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The Pope

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Thought I'd start this thread again as it looks like he'll be going to see the boss soon. It's highly likely the Vatican will plump for an Italian, having broken tradition after centuries by electing an East European in John Paul II. Front runner is fellow conservative and gay-hater Tettamanzi (4.00 on Betfair) - after that, there's value in Carlo-Maria Martina @ 42.00 and Giacomo Biffi @ 36.00. and there's always the French former Jew Michel Lustiger @ 20.00 (PaddyPower) if you believe the prophecies :tongue2 (apparently some guy in the 15th century predicted all the Popes and the one after an East European was meant to be Jewish - hey, no more ridiculous than the Virgin Birth...:))

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Re: The Pope Looks like more or less a total lottery. The cardinals eligible to vote have to promise they would not listen to radio or watch TV nor read newspapers so that public opinion has no influence in this case and that it's absolutelu up to the God to "tell" them. Just a warning for anyone who follows the market driven by public opinion.

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Re: The Pope Personally I would rule out anyone Italian to start with as I can't see them going that way just now as it does little to nothing for them. You can also rule out anyone under the age of 70. JPII was in there for 27 years, and it is clear that they don't want this to happen again. So age is a big factor. Godfried Danneels (72) the Archbishop of Brussel was heavily linked with the papacy a few years ago when they thought he was close to popping his clogs. He is a little less conservative and that will probably help him, 48 on Betfair is over-priced. He will help in Europe with his views on gays and condoms. The only reason he will be picked is to help the European numbers which have dropped by 35% since JPII cam in 27 years ago. Francis Arinze (72) is pretty much the only choice from Africa, and the only reason he would be picked is because he is black and would help the numbers. This would easily add tens of millions to the 1,000,000,000 Catholics. Claudio Hummes (70) again, the clear front-runner from South America, and again the only reason he will be picked is because he is South American. They are losing huge numbers of people to the Protestant faith, and have been for at least 2 decades and need to stop this somehow. One way is a South American Pope, the other is to find a less strict Pope. It is between those 3, the European is vastly over-priced, but is the outsider.

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Re: The Pope I personally can't see why they would choose anyone from Europe - it's all but lost for them in here and the fact the Pope would be from Europe will help nothing (otherwise the numbers would have been stable under JPII. Don't think they are brave enough (as yet) to pick the African candidate so it all boils down to the South American choice - Hummes looks the right choice. However - only God knows now;)

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Re: The Pope

I posted this elsewhere incorrectly so am putting it in here now (edited slightly) Paddy Powers have priced up the Papal 'Race' and their top 5 are

betfair. apparently under will last too long and over short as they favour a term of office this time round the can vote then who for them i backed in all but would lay ratzinger from that lot he only actually which puts him well jpii asked to do good friday stuff year people say is like really hint guy just gone. so please ignore advice likelihood one italian cardinals getting put me onto bertone around americans are considered dodgy vibe there now personally nibble napier vlk because both were massively over-priced betfair has above five respectively. narrow>

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Re: The Pope FYI- Miroslav Vlk openly stated he would not like to be elected and would decline (dunno if it's possible, but he said something along the lines). Moreover, he's from the Czech Republic and I can see no way there could be two Slavonic popes in succession.;)

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Re: The Pope I did loads of research about this the last time he was sick but lost it in the forum move , may be able to find it in the archive thingy. Anyroad , anyone who thinks that the conclave will have one eye on any kind of PR move will be sadly mistaken IMO. The beauty of the church is their stubborn reluctance to bow to any type of fashionable idea of the day. I dont think they will try for a tactical decision either , so no black pope . They could have another Italian , let's not forget that this is the Bishop of Rome afterall. South Americans feel that they should get the nod , they are numerous BUT they are too political and radical I think.That's doesn't mean you can rule them out individually of course. Christ this is gonna be hard :lol I'll try and get a breakdown of the bishops today , that may give us an indication of deep seated loyalties. Here's the bettin

Dionigi Tettamanzi


Francis Arinze


Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga


Joseph Ratzinger


Claudio Hummes


Count Christoph von Schoenborn


Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino


Ennio Antonelli


Jose Da Cruz Policarpo


Giovanni Battista Re


Crescenzio Sepe


Giacomo Biffi


Cardinal Dario Castrillion Hoyos


Jorge Mario Bergoglio


Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone


Keith O Brien


Jean-Marie Lustiger


Cardinal Angelo Scola


Godfried Daneels


Norberto Rivera Carrera


Angelo Sodano


Cardinal Marco Ce


Ivan Dias


Juan Luis Cipriani


Cardinal Carlo Maria Martina


Miloslav Vlk (Czech Republic)


Cormac Murphy-OConnor


Sean Patrick OMalley


Wilfred Napier (South Africa)


Cardinal George Pell


Cardianl Ruini


Cardinal Edward Cassidy


Silvano Piovanelli


Diarmuid Martin


Cardinal Edward Clancy


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Re: The Pope Here's the jolly cardinal.jpg and here's his 'form'

14 Mar 193471.06 BornRenate
28 Jun 195723.3Ordained PriestPriest of Milano {Milan}, Italy
1 Jul 198955.3AppointedBishop of Ancona-Osimo, Italy
23 Sep 198955.5Ordained BishopBishop of Ancona-Osimo, Italy
6 Apr 199157.1ResignedBishop of Ancona-Osimo, Italy
20 Apr 199561.1AppointedArchbishop of Genova, Italy
21 Feb 199863.9Elevated to Cardinal
21 Feb 199863.9AppointedCardinal-Priest of Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo
11 Jul 200268.3AppointedArchbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
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Re: The Pope He seems a wee bit insular in his thinking mind From http://atheism.about.com/od/papalelections/

Assessment of Dionigi Tettamanzi: Dionigi Tettamanzi is probably the leading Italian candidate for pope. The Italian contingent of cardinals is fairly well disciplined and likely want to return the papacy to an Italian, so if they are able to succeed it will likely be with Tettamanzi. On the other hand, Dionigi Tettamanzi does not appear to support decentralization efforts — in 1989, he refused to sign a petition calling for less “centrist” rule in the Vatican. He doesn’t speak many languages and he hasn’t traveled a great deal.
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Re: The Pope That link is a good read , this is interesting for folk who may want to bet 'in-running' , apparently many unsuccesfull votes coul;d thro up a comprimise candidate

What does it take for someone to be elected pope? There is no need for a unanimous decision; instead, a person only needs a two-thirds majority in order to be successful. This can be difficult to achieve — in the past, it has not been unusual for one candidate to get a very solid majority of votes, but not quite the two-thirds for a successful election. A common result is that a compromise candidate is chosen, sometimes one so old that he won’t last long and won’t do too much; in effect, this is a means to create an adjournment of the conclave for a couple of years
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