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What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?)


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Re: What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?) Full Tilt 1.52 - $5.5 HILO $300 GTD - 11th 8 paid 15.31 - $11 Courchevel HI $250 GTD - Major bad beat with 4 left. 4th for $37.2 8.00 - THMF League - OUT 10.32 - $11 HILO $500 GTD - 2nd for $118 5 SNGS worth $20 - Cashed for $18.53

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Re: What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?) Black Belt League - Mmm unnecessary early bustout when called min-raise in Position with 45off despite shallow stack size and get it in vs KJ flush draw on 232 board , to same player who snap-call my 3 bet shove that put him all for 20bigs with A8suited on button to my big blind A5 suited he held when 8 hit flop. Paddy Power Pantsdown - Donked out playing super hyper aggro-tard Maybe more later on if feel like playing ...........2 hrs later..........probably not tonight now

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Re: What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?) out of both when i get donked as usual by the flush chasers after the flop has gone down. good luck in any game your in

BlackBelt Poker -League Full Tilt - Hendon Mob maybe a couple more as i find them and no chance i give up poker no matter the crap that i-poker deals me :)
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Re: What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?) Don't fully appreciate what an awesome forum this is until you revisit others :p Had fun in the Mob game winding certain egos up before donking out. Had fun in the No Lose game winding a certain ego up before donking out. Some nights get more fun playing on others weaknesses than worrying too much about your own. $1.40 down & worth every cent :ok

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Re: What are we playing Tuesday 05/11/2013 (Is this the day Al quits poker forever?)

Full Tilt 1.52 - $5.5 HILO $300 GTD - 11th 8 paid 15.31 - $11 Courchevel HI $250 GTD - Major bad beat with 4 left. 4th for $37.2 8.00 - THMF League - OUT 10.32 - $11 HILO $500 GTD - 2nd for $118 4 SNGS worth $20 - Cashed for $18.53
Been studying PLO/HILO/Courchevel a lot this year and thinking about dedicating a bankroll to it now. Something to think about for the new years resolutions.
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