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My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

Sir Puntalot

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Not sure if I should do this or not, but I'm sure Jezza will tell me to fcukoff if he thinks its pointless. :lol I am very much a beginner player and got hooked on the game whilst playing it in Gibraltar a couple of weeks ago. The point to this thread ? It will be a kind of diary where I will list comments about my play, where I am in learning the game, as I bought a book recently etc... Ok.......... May 31st - 6.45pm Started reading Ken Warren's Texas Hold 'Em book for the first time since I bought it a week ago. 414 pages to read, but I'll see how far I can get until the Bet365 freeroll starts at 8.30pm. I already know the hands that beat each other, which is very basic, so I start to read the book. Very basic stuff at the start, and the heavy stuff only starts to kick in at around page 33. Here it discusses "Reading The Flop" , "Reading The Turn" , and of course "Reading The River". Here it gives you lots of examples of hands, and which are the 5 best hands at the time of the flop, the turn and the river, and believe me, if you are a novice this really does take time to understand, learn and sink in. It's the type of thing that you can only learn by virtue of practice, practice and more practice. The book even gives you homework, which I got 1 out of 6, but they are not designed to be easy, they're designed to tell you you either know or don't know what you're doing. Page 67 I briefly scan the chapter on Pre-Flop Odds, Odds for The Flop, but know I have to go back and read it properly. The odds I believe are vital to understand, otherwise you are effectively guessing when you should bet on occasions. (Correct me if I'm wrong btw) On to the Bet365 Freeroll. I go there with a bit more understanding, knowledge and optimism than last time, but put quite simply I got very little strong hands to play with, if any at all, and made a vital mistake of playing a hand I knew I was unlikely to win with, and tried to bluff which made things worse, and it was a downward spiral from there. Played very tight from there, but got no strong hands, so eventually I went out, hardly unexpected though. :) I now think I'll go play some 0.10/0.20 no limit. I will only play no limit as I feel I will be tested the most there. I do ok, big pot with me and some danish guy who spanked Big Andy :lol, he had KK and I had AA, he raised, I matched, he raised again and I matched and then both all in, which I won. This was all pre-flop by the way. I'm about $7 in profit. I then take a break for quite a while. Go back to Betfair at 1.45am and start playing 0.25/0.50 NL with $50. A lot of hands I just seem to be folding as they are utter sh!te. Along comes a good hand with AK clubs. I go with it, the flop comes up with J 9 clubs and 5D, so now I have 2 shots at the nuts flush. My downfall here is I don't know "the odds" of me winning, but my guess is it is quite good. I raised at the flop, and was called. At the turn a 8D comes up, and then he raises me. I only have ace high, but have to call him (or do I ?). Anyway, I didn't get the flush and he won with a pair of jacks. Now down to $22.50. I win a few hands, and bluff a few and get back up to about $35. 2.45am A new player joins with only $12 at the table, when most have $40+. I'm dealt AK and I raise it straight away. Only the new guy calls. The flop shows another A and 5 6. He raises heavily, but I'm thinking he can't beat what I have at this stage surely? I call his re-raise, as I'm suspicious that he has just joined the table, got very little chips and instantly goes very big. It turned out he had nothing at all, and was bluffing, and now my bank was up to $57, the most it has been at since I started at $50. I play more hands, but its all bits and pieces, I bluff quite a few hands, and win a few when people thought I was bluffing also. 4am Back down to $46. I finish by bluffing a guy for a $4 pot, and finishing on just over $50, right back where I started. As I said, Jezza might think "wtf you writing this for Paul?" :lol He may not, but I suppose my burning question is this.... Considering I am a novice, did I do well ? Not so well ? or just about right ? That's all folks......I'm off to bed. :zzz

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome This is a good idea especially if you look back at years from now and use it to decipher how you played hands before as a reference. Paul, if you ever go professional and they ask you for your nickname you have to call yourself The Adrian Mole of Poker!

