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Sports Trading Blog Request

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Hi there i have sent an email to the stated address asking permission to put up my sports trading blog. Thought i should ask here also as it seems to be the accepted method. Thanks for your consideration, the email contains much more information. Regards Fluffnut

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Re: PuntersLounge Bloggers

Hi there i have sent an email to the stated address asking permission to put up my sports trading blog. Thought i should ask here also as it seems to be the accepted method. Thanks for your consideration, the email contains much more information. Regards Fluffnut
please wait until permission is given 1st and then you may put up the link, there are certain criteria that have to met.
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Re: Sports Trading Blog Request He said he would be away untill 6th of July, which is today; but can't expect him to rush from the plane right onto forum and then to find this thread; I'd say be patient for a couple of days more. :ok

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Re: Sports Trading Blog Request Thanks for the update, i wasn't aware of him being away until today so please don't read to much into the "been a week" comment i will wait patiently then mate. I wasn't trying to rush anyone i was just curious as to what the situation is. Thanks for your reply Kind regards Fluffnut.

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Re: Sports Trading Blog Request

please don't read to much into the "been a week" comment i will wait patiently then mate. I wasn't trying to rush anyone i was just curious as to what the situation is.
No problems, mate! :ok I've just visited your blog, and I hope you don't mind if I tell you my impressions? Anyway, that's why you put your request here, I suppose. Given blog's main menu, it looks reach and promising; so, first two pages I wanted to explore were "Discipline" and "Mathematics"; however, those pages were empty... :\ Then I paid more attention to blog archive, and I saw there was only one post, from 2nd of July, and it's some kind of introduction; several more pages are also empty; there are no followers, and page count is 180. So, looks like blog is still under construction, and I don't think it's really good idea to promote blog which has not been completed yet! Blogging area nowadays is overcrowded, there is a lot of blogs around; so, if you assume I'm an average visitor, then I'm likely to bookmark blog which has only one post and a couple of articles, but promising menu; then I will check it again one or two weeks later, and if content is still missing, then I'm likely to delete it from bookmarks; your blog has characteristic name, so I'll probably remember it, and if I see link again somewhere, I will think to myself "Ah, that's incomplete blog!", and I'll be in two minds should I visit it again or no. That only post in the blog was on 2nd of July, which means that in last 4 days you haven't added new posts; in my opinion, promoting blog in such an early stage will do more harm then benefit. You should add more content, you need to have content on all pages (or simply remove them from menu untill you have content, and in blog description add those topics that will appear in the blog), and once you have more content than average visitor can read in one visit (which currently is not the case - I have read your entire blog in five or ten minutes), they will have a reason to bookmark it and to come back again, and then it's time to promote it! I also have to say that page "Trading Software / API" is missing something: API application you would reccommend. You explain how API works, it was interesting article to read, and then you conclude "You really do need to use an API as your default trading interface.". But how am I supposed to use it, if article covers only theory, there's no practice? All bloggers who mention API always promote one or more applications, sometimes free, somtimes affiliated; including me - whenever it comes to API, I reccomend Geeks Toy and Gruss; so I believe you should also back your favorite application there, briefly describe what it can do, and then the page will be more useful: if visitor likes the possibilities promised by API, he will know exactly where to go and what to download in order to use it. Hope my words haven't discouraged you; those are suggestions from an average vistor! Good luck with development of your blog, hope to see it a comprehensive guide as you say! :ok
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Re: Sports Trading Blog Request Hi Froment and thanks for your words regarding my blog, yes it is under construction mate and i appreciate some of the nav bar menus are still empty but i put them up so I know where everthing is going and to encourage me to get the content added pronto. On the Trading software/API tab i have a "ladder explained" article ready to go and also am in the middle of a review of about 5 different API vendors, just waiting for permission from owners and that will be up shortly too. Reason there are so many empty tabs up at present is to give visiters an impression of what sort of info it is likely to contain and a general look at some of the topics that will be covered. Hope your disappointing visit hasn't put you off. Thanks very much for your opinion. Kind regards Fluffnut

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Sports Trading Blog Request Hi guys, i've done a few updates to the blog recently and wondered if i could now get it in my signature. It's sort of a catch 22 situation really as pageviews encourage you to put more time in, both on my blog and on this forum. Kind regards Fluffnut

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