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Re: Challenge Been playing plo, down $3 dollars for the day, same thing with 2 Russians and a ukrainian, got them all in ahead then they hit their miracle card on the rivet, each time they've proceeded to leave the table right away. Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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Re: Challenge Still playing omaha, having wild swings but it's a lot more fun that grinding with the nits at nlhe cash, throwing in the odd 25c tourney and doing well, the cash plo has improved my patience. Going to play ad many of the bankroll mob freerolls as I can to boost the roll. I'm in the hubble freerolls atm down to the last 2k, stacks below average but I may be able to get an easy double up some. I'm going to go for chromestar this month, need around 40 vpps. Just bust out of the hubble shoving jj into k9 and a8, I hit my set, both the other guys hit a straight, I swear I've got an all in curse. Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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Re: Challenge Yesterday was very swingy, was flitting between $17 and $9, finished they day around $12 thanks to a second place in a 25c. Today, been crushing it on the plo tables, stream rolled a few people, lost a few big pots In the process but I knew I was going to get it back because they would commit their stack with 2 pair and trips. Currently on $27, I can imagine it will swing a bit throughout the day. On 85 fpps, going to ain for at least 90 by the time I finish playing. Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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Re: Challenge The bankroll is swinging between $20 and $30, it's expected sometimes I'll take a big gamble if I know the guy plays rags, been playing the 25c sngs at the same time to help with not getting bored and cashing in around 50% so hopefully I'll be able to pull my negative roi back in those. Hit chromestar last night, going to aim for silver/gold next month. Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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Re: Challenge Second half of the day has been brutal, almost bust my roll again, had people runner runner straights and quads, calling my raises only to make a hand on the turn and river. My opponents hands have been absolute rags. Been a very crazy day. Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Challenge Keep thinking long term danny, variance is a bi*ch but over many many games it should all even out more. Think of it as a journey North on A-roads or B-roads. The road often bends & deviates East, West, sometimes even heads South, but if you know which way you want to go (game selection) and have maintained your car ok (study and fine-tune your game minimalising leaks) you will get to the North in good shape (profit). Wow that was the worse association I think I've ever posted, but you get the idea :lol :\

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Re: Challenge

Keep thinking long term danny, variance is a bi*ch but over many many games it should all even out more. Think of it as a journey North on A-roads or B-roads. The road often bends & deviates East, West, sometimes even heads South, but if you know which way you want to go (game selection) and have maintained your car ok (study and fine-tune your game minimalising leaks) you will get to the North in good shape (profit). Wow that was the worse association I think I've ever posted, but you get the idea :lol :\
I thought all the money/profit was down South :p
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Re: Challenge Just shoved Aj trying to steal and got called by k4 so shoved 44 into a6 and j4. Not having the luck when I need it today getting to the mid/late stages and going up against nutters isn't helping. Still not tilting though which is a good thing

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Re: Challenge Just finished 3rd, shoved 44 into kj and the board 9944. Improved at picking my spots for stealing got through most of the tourney shoves when I smelled weakness. The blinds got pretty high so it was a difficult final table lots of shoving. I'm playing quite well just need a few games running well. Down to 9.28 at the minute, lost a few games yesterday and had to nip out and lose a buyin. Going well though not tilting at all

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Re: Challenge PokerStars Hand #118865799558: Tournament #938868749, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2014/07/17 8:16:26 ET Table '938868749 5' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: atucasafis (1725 in chips) Seat 2: sirental (3805 in chips) Seat 3: AlexSpenc (1020 in chips) Seat 4: She's My Sin (1420 in chips) Seat 5: ssacre (2628 in chips) Seat 6: manish45 (2580 in chips) Seat 7: sadakos (2340 in chips) Seat 8: gensmeister (2555 in chips) Seat 9: mb123mb (737 in chips) atucasafis: posts small blind 25 sirental: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [7h 7d] AlexSpenc: folds She's My Sin: folds ssacre: raises 100 to 150 manish45: folds sadakos: calls 150 gensmeister: folds mb123mb: calls 150 atucasafis: folds sirental: calls 100 *** FLOP *** [Ad 7s Qc] sirental: bets 300 ssacre: raises 300 to 600 sadakos: folds mb123mb: folds sirental: raises 1800 to 2400 ssacre: raises 78 to 2478 and is all-in sirental: calls 78 *** TURN *** [Ad 7s Qc] [Qs] *** RIVER *** [Ad 7s Qc Qs] [As] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [7h 7d] (a full house, Sevens full of Aces) ssacre: shows [Ac Qd] (a full house, Aces full of Queens) ssacre collected 5581 from pot Still not tilting I was hoping he had aq as well lol