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

A lot of hands I just seem to be folding as they are utter sh!te. Along comes a good hand with AK clubs. I go with it' date=' the flop comes up with J 9 clubs and 5D, so now I have 2 shots at the nuts flush. My downfall here is I don't know "the odds" of me winning, but my guess is it is quite good. I raised at the flop, and was called. At the turn a 8D comes up, and then he raises me. I only have ace high, but have to call him (or do I ?). Anyway, I didn't get the flush and he won with a pair of jacks. Now down to $22.50.[/quote']I'd be interested to hear what some more experienced players would say about this hand, as its a problem I come up against a few times. If you have suited cards(lets assume one is fairly high) and hit two more on the flop, your %age chance of hitting one more on the turn and river depend on what everone had in their hand, but given you already know atleast 4 of the suit are on the table, Im guessing its much less than 50%. But then the chances of hitting the flush on the turn are quite small, and so assuming it doesn't come up, as Paul says the question is what to do then. At that point I'm usually quite committed to the pot, and as in Pauls game the turn is usually met with another raise. :\ Is it just not worth chasing unless you've got some pair or something to fall back on?
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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Ross for the love of god do not try and learn the game playing No Limit. You will loose, loose often, and loose fast. There are SO many things you need to get under your belt before you have a prayer, like starting hand selection, dominated hand concepts, counterfeited hands concepts, pot odds etc etc. In No Limit good players can bet the exact right ammount to put your drawing hands under pressure and the betting there takes a LOT of skill which I dont think your ready for just yet. Better that you play Fixed Limit to begin with to start i think. For one you can only loose so much in any given hand. Secondly its a lot simler to calculate your pot odds, implied odds etc because the players around you can only bet or raise a fixed ammount. Sure its boring, and sure you wont win much, but its a good way to learn the basics without putting to much at risk. Certainly its a better start then play money tables. You might find that the reason your making money at the moment is a result of one of the more interesting paradoxed of poker. The less you know the more likely you are to win. You dont KNOW that you shouldnt be chasing a flush for all your chips but if you hit a few your gonna be way ahead. Its a short term blip but it feels like your really good. Further more new players being more apt to call in bad spots, tend to pick off more bluffs than a more experienced player, and as such this just reinforces the mentality to play a lot and call a lot. Oh and if you really do want to learn how to play NL the best place to do so at first is in tournaments. A low buy in affair will get you a lot of play for your buck, and if you do get lucky youll probably make the money. In a cash game its only a matter of time before your picked off if you hit a few lucky runs and loose it all again. Just a suggestion like. Feel free to ignore me

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

I'd be interested to hear what some more experienced players would say about this hand, as its a problem I come up against a few times.
You chance of hitting a club on the next card is approximatly 4/1 against, assuming the nine remaining clubs in the deck are all in play. Someone betting at this flop may also have 2 clubs which is why many people want 5/1 before they call. a 4/1 shot at the turn and a 4/1 shot at the river equats to a 2/1 shot over all. (against). His call should be based on the money in the pot (pot odds) and how much more he thinks he can get if he hits (implied odds). However in this spot he not only has a draw to the nuts (important distinction to just a low flush) but he also has two overcards to the flop. Providing he isnt against 2 pair or trips, or indead AJ or KJ he also has 3 aces and 3 kings to hit to give him the best hand. There is also a small chance he could make a straight if a Q and T come off but this is a small chance to happen so is not worth factoring. 9 clubs + 3 kings + 3 aces = 15 outs. 10x2 cards + 3 on the flop have been dealt, leaving 29 in the deck yet to come. of those 29 cards he can hit 15 at each turn of the card. 52% chance of improving at each turn of the card. Makes it correct to call a pot sized bet. Or you could just stick it all in and give yourself two chances to win the hand. If he folds great. If he calls the pot odds are bang on for you to make your hand.
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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome All right guys...good thread going on here I half agree with dave here. I agree that jumping in to medium sized NL cash games is not the way to start - they are vicious, although if you dont mind losing the buyins then of course thats fine...just be sure to know its not a friendly game when you sit down! However I disagree with the idea of playing limit poker instead (lol). I would advise someone wanting to learn NL hold em to either play tournaments or small stake cash games. Both are easily available on the net these days...for very small stakes. If you dont like the small money involved in microlimit cash games (as low as 1 dollar sit downs) then play tournaments. Even ones with a 5 dollar entry fee can offer thousands for first place, so the money is still good - and you get plenty of play for your buck (usually :lol), learning all the concepts you need to be a good NL player (there are thousands and noone can come close to completely mastering all of them - this is the real great thing about poker - the learning curve never end). Ok onto your diary paul....I always say that going back over critical hands in your playing sessions and working out where you played well or badly is a key point in anyone improving there game so you are off on a good foot believe me!

