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PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - next game 15th Dec Online


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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino [h=2]First leg of UK's favourite low-stakes poker tour ends with victory for Anthony Pringle[/h] Congratulations to Anthony Pringle, the winner of the opening leg of Britain's favourite low-stakes poker tour! Taking place over the weekend at the Grosvenor Casino in Newcastle, the first leg of this year's £110 buy-in PPUKT attracted a field of 56. Following a tough first day, seven players returned on Sunday for the final table to battle it out for the coveted title, plus the £1,960 first prize. Start the day Pringle was just off the chip lead, but he soon made his own after his two pair scooped a huge pot from Ryan O'Mahoney who eventually crashed out in sixth place. From that point on Pringle never looked back. The final hand saw Pringle open with A-5 offsuit, only to be shoved on by heads-up opponent Garry Shepherd. When the cards were flipped over, Shepherd revealed an ambitious 10-4 offsuit and was way behind his opponent. But it looked like Shepherd had been handed a lifeline when he took the early lead after making a pair on the flop, but it wouldn't last the turn and river completed Pringle's wheel straight sending Shepherd to the rail. Pringle raised his arms in celebration as he was crowned the first PPUKT champion of the new year. Speaking about his victory, Pringle commented, "it's the biggest live win I've had, and for probably the same amount as when I won the New Year's Day event on PKR" he went on to say that he felt, "Out of this world" [h=3]Here's how the final table finished up:[/h] 1. Anthony Pringle - £1960.00 2. Garry Shepherd - £1455.00 3. Sean Robertson - £895.00 4. Ian Bertram - £560.00 5. Ross Hibbert - £340.00 6. Ryan O'Mahony - £220.00 7. Hazel Birchnall - £170.00

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino I need to get in touch with the other qualifier Potrooster, does anyone have a number for him? I remember meeting him a while back at the 888 London deepstack and I'm certain he said he was from Hull! Its a long way for me down to Brighton, and I need to weigh up If its gonna cost too much via train and accomodation. If I could get a lift and share petrol etc, it would be a lot better! Anyway if you read this Potrooster please get in touch :ok

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino

What time do these start on the Saturday? I did search online' date=' but could only find that they started at 1pm in 2011.[/quote'] 1pm at the latest 2pm, and bear in mind that parking is very very limited
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino

The lobby says 2pm' date=' and I hope that's right, or I'll be missing some of the early stages. Then again, that can be good or bad.[/quote'] you wouldnt lose many chips in an hour anyway,looking forward to this
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino It's alright, it is 2pm, I finally discovered (the Grosvenor poker room was telling the truth all along). It's still a flip about making the start, but I am there. The guy that arrives late and starts saying fold a lot in a Bristolian accent, that'll be the awesomemango. I'm not either of those really, especially not a mango. More of a cider apple.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 1st game Newcastle April 20/21 GCasino not a lot to say really,cards were horrible from the off and not able to defend much as 2 or 3 serial raisers on my table, folded KK early on post flop with 6/7/8 on the board,2 other players in the hand and one of them rivered straight when holding 9/9 and folded J/J post flop with Queen showing,other player had K/K. after that it wasnt until after dinner that i actually got above starting stack,but the blinds and antes were as such that it was pretty much shove time and with 3k in the pot and just over 4k in my stack,i shove with A/8 diamonds and come against 7/7 no joy and exit good to chat with Rupert the new GCasino online manager,and with Dave Woods from PokerPlayer Magazine,good to catch up again,enjoyed the day and good banter on the tables,shame only 75 regged,but hopefully lessons learnt from both legs and GCasino will promote more many thanks to Rivrd for the lift done and back again,much appreciated,and great to see Heniek and Spitvenom again also meeting A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino

