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Where's Jezza


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Re: Where's Jezza I'm sorry everyone, I didn't want to tell you but I happen to know that Jezza is unavailable at the time being. You may or may not know that as well as poker Jezza is a keen and talented performer. Las Vegas was a busmans holiday because as well as playing poker he had an audition. So can I be the first to congratulate Jezza on getting the lead role in "The Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert"-the musical. :clap This is Jezzas' second leading role following his success in the show based on the music of Britney Spears and The Prodigy, called "Smack My Bitch Up One More Time". Although I'm sure you will all join me in wising Jezza luck in his new role, we (selfishly) look forward to the return of the great man to PL.

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Re: Where's Jezza Umm, never seen any messages from this bloke, so not sure if you're kidding or not V, but best of luck with that Jezza. Just remember that you cross your legs before the spinturn - don't just rely on momentum while trying to keep your balance. And thanks for emailing those pix of Pocket Lady. Knew you wouldn't let us down :ok Hopefully see you on a final table somewhere soon.

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Re: Where's Jezza






The Adventures of Priscilla

Sheffield Octagon


SAT, 15/10/2005

sold out

The Adventures of Priscilla



SUN, 16/10/2005

sold out

The Adventures of Priscilla



MON, 17/10/2005

sold out

The Adventures of Priscilla

Southampton Guildhall


WED, 19/10/2005

sold out

The Adventures of Priscilla

Leas Cliff Hall


THU, 20/10/2005

sold out

The Adventures of Priscilla

Norwich U.E.A.


FRI, 21/10/2005

sold out

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Re: Where's Jezza Yeah a crap one. Truth is I think we're all hoping Jezza pops back soon, but Run DMC said; " I had this dreadful image of a load of heavies following him back from the States after he relieved them of their bankrolls". And I just started thinking wouldn't it be a laugh if was doing something 'unusual', and instead of thousands of posts saying where are you Jezza, it'd be kinda fun and daft to put him in silly scenarios. I know I miss him, and hope all is ok with him, but in the meantime - weell it was either this or as a contestant on X-Factor. It must be that medicine spreadman sent to me. :$ Sorry guys. :unsure

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Re: Where's Jezza Sorry to hear you are no longer "Modding" Jez. I always thought it was too good to be true - all those well written and informative pieces for free were never going to last forever. Thanks for all those and also thanks for making this such a positive place - so many other forums are full of "online poker is fixed" and "can you believe this muppet called me with this" type of threads but they rarely surface here. The bragging thread is excellent and encourages positive thinking. clap.gif Best of luck in whatever you are doing and hope you can pop in to say hello sometime. bigokay.gif Now where do I go to book tickets to this musical....

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Re: Where's Jezza Well said CJB.:clap :$ I am rather embarressed at never saying "thank you" to Jezza. When I first joined I read almost every post on poker novice questions, and the bragging thread, and was (and am) in awe of Jezzas' ability, knowledge and exploits. When you take into account the time he took and patience he showed to help 'lesser' players he deserves thanks for such a lot. When you read this Jezza, take pride in what you have done here, and know that your will always be associated with good poker play. I wish you well mate, thank you for your good wishes, and look forward to seeing you around, because I owe you a :beer Thanks Jezza. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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