I briefly scan the chapter on Pre-Flop Odds, Odds for The Flop, but know I have to go back and read it properly. The odds I believe are vital to understand, otherwise you are effectively guessing when you should bet on occasions. (Correct me if I'm wrong btw)
Of course it is important to know the odds if you want to be a top player, however I would not beat yourself up over it to start off with. The common ones you will gradually learn by heart and you can get a "feel" for it as you play in tournaments and lower stakes to start off with....further down the road if you are making decisions to draw for 800 quid you will be all the better placed to make them through the knowledge and experience you have gained! I would just suggest looking up the ones on a link I will give later that you come across whilst you are playing, you will soon get to know the common ones.
now think I'll go play some 0.10/0.20 no limit. I will only play no limit as I feel I will be tested the most there. I do ok, big pot with me and some danish guy who spanked Big Andy laugh4.gif, he had KK and I had AA, he raised, I matched, he raised again and I matched and then both all in, which I won. This was all pre-flop by the way
Totally agree on the only playing no limit part....love the hand, a classic "cold deck" (where two people have such good hands the money is always going to go in) and glad your Aces held up. AA is the best hand possible preflop and is always ahead then - if you can get all your money in before the flop then you have got value no matter what the other person holds, you could well lose but if you do it was just a good bet being unlucky. Of course on the flop and beyond the other person could easily have shot into the lead hand wise!
A lot of hands I just seem to be folding as they are utter sh!te. Along comes a good hand with AK clubs. I go with it, the flop comes up with J 9 clubs and 5D, so now I have 2 shots at the nuts flush. My downfall here is I don't know "the odds" of me winning, but my guess is it is quite good. I raised at the flop, and was called. At the turn a 8D comes up, and then he raises me. I only have ace high, but have to call him (or do I ?). Anyway, I didn't get the flush and he won with a pair of jacks. Now down to $22.50.
Dave covered this hand pretty much spot on....
I play more hands, but its all bits and pieces, I bluff quite a few hands, and win a few when people thought I was bluffing also. 4am Back down to $46. I finish by bluffing a guy for a $4 pot, and finishing on just over $50, right back where I started
You want to be careful about doing this...bluffing is usually a bad idea on the internet as the tendancy is towards players to call. I wrote a thread on this a while back...will find it and post a link here in a bit... Jez
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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