I was really sorry to miss this as it's my nearest casino' date=' but I had to work. Sounds like a bad day for you Al. How did everyone else get on?[/quote'] the same as me Debs :( all getting low hands and maniacs on the tables,you wouldnt believe it was £110 buy in
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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino [insert a 'Cards on their backs two-outer on the river hard-luck-story' here] Well, that was before the first break had even arrived. I'd started well before that, so still had 3.2k left, and it became a shoving exercise intermingled with a few limps that actually got to see (horrible) flops.. shoves were 9/10s (won, but only had about 4.8k back), 10/Jo (all folded), long wait and an A/Ko (won to be on about 6k again), limped one and bet the flop and caved to a raise.. then back to shoves with K/Js (all folded), and finally A/Ks called by 8/8 ended proceedings. Can't even play the PKR freeroll, as travelling back, so no bone of comfort for this stray!

 Well, anyway.. Sunday turned into a real summer's day down here and Brighton made me have to draw up a new scale for assessing seaside towns, because it's off the one I had before. Love it. I'll be seeing it again. But the train station's wi-fi was worse than stealing a neighbour's internet from five doors down, or I'd have at least played about an hour and a quarter of the PKR game, and maybe deliberately missed my pre-booked train if it was going really well! Also at the station, there's a half-pretty heroin addict trying to give men a sob story about her car breaking down and needing a train ticket. Like I've got any money.. is she rubbing it in, or what? :p 

On the train now, picking up internet at stations we stop at. I'm getting my full ticket value.

 *change of trains* Why don't those south coast trains have wi-fi yet? This First Great Western one does!

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino Was good to see the Punters lads down at Brighton, even though we all blanked this time round. Also had a good chat with Dave from PPMag and his Mrs, Sam who i'd not met before, lovely girl. Played a £10 sit n go on the Sunday with the PPmag bunch and some lads from 1st poker league who were a good laugh, but ended up jamming the pot as I had to dash for my train and it was getting a bit tight time-wise! Card-wise not much to get excited about really, I think 12-13k was as high as I got, not helped by junk for the last 2 or 3 levels. As Al said quite a few maniacs around, one guy must of played 75% of all hands at the table I was on! Enjoyed the game, but doubt I would travel so far again for a £100 game tbh, Brighton / London is just way too hectic.....and having to cut through the waves of cyclists on the Sunday was mad, those lycra-ed up buggers were everywhere :lol Hopefully will get to Leeds If I can bink a free seat, at least thats a bit closer to home!

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Re: PokerPlayer UK Tour 2013 LIVE - 2nd game Brighton June 15/16 GCasino Yeah, I normally wouldn't travel far for a two-day game priced at £110, as it just can't be financially worth it unless you qualify for free (or £2.20 in my case). I REALLY needed a break from my town though, and I'm kind of glad it happened to be in that particular place! Just one trouble.. coming back to multi-tabling after that slow-paced weekend has been hard. Then just now, I've looked at my e-mails from sportsbooks and poker sites and just thought "OMG"... I know there's value in them thar e-mails, but it feels a lot like work.. :eek Cardiff isn't far.. gonna be trying for that one, I expect.

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Unlucky guys, but the ppukt is I'm sure you will agree great fun to play and packed with huge value. Qualify tonight for either the Cardiff or Leeds legs, tonight's £10+1 online final has 1x £110 seat (to either leg, you choose) guaranteed with overlay quite possible! Can also satellite your way in from just 11 pence! Both legs have a GUKPT main event seat added! Team PL have always supported these events by turning up in large numbers, lets continue that in both Cardiff & Leeds starting with getting a member through tonight :ok

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This is mainly for my sponsor Mark - sorry but out during level 6. Four levels to 1st break during which saw two pairs 99 & 77, neither of which won, and AK once and dropped to 6600 from starting 10k. QQ and AA early in level 5 got me to 11k, but then TT with T23 flop lost to A4 on turn and I was down to 3k. Doubled up with 99 before all in with Kd Jd on a Ad Kh Qd flop. Oppo added 4k+ to his 1100 post flop bet with A9 (same guy with earlier A4 v my tens) and no ten or diamond came. Think everyone else still in but dont know counts. Next break 24 mins.

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