, won about $3 and then withdrew everything... for a profit of 19p. It's not bank charges, they use a diffeent exchange rate for depositing and withdrawing... it does actually say this when you look further into it. If I hadn't have done it almost immediately and knew that $3 is a damn sight more than 19p, I wouldn't have noiticed. One thing is for sure... I wouldn't want to deposit £100 and then withdraw unless I have made a pretty big profit... which for me in online poker is generally unthinkable. Damo - could you try this for me please... Start the withdrawal process for £120 and see what it equates to in dollars (or $203 and see £'s equivalent). You can then abandon the process.
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Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up [ Damo - could you try this for me please... Start the withdrawal process for £120 and see what it equates to in dollars (or $203 and see £'s equivalent). You can then abandon the process. I made a post on a similar matter a couple of days ago: This week I withdrew $100 from my poker.com sit and go winnings to my Neteller account and received £56.18 which is 1.77 The same day I deposited $50 at another site and Neteller charged £29.27 which is a rate of 1.71. Another thing which I find confusing is that at Blue Square I have won $92. I have never deposited but my account is in Pounds sterling and shows £52.08. My amount available in dollars is now $90.94, I assume the dollar has gone up in value!!! :unsure

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