You chance of hitting a club on the next card is approximatly 4/1 against, assuming the nine remaining clubs in the deck are all in play. Someone betting at this flop may also have 2 clubs which is why many people want 5/1 before they call. a 4/1 shot at the turn and a 4/1 shot at the river equats to a 2/1 shot over all. (against). His call should be based on the money in the pot (pot odds) and how much more he thinks he can get if he hits (implied odds). However in this spot he not only has a draw to the nuts (important distinction to just a low flush) but he also has two overcards to the flop. Providing he isnt against 2 pair or trips, or indead AJ or KJ he also has 3 aces and 3 kings to hit to give him the best hand. There is also a small chance he could make a straight if a Q and T come off but this is a small chance to happen so is not worth factoring. 9 clubs + 3 kings + 3 aces = 15 outs. 10x2 cards + 3 on the flop have been dealt, leaving 29 in the deck yet to come. of those 29 cards he can hit 15 at each turn of the card. 52% chance of improving at each turn of the card. Makes it correct to call a pot sized bet. Or you could just stick it all in and give yourself two chances to win the hand. If he folds great. If he calls the pot odds are bang on for you to make your hand.
Cheers Dave :ok Just what I was looking for.
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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Blimey, thanks for the replies guys. I'll try and take it all in, whilst reading the book and preparing to win the PL $1k freeroll. :ok On the subject of bluffing by the way, I don't bluff without some sort of hand and I don't do it all the time, I mix it up so as not to reveal a pattern to my play. :)

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome The problem with bluffing paul, particularly at the level you are playing at, is people are apt to call with any hand they like. Lets say someone has trip nines. They are unlikely to give it up just because there is a flush on the board. You will probably find you will only win small pots with a bluff, and are only called when you are badly beat. The money you loose from a failed bluff will usually exceed the money you have made thus far from succesful bluffs. Further more if someone has the nut flush that you are trying to represent, no amount of betting is gonna make them fold a hand that cannot loose. Better that you semi bluff. I.E have a good few outs should someone actually call you. The situation with the AKs you mention above is an excellant example of thise. Had you moved all your chips in you would have been bluffing. You have only Ace High. However should you get called you have at least 9 "outs" to make the absoloute nuts, and maybe as many as 15 is you ace and king are live too.

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome For all your new players.. Here is what i started with, when i started a bit over a year ago.. xl.hatch.dk/poker.htm Starting hands requirements.. This is for limit texas holdem. Tight... / cains

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome I know diddly-squat about Poker but I've been reading various online articles about it in preparation for the big one (Betfair PL freeroll). One of the most important things I think I've picked up from these articles is that it's important to go back and analyse your play to see where you can make improvements and as this is the sort of thing I did / do to improve my chess it would seem very sensible. So on to my questions. What software, if any, do people use to track all this info for Betfair Poker ? I looked at the Poker tracker website - it looks very good but doesn't appear to support Betfair. 2nd question for Paul Ross - have you looked back through your hands in this manner and if so what have you managed to learn and which software have you found most accessible ? (I'm hoping that coming from a fellow beginner these lessons will be immediately applicable to my level). Thanks.

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome HI DBDF I totally agree with you mate, the best way to get better at poker is to go back over major hands you played badly or well and analyze them. Have a look and see if you didnt bet enough/bet too much, gave too many free cards/didnt give a free card when you could, lost more than you should/didnt extract enough value when you held the winning hand etc etc. It's important in these cases to be honest with yourself and not just assume you played well and it was the other muppets fault you lost (As the majority of most poker players seem to do) - if you do this you can only get better. Pokertracker is a great analytical tool, it shows you every conceivable stat under the sun (apart from % return on money, which I know laddies use to measure us all by, I emailed the pokertracker dude asking for this in a later version, lets hope so!). It is highly compatible with betfair (the cryptologic software), it can just read all your hands off your HD where the betfair software has stored them. I would be hesitant about parting with the 50 bucks tho if you are a poker newbie - you dont know if you are still going yo be playing in a few months time! My advice would be, play for a while, stick up any hands you are unsure about on here and if you are still enjoying it a few months down the line and want to seriously analyze your player, ptracker is for you. Jez

