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PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread


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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread

Still it's another $2000 in the kitty. loon.gif
Thats a fantastic result matey. Did you run into Actionjack on your way throught that? I been trying to take the step up from STT to MTTs for a week or two now. Its a different game for sure so im playing the freerolls and low buy in $1 and $3 to try and get some experience before playing "for real" in a proper buy in. So far ive managed 5th of 2652 in $200 Freeroll for $13 1st of 2598 in $200 Freeroll for $60 23rd of 359 in $3 NL for $7.53 However what is discouraging me is the fact that unless you get a final table finish there is FAR more money per hour to be made in the STT's. I think whats stopping me from having any serious success is the poor blind structures online. Seems that early on you need a premium hand to go all in with to avoid the lemmings looking to gamble up with 72s. Then the blinds get big and your forced to wait for a big hand still because you cant pressure the big stacks relative to the blind size. Put another way, when I won the $200 Freeroll I barely got a hand all game. I got through on the virture of getting desperatly low stacked, moving all in with the best hand and getting doubled up. I only lost one hand all in all game with AK getting beat by AJ, but other than that I had all my favourite hands hold up at a critical stage. How often does that happen? The blinds just get so large your left with All In or Fold. Or am I missing something?
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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Thanks for the comments chaps. Dave M - nah didnt see actionjack at all but i think he was in it. he's a pussycat anyway ;) . As for MTTs against STTs, I moved to the MTTs pretty quickly. Mainly because at the beginning I could potentially get more entertainment time wise for the same fee. When I started to have some success, I started to move up in tournament entry fees thus playing in the bigger prize money tourneys like the 40k. However, I've never paid the entry fees as I've always qualified through the satelites. I also tend not to play too many tourneys as well to be honest so that when I do play them, I'm fully concentrated. In my opinion too much poker can lead to a lack of concentration and slack play. The other important thing was that I have just finished a 6-8 week break from poker as I was getting bad beat after bad beat after bad beat. My 'prize money' hit rate before that time was pretty high but then suddenly nothing but bad luck that lasted a couple of months. Strange but I reckon the stress of that was causing me to make desperate and dodgy plays (plus my domestic life was a bit stressful too!). After my break, I feel back to the level of play I had a few months ago when I actually won the 40k tourney (though I think it was 30k then??) and my prize money hit rate seems to be back to normal again. It's no secret Dave but basically I play with a lot of patience in the early stages - if its not a high pair or AK I'll normally muck it. Let the muppets crucify themselves but don't let them have your chips. If they get lucky by taking a decent player out, that's better for you as you'll get their chips later. In the 40k the other day, I hardly played a hand for an hour and a half. Just made the right aggresive moves at the right times. Had doubled my chips after all that time. Then I got dealt two decent hands on the trot (QQ and AK I think). Managed to get all my chips in on both hands and suddenly I had shot right up the leaderboard. Now I had chips I could play properly! From there just played aggresive and bullied at the right times.

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread On Tuesday night I paid £1.10 to enter a Big Brother Little Bluffer MTT on Paddy. I finished 3rd winning a seat in tonights Final and pocketing a free £10 bet on the way. I backed Lesley to be evicted......wish as nice. Tonights final was at 11.30, so I preceded to drink my usual numerous bottles of Carlsberg Export and sat down for the MTT. It was a $10 rebuy and I told myself I wasn't gunna rebuy. Anyway, I only played 3 hands in the 1st hour and was chip leader at the break. I ended up finishing 3rd and happy with how I played the whole tourney even though a bit tipsy. I won $75 (biggest win so far) and a free £20 bet..........which was nice......again! Small bucks to you big fish I know but let me b happy in my little old wold of cents. I usually play $2 STT so if you times your usual buy in by 45ish then, in relative terms, thats what I won. Maybe it's time for a step up?

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread earlier on tonight I got knocked out of the $5000 guarenteed tournament at Bet365 in 29th place with the top 20 getting in the money frown2.gif But this one cheered me up.............. even if my winnings didn't make back my entrance fee to the $5000 laugh4.gif Its only the 5th time I've made a final table (though I'm just starting to play MTT's a bit more frequently.) Shame I was short stacked when I got to the final table 2mttresult2bi.jpg

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Can't get a screen shot for you and its not the internet. But i have had 2 very good nights live last 2 nights. Out of fields of about 100 each time £20 rebuy tourneys i have placed 8th (rebuy and an add on) and 5th (just the add on). In successive nights. Making me over 600 quid all in all. I must admit to being a fan of playing live. Its a good laugh especially when you win.:tongue2

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Just now I came second in the Ladbrokes Treble Chance Ladder. Buy in for Level 4 SAYS $100 but the buy in at the bottom of the ladder is actually $3 Nice lil result. tourny41bf.jpg Now Im gonna ramble, if only to get things right in my own head. Appolagies in advance :) I think If id been a bit more patient I coulda won. Had 5000 in chips heads up vs his 10000. Now I hadnt seen much of a hand all game and its on the bubble and im thinking im going out 4th here. Then I got a rush of cards and its heads up so the adrenaline was really pumping now. Now I also know that I suck heads up and figure that I need to get lucky all in. But after maybe 5 fold fold fold back and forth it occurs that maybe hes waiting for one hand to set me all in with and maybe i can chip away at him and SHOCK HORROR outplay someone heads up. So I limped in with 72o in the SB. He checked the BB. Flop came Q7X with 2 hearts. With blinds at 200 400 I bet 800 at the 800 pot figuring I prolly had the best hand, and he reraised me all in. In a flash of adrenaline I called thinking (way too briefly) that he thinks im bluffing, or that he was gambling up a flush draw with dominant chips. Turns out he had 79o vs my 72o. Turns out he was bluffing himself - with the best hand. Bit annoyed at myself. Not because I played 72o - heads up no raise why not. Im annoyed that I called of the rest of my chips. If ida passed Ida still had around 4000 to his 11000 and with blinds at 400 i didnt NEED to lump it in as soon as i flopped a pair. Still considering i had resigned myself to a bubble finish 2nd is excellant - and I only shorted myself $200. IF i had bought in at level 4 for $100 then that $200 would matter, but as I came in for $3 at level 1, then $300 is still silly profit :) Summary: Dont let the adrenaline get you. Slow down. Think.

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