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Future of Punters Lounge

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Personally as a mod I think all this goings on is pretty shite really and Ollie should be here to sort it out and if he can't be, give the forum away. I think that a decent forum should be able to charge for membership. This prevents spammers coming here an ruining it for the regulars. Currently I think you can purchase 6 months EZ supporter membership for about $7, that's about £4.50, i.e. fcuk all for someone who is serious about this forum. You can then get a little gold button showing that you care. ;) There are too many tight-arsed creatures who expect something for nothing in this world, and football betting advice is no exception. Market dynamics usually dictates that what starts out as free ends up as costed. You then have a choice between visiting a free, but potentially less well organised forum where spam is rife and iinput is of a lower standard or paying a small fee for a service you know you can rely on. :)

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Guest Dave Mardell

Re: Future of Punters Lounge Unfortunatly you cant charge for something that isnt yours. This forum is the property of EZBoard Inc, and frankly anyone can set one up. More over a subscription cost would mean no new members. I wouldnt pay for something I hadnt seen yet. While spamming is annoying, thats what moderators are for! While I admit a ban would be nice for persistant offenders, with Ollie away thats not possible. Therefor I agree on one point - ownership should be shifted

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: Future of Punters Lounge Anyone can set one up complete with pop-ups and adverts. Having a Gold Community costs money which is not met in full by affilitate kick-backs. When Joe talks about paying for the forum I think he means taking ezsupporter accounts. All page impressions by persons using ezsupporter are free and therefore make for a reduced cost for Gold status.

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Re: Future of Punters Lounge Yes, fees in this case go to EZ, although if someone has the know-how to set his own one up, fees would go to him. Regarding no new members, I doubt that some how. maybe no new idiots perhaps. Basically, all posts could be accessed and read by anyone, but you have to be a member to contribute. I really don't think £4.50 is that much, particularly if it also allows you to promote your own website if you have one. I have a real problem with people expecting something for nothing. Perhaps that's because it affects me now directly, but I have always lothed the sponge society we live in and this is just another reflection of it. If I was Jesus I might just consider doing all my hard work for nothing, but I ain't, and of course Jesus never had any children to feed. ;)

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Guest backhander

Re: Future of Punters Lounge

I have a real problem with people expecting something for nothing. Perhaps that's because it affects me now directly, but I have always lothed the sponge society we live in and this is just another reflection of it
My God, Joe! I have been saying this for years with regards to a paid subscription tips website. If memory serves me correctly I was one of the first on this board to set one up and the abuse I got was horrendous! Needless to say I don't have a problem paying for this site - I am already an EZ supporter - brilliant for getting rid of the ads and wouldn't have a problem in paying any further costs to continue accessing this forum. Good luck with your own site, Joe, you provide a great service and should be rewarded for it. You don't owe anyone a free lunch so to speak. With regards to my own site, it is currently being redeveloped, both in content and in betting advice style. It will be back with a vengance in time for next season!
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Guest Dave Mardell

Re: Future of Punters Lounge I also have a problem with people wanting something for nothing, which is why I agree that your own personal site should be managed how you see fit. If that means subscription. I also have a larger problem for the general capatilist greed that is taking over the net. As a user from the old BBS days I remember how things used to be, and it annoys me that the ideal of a communicatins and information super-resource is fast being poluted by comercialism in non-comercial sites. This site is a message board. I newsgroup with pictures if you will. It is not a business. If we loose gold status it makes no odds to me. I have an EzSupporter account. If others have to be abused by adverts....well thats their CHOICE by not getting EZSupporter. As for locking out spammers. Just make all the forums contribuor only. Only need to chuck in a dollar, and then your in. Your average spammer wont bother!

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Guest mad4bets

Re: Future of Punters Lounge I really love this forum and make it a point to look in every day if i'm betting or not. 99% of the lads are great and the banter,info and good discussions are fantastic. I'd have no-problem contributing $$$$ to the cause but some people including myself may have had some light credit problems in the past:o and have no credit/debit cards or chequebook or any other means of getting the money to EZboard. If money is to be charged then maybe ollie can look at alternative methods of payment?? Or better still we can get the proven best punters to donate to the worst;)

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Guest Indigo Imac

Re: Future of Punters Lounge People can buy Ezsupporter on your behalf if you can give them the cash. I post at a few Ezboard so I pay the $12 a year, it means my visits are not a financial burden on the owners of the board as the cost of the board is reflected by how many views (The more visits the more expensive) but people with Ezsupporter don't add costs to the board.