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Re: Challenge PokerStars Hand #118868046540: Tournament #938866224, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2014/07/17 9:28:37 ET Table '938866224 2' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: gmanneke (23105 in chips) Seat 2: _DaveH2007_ (8280 in chips) Seat 6: careta69 (15607 in chips) Seat 7: sirental (11814 in chips) Seat 9: piracau6 (8694 in chips) gmanneke: posts the ante 50 _DaveH2007_: posts the ante 50 careta69: posts the ante 50 sirental: posts the ante 50 piracau6: posts the ante 50 sirental: posts small blind 300 piracau6: posts big blind 600 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [Qs Qd] gmanneke: folds _DaveH2007_: folds careta69: folds sirental: raises 11164 to 11764 and is all-in piracau6: calls 8044 and is all-in Uncalled bet (3120) returned to sirental *** FLOP *** [8c 5s 5d] *** TURN *** [8c 5s 5d] [Ks] *** RIVER *** [8c 5s 5d Ks] [8h] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [Qs Qd] (two pair, Queens and Eights) piracau6: shows [Ad 8s] (a full house, Eights full of Fives) piracau6 collected 17538 from pot Was trying to steal, still not tilting. Made 5 ft's in a row and been bummed by bad luck on em all. Will win one soon

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Re: Challenge 6 straight fts now, was going along nicely till I called a short with 88 vs a4 and lost to a pair of Kings. Seemed to lose my table image after that, ended up shoving ak into a7 and bust 7th. I'll get that elusive win, upto $12 if I can hit $15 before the end of today I'll deposit some more cash so I'm not too underolled

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Re: Challenge Put another $10 in at $17, wanted to play some cash lost a bit at nl so played some plo and won a smaller amount back. Nothing really to report had a few decent runs only to talk into small sets and got it all in way ahead a few times and got felted. Just took on a maniac with a8 vs j3 he hit his 3 on the turn, wiped someone out with k2 a few hands before. And lost a couple with aa vs ak and qx. Gonna try and stay of the cash tables, people sitting round waiting for small sets, flushes and full houses at 0.1/0.2 is so boring

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Re: Challenge PokerStars Hand #119042152274: Tournament #940859816, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2014/07/21 8:25:04 ET Table '940859816 1' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: sirental (1715 in chips) Seat 2: vivas san (623 in chips) Seat 3: TyTOHXAMOH (1865 in chips) Seat 4: esQr (2370 in chips) Seat 5: li lotos (540 in chips) Seat 6: legendakrit (1520 in chips) Seat 7: access77 (3812 in chips) Seat 8: Bobbymessi (1215 in chips) TyTOHXAMOH: posts small blind 15 esQr: posts big blind 30 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [Qd Ah] li lotos: folds legendakrit: folds access77: folds Bobbymessi: folds sirental: raises 60 to 90 vivas san: raises 60 to 150 TyTOHXAMOH: calls 135 esQr: folds sirental: calls 60 *** FLOP *** [2d 6d Ac] TyTOHXAMOH: checks sirental: bets 330 vivas san: folds TyTOHXAMOH: calls 330 *** TURN *** [2d 6d Ac] [Kh] TyTOHXAMOH: checks sirental: bets 1140 TyTOHXAMOH: raises 245 to 1385 and is all-in sirental: calls 95 and is all-in Uncalled bet (150) returned to TyTOHXAMOH *** RIVER *** [2d 6d Ac Kh] [Ts] *** SHOW DOWN *** TyTOHXAMOH: shows [Th Ad] (two pair, Aces and Tens) sirental: shows [Qd Ah] (a pair of No luck today down to $15.57

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Re: Challenge Today's been terrible just suffered 3 bad bears by idiots. Aq vs k3, aa vs kq and then this *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [Ad Kc] brunosjc: folds Temiadan: folds sirental: raises 400 to 800 Rimma787: folds LRcowboy: folds gusti_014: calls 800 lanati: folds lomolopolo: folds StanislavOF: folds *** FLOP *** [4c 7h Ts] sirental: bets 3451 and is all-in gusti_014: calls 3451 *** TURN *** [4c 7h Ts] [Qs] *** RIVER *** [4c 7h Ts Qs] [Ah] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [Ad Kc] (a pair of Aces) gusti_014: shows [Jh Ks] (a straight, Ten to Ace) gusti_014 collected 9327 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 9327 | Rake 0 Board [4c 7h Ts Qs Ah] Seat 1: lanati (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: lomolopolo (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: StanislavOF (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: brunosjc folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Temiadan folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: sirental showed [Ad Kc] and lost with a pair of Aces Seat 7: Rimma787 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: LRcowboy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: gusti_014 showed [Jh Ks] and won (9327) with a straight, Ten to Ace

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Re: Challenge After an horrible few days took one down, heads up was easy the other guy went all in when he was bluffing, was card dead a lot of the time. Hopefully I can string a few top 3 places in the next ten games. I'm on $18 now

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Re: Challenge Another few terrible games if I get a good hand someones git one better, if I have the better hand I don't hit, if I have a set 4 of the same suit come out. Pretty gay stuff, still not tilting my br away just slowly losing it.

