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**December MTT Leg 1**


**December MTT Leg 1**  

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Re: **December MTT Leg 1**

I'm out 127- didn't play the best - wooden spoon here i come :rollin . At least my chips went to a fellow PL'er. Roll on wednesday...
You get 2 "points" for that. Just to clarify - with the new scoring, objective is to maximise score - not minimise like before. I see we've lost George, Jaded, the Cloud and nuts1 as well.
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Re: **December MTT Leg 1** Out in 77th Threw it away on an earlier hand but my final all in pre-flop (645 chips) with pocket red 3's was looking good after four hearts to the turn (one of two opponents holding AA with A4x on the flop, but no hearts anywhere) until a 4 on the river. I hate one card flushes and I hate to see anyone losing with pocket rockets especially with A on flop .......... but all the same ! :rollin

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Re: **December MTT Leg 1** I did somethong naughty.:$ Playing MSaban who raised from 100-500 I was sitting with 77. After some deliberation I called. Flop was something like 9 4 2, and Mike bet another 400, which I called. Turn came as a Q and ms checked, so I saw an opportunity and made a call for 800. I honestly didn't realise until I clicked it would have put ms all in (bar 40). I just wanted to scare him, not bully. When I realised what I did I showed :$ :$. I didn't want ms to think I was completely bluffing. Then I realised this can be seen as 'rubbing your nose in it'. I deserve any bollocking forthcoming. Sorry msaban. :$

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