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Re: Future of Punters Lounge Agree that something needs to be done, current situation is not good. I've bought the EzSupporter thing for myself yesterday, becuase I can't stand the pop up's. Doesn't seem to be active yet though. We need to have a situation where if Ollie can't do stuff (is he in the middle east for the war ?), someone else can act on behalf of the board, not advocating that he give the board away, he set it up, it belongs to him. But there should be a delegated second in command, who can deal with things like gold status and banning spammers. There was a campaign last year for Paul Ross to take over the board, duringn a period of extended Ollie absence, but that didn't get off the ground. Not entirely sure about making PL a pay site, although I for one would be happy to pay $20 or so a year for it. The place does seem to be going downhill just know, a lot of boards are free to join, but applications must be vetted by the Mods. The PL is very different from a pay for tips site, it should have a community feel where people are here to contribute and trade ideas, not pay for others information.

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Guest toshibakid

Re: Future of Punters Lounge I would be willing to pay for this service if they took solo card payments,as i dont have a credit card etc,Ezboard aims it's payment menthods too much at american customers IMO,if they ever change i would pay straight away.:)

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Guest WelshGarth

Re: Future of Punters Lounge Hey guys Agree with all the comments, I purchased the ez supporter thing on sat and it still ain't working though. What you could do is restrict access to certain forums for people who have contributed to the community chest, this would mean any new people would still be able to come in and have a look around and upgrade if they like what they see. Need a back-up plan for when Ollie is away as well:(

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: Future of Punters Lounge Just to let you know that Ollie was considering some access changes recently. Opinions were canvassed but no decisions made as yet. The problem with the admin is that there is nothing between moderator and administrator. To give a moderator banning powers means giving him access to all the board admin features, including access to the community chest funds. That is something he is not going to do lightly. Let's not get too upset about Ollie's absence just now, for all we know the poor guy could be ill.

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Guest Ell Ess Dee     0

Re: Future of Punters Lounge Well I got so p1ssed off with the pop-ups (and still am) I thought @#%$ it and purchased 12months which is like Joe said fcuk all.. This were Saturday and it takes 2 business days for payment to go through so hopefully I will be pop-up free by the end of today...

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Re: Future of Punters Lounge Definately a good idea to charge a small fee but will need to expand on way's to pay as I dont own a credit card. The forum is pissing me off now as I really canot stand these pop-ups much longer, cant we send WelshGarth down to Ollies house in Luton to se if he is there.? :\ I talk to a lot of guys on here off line and lot of people are getting pissed off with this place and I cant blame them. I'll stick to the pop-ups now but theres a lot more more that needs sorting as well :(

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Re: Future of Punters Lounge I remember a thread about this just after i joined. Everyone chipped in a few quid and got it paid for. This is the first time I've experienced all these POP ups and they are doing my head in:x If I could get a few pointers as to where to put some money to help the PL let me know.

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: Future of Punters Lounge This time we have adequate funds, it is just that Ollie is the only person who can execute the transaction. If you want to reduce the financial burden on the board then take out an Ezsupporter account, $6 for 6 months $12 for a year. No more pop-ups or adverts on any Ezboard and your page impressions are not chargeable. You also get some other added features which you can read about when signing up.

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: poo Go to your control centre, link at top left PL home page. There should be a link there for ezsupporter. Problem is I have the account so when I go there I don't get the link so I can't describe it in detail.

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Guest MC Roller

Re: poo Am I the only one that doesn't seem to be annoyed with the pop ups, I find that getting rid of the pop ups is a great fitness routine. Britain, right click, close At The Races, right click, close Worldwide Leagues, read Tosh's Italian Argument thread, right click, close. :lol :lol Every single thread, right click, close Lose all my money at the casino, right click, BANG.

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Guest chemicalbrain

Pop up Killer Download the pop up killer lads,it works.If it does'nt work right click on the taskbar icon on your bottom right-it shows as an X-and go to preferences.Enable the aggressive mode.The draw back is it might not let you open any more windows at all while it's enabled but simply toggle it on and off when you are in PL. And as far as Ollie goes,I think he is indeed busy with the armed forces,maybe Komp or slick might have a better idea.So I for one am not concerned by his absence and think he has a very valid excuse.

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