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Re: Challenge It really is starting to take the piss now everyone seems to be hitting monsters against me when I'm short stacked. I can barely put 2/3 winning hands together despite playing pretty tight, decent starting cards and nobody seems to he folding anything no matter what funky shit they're holding. Going to give it a rest for a while. After I've finished the game I'm playing.

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Re: Challenge Never been called quicker in my life, sums up today PokerStars Hand #119180345558: Tournament #942411634, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2014/07/24 10:49:25 ET Table '942411634 3' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 2: caxfrank (9052 in chips) Seat 3: sirental (2397 in chips) Seat 4: kostek320 (6018 in chips) Seat 5: Alegy (2160 in chips) Seat 6: all'arco (803 in chips) Seat 7: helion844 (2433 in chips) Seat 8: AtwiM (6612 in chips) Seat 9: In4ik424 (9748 in chips) caxfrank: posts small blind 100 sirental: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [8c Ac] kostek320: folds Alegy: folds all'arco: folds helion844: folds AtwiM: folds In4ik424: raises 400 to 600 caxfrank: folds sirental: raises 1797 to 2397 and is all-in In4ik424: calls 1797 *** FLOP *** [9d Ad Jh] *** TURN *** [9d Ad Jh] [6d] *** RIVER *** [9d Ad Jh 6d] [As] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [8c Ac] (three of a kind, Aces) In4ik424: shows [Kd 2d] (a flush, Ace high)

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Re: Challenge Feela like stars is trying to tilt me as hard as possible, few hands before this I had my second set of Aces cracked today PokerStars Hand #119182290762: Tournament #942443448, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2014/07/24 11:42:49 ET Table '942443448 2' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 2: Airkon_S (1325 in chips) Seat 3: Soon do (1731 in chips) Seat 4: MariusAllexx (1457 in chips) Seat 5: HellAceroD (3395 in chips) Seat 7: sirental (525 in chips) Seat 8: Tarzann92 (2360 in chips) Seat 9: Bebeflr73 (4661 in chips) Airkon_S: posts small blind 50 Soon do: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [Qh Jc] MariusAllexx: folds HellAceroD: folds sirental: raises 425 to 525 and is all-in Tarzann92: folds Bebeflr73: calls 525 Airkon_S: folds Soon do: folds *** FLOP *** [Qs 4s Js] *** TURN *** [Qs 4s Js] [8d] *** RIVER *** [Qs 4s Js 8d] [As] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [Qh Jc] (two pair, Queens and Jacks) Bebeflr73: shows [Ks Jd] (a flush, Ace high)

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Re: Challenge Won $4 in micromillions tourney took me up to 19. Currently on $18.50 had a miserable time at the tables and Ive been card dead for long periods, when I a hand I'm not really hitting anything had a 4th place but never really got over 6k chips the whole game. The games have been quite nitty as well cause the weekend players are out in force

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Re: Challenge I'm beginning to think it's impossible to win at this level. If only I was Russian I'd win with any hand PokerStars Hand #119346980322: Tournament #944280332, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2014/07/28 5:40:25 ET Table '944280332 5' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: blade_knops (8440 in chips) Seat 2: VezunchiK869 (9950 in chips) Seat 4: stalker99926 (2316 in chips) Seat 5: sirental (2855 in chips) Seat 7: NELOAlexandr (3376 in chips) Seat 8: gio7rgi (9675 in chips) Seat 9: givinfree$ (9209 in chips) sirental: posts small blind 75 NELOAlexandr: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to sirental [Ad Qd] gio7rgi: folds givinfree$: folds blade_knops: folds VezunchiK869: folds stalker99926: calls 150 sirental: raises 450 to 600 NELOAlexandr: folds stalker99926: calls 450 *** FLOP *** [6h 7h Qs] sirental: bets 1350 stalker99926: raises 366 to 1716 and is all-in sirental: calls 366 *** TURN *** [6h 7h Qs] [9c] *** RIVER *** [6h 7h Qs 9c] [Jh] *** SHOW DOWN *** sirental: shows [Ad Qd] (a pair of Queens) stalker99926: shows [7c 9s] (two pair, Nines and Sevens) stalker99926 collected 4782 from pot

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Re: Challenge Played a cash game and lost a buy in with qq vs aa, such a fish at cash games. On $16.30 atm been staying around $18 for the last few days, I just get really unlucky the majority of time I get it in I'm ahead pre flop,

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Re: Challenge same shit happening, just shoved qj into aq and hit j only for 4 clubs to come out giving him the nut flush happened 3 or 4 times to me already today I haven't had a flush all day, I can't remember the last time I hit a straight it full house. I would of hit one sey all day but folded because 4 other people shoved on me with 33. Miserable day. Fucking Russians

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