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Started at 2.20am Playing $2/$5 Bad Play - 2.45am Had QT and called his raise pre flop, flop shows AK2, he raises again. I'm thinking O've got 2 shots at "the nuts" here, so I call him, probably wrong to do that with 2 overcards. Anyway, I don't get the J and lose a fair bit. Strong Play - 3am Dealt JT, no overcard on the flop and a 10 shows, so I have the high pair. He raises and I re-raise, he calls. Q on the turn, but I have a strong feeling he doesn't want that. He checks, and I go all in, he folds and I take a tasty pot. :) Happy to hear if my play was good or bad, this is just a novice thinking it was strong play and bad play, I'm sure Jezza will be along to correct me. :)

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Ok Paul, here goes. You Bad play was not bad - it was suicidal. Your strong play was not strong, it was lucky. Now ive been as brutal as I can be ill try to explain why. The QT, suited or otherwise, looks big but it really isnt. About the only flop your ever comfortable with is the flop straight and then you aint gonna get no action anyway. You might catch a strong draw like KJ2, but again you will have to gamle before you cards come if you want to get paid. YOu shouldnt be in after any sensible raise with QT unless there are MANY callers in the pot to justify trying to hit a straight. You certainly dont want to call of a big 4xBB raise with QT when its just you and the other guy, else what do you want to hit? QJ2? What if hes raising with a very real AQ T26? What if hes raising with a very real JJ-AA - 66 or 22 QT2? Well this is probably a good flop for you but chances are your oponent has none of it now and you wont paid. YOull get a call if he has Aces or Kings but you didnt have odds to hit your two pair. Further more if the board pairs he will have Aces Up to beat your Queens up. Its just to weak! As for your call for the draw. Well your right your draw was too the nuts, and while it is important to be drawing to the nuts and not a second best hand, you need need to have correct pot odds to do it else yout loosing money. Here you had 4 jacks to hit from the remaining 29 cards in the deck. Not much chance! If you also had 4 of a suit it becomes a bit better as you also have 9 hearts + 3 jacks to hit - 12 outs in 29, but bear in mind that your flush isnt to the nuts here and you may be up against someone who has AX of the same suit. He has you beat with ace high now, and if the flush comes your steal beat, so your back to having only 3 outs.... You were probably not getting 11/1 in the pot to draw the bare straight thats for sure but if you had 4 flush as well you were probably ok to call.... Onto the JT. I think you got lucky here. Of all the hands a player might raise with almost all of them will have JT beat. Infact almost any two cards he could have had you beat Pairs 22-AA AK-A2 KQ-K2 QJ-Q2 JK-JQ Now admitedly some of these hands are more marginal than others. Your practically a coin flip against a pair lower than nines for example. But against a big pair or AJ or AT or some such your in huge trouble. I think what happen was your oponent raised with a pair, maybe even as high as jacks certainly at least AK or AT. I suspect he had JJ or AT as his raise on the flop suggests he likes it. The queen pops, he knows your a new player and that you could have JQ and sucked out so he gives it up. I assure you the time he has aces youll loose all your chips. I dont want to be discouraging, but i think the reason your winning is because at the level your playing at the quality of play is a lot higher. Players will initially give your bets and raises credit becuase they should until you give the reason not to. YOu will therefore win in the short term. However once they cotton on to the fact that your still learning you may find yourself getting proper fleeced. Heck you may be a really fast learner and be a lot better than i give you credit for, but personally i wouldnt have gotten involved in either of the spots you mention, and I think you will find Jezza and dave are in agreement. Sounds like you were betting large sums of money in some very speculative spots..... But its not all bad news. I have some usefull advice too. You seem to have trouble figuring your chances of making a drawing hand so ill give you a good rule of thumb. Its not EXACT, but its good enough for on the fly descisions for small pots. Obviously with big pots you wanna suss things out a bit more but anyway.... Basically for each card that can improve your hand give yourself 4%. So if you have 12 outs you have about a 48% chance of winning over the next two cards, and thus about 2/1 on each turn of the card. Its not exact but its close enough for your purposes. When you get good youll need to be more presice for now it will do. Of course knowing how many of your outs are actually outs is the real skill. An example. You have AK hearts. The flop comes QJ2 with 2 hearts. You could figure you have as many as 18 outs here....a truely excellent spot 3 x Aces 3 x Kings 3 x Tens that are not a heart 9 x hearts However if your mand has AQ or KQ then your aces and kings may not be outs as they give 2 pairs, you "only" have 12 outs to the straight and flush. Still worth getting involved with but this is why it important to try and put your opponent on a hand. Always be thinking about what hes got when he raises before the flop, or bets at a flop, that way you can better determine how many live outs you have and better determine if the pot is the right size to be calling. Hope that all makes sense, if not let me know and ill try and be clearer. But for the love of god stop playing large NL games. YOur asking for trouble:loon

