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APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. LIVE RAIL Team PL


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APAT have their annual team championship at the GCasino Luton on the 26 and 27th January. if you like to be part of Team PL please register your interest here. At the moment it is only provisional as we are waiting for confirmation from them but it has never been a problem so far. We are looking for a team of 8 players and a couple of reserves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAT are pleased to confrim the details for the United Kingdom Team Poker Championship to be held at the G Casino, Luton on the weekend of January 26 & 27, 2013. The event will consist of a 200 runner MTT over the usual APAT Two Day Deepstack structure. 25 teams of 8 players will compete for both a team and individual prizepool. Entry will be £400+£40 per team, with half the prizepool being paid out to the top three teams and the other half being paiid out to the top 20 individuals. The top 100 players will score points for their team (1st=100pts, 100th=1pt). Teams are expected to provide matching team shirts for the weekend for what will be a highlight on the APAT calendar. APAT are currently inviting interested Poker Forums, Clubs & Groups to register their interest in entering a team into this event. Closing date to register interest is Friday 21st December 2012, with APAT looking to announce the succesful teams shortly afterwards. This event has seen huge demand in previous years, and we would be expecting a similar amount of interest this time around.

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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team

players interested so far: teaulc avongirl andy bell staffy goldenjag renaan fonzie bagheira
any more for any more? when i get confirmation from Apat,i will post up,and then selection will be made and posted a few days later (or sooner) so everyone can sort out travel etc.
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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team Although I often read posts on here and very rarely post, I have been watching this thread. I am definitely going to this APAT event and although I see you have many strong applicants, if at the last moment anyone cannot make it, I would be proud to fill any slot.

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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team thanks guys, we have had confirmation that we have had our team accepted, i will leave this open for a couple more days so that any more people who want to be in with a chance can put their name down,we will then pick a team so that hotels etc can be picked soonest.

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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team Would have loved to have put myself forward for Punters Team but as Apat South West Team leader we secured ourselves a place coming 3rd in the online league and I will be captain. I look forward to meeting lots of you guys who I have not yet met. Good luck in coming second xxx

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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team I know thread is now closed, but just found out I am off work that weekend :) So just letting you know Al, when one of the team wins a Betfair Live package (which is the same weekend), in the WPT Mag freeroll this Sunday, or anyone finds themself unable to make it at the last minute, I don't mind if you stick me at the bottom of the reserve list, just in case :ok

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Re: APAT UK Team Poker Championship - GCasino Luton. Would you like to play for Team

I know thread is now closed, but just found out I am off work that weekend :) So just letting you know Al, when one of the team wins a Betfair Live package (which is the same weekend), in the WPT Mag freeroll this Sunday, or anyone finds themself unable to make it at the last minute, I don't mind if you stick me at the bottom of the reserve list, just in case :ok
nice one mate ty.........
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