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Just checked the buyins for the 2/5 game and its $500! Being that good money management suggests you should have no more than 10% of your bankoll in play at any given table, you need to have $5000 to be playing that limit - MINIMUM. SO heres what i want you to do Paul. Bit of risk management - for your own good!. Divide your total poker balance into 10 equal sessions. This is your maxium buy in for one session. Find the limit where this figure is closest to the max buy in for that table. That is the limit you are correctly bankrolled for. YOu may rebuy a second and third "session" if you bust and the game is good (i.e your loosing down to sheer bad luck rather than because of bad play). You may not rebuy into the same game more than 3 times in one session, even if you percieve the game to be good. If youve lost 3 reloads already due to "bad luck" it may be that your just outclassed and not have the experience yet to realise that youve actually been outplayed. It may be just dumb luck but even so after 3 reloads even the most mentally strong players will start to tilt, and its probably best to conserve the remaining 70% of the bankroll for a day when your better prepared mentally at this stage. So in summary: Calculate your correct banroll level by dividing your total balance by ten Dont loose more than 3 buy ins at any one table / and or day Trust me!

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Dave M is right Paul. I nearly wrote a similar thread myself on the back of this. Both hands were played poorly. Also the limits you are playing at are liable to be full of better (experienced players) than yourself. I would advising slowing it down and dropping a few limits and learning your trade. You certainly seem to have potential. But at the mo that potential is to get taken for alot of money. Sorry its harsh but i hope dave m words and mine will save you money.

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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

Consider me told. :(
Mate i dont mean to discourage you. Just trying to teach you the lessons that i learned the hard way - by loosing a LOT of money. However the truth is that no ammount of reading or asking for advice is anything like a substitute for actual experience. I remember when I first started playing. I would fold AKo but play Q2s cos it can make a flush. I didnt understand. I read some books sure and they all explained the theory. But it wasnt until i played many thousands of hands, rarely finding flushes that paid, and only getting action when I was beat that I started to wake up. Its something that CAN ONLY come with experience. It takes a lot experience to know when your straight is no good inspite of no flush on board, further still to fold a full house. There are many many mistakes for you yet ot learn from them, and the lesson is learned just as well when you loose the max buyin in a .50/1 game as it is in a 2.5/5 game. What I think your problem might be paul is bordem. Because you are (rightly) not playing many hands, you want lots of $$$ when you do make something, but bordem is creeping in even still and your playing some veeeeery marginal hands with only one other player in the pot. What I think might be good for you is to multi-table. Pick an extreme micro limit, and play 2 or 3 tables at once. Youll be seeing three times as many hands an hour and this will really help your tightness. When you get dealt QTs on table one at the same time as AA on another table you will just fold the QT because you wanna focus on the aces.....it can really help. Pluse the increased volume of hands means youll be learning the lessons 3 times as fast :)
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Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome

I must say that as a fellow poker novice i'm finding the advice given on this thread invaluable. Keep it up guys :notworthy :notworthy
I`ll second that kinky :ok Basically whatever Pauls doing, do the opposite :lol ;) Seriously though, thanks to Dave M for some pretty detailed stuff. What a great thread this has turned out to be.:clap :clap :clap
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