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888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4


888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4  

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sundays from 31st Oct I THINK...... The affiliate manager i deal with had his baby on Monday, so i think hes been off all week, i certainly havent been able to get in touch wth him. Im going to email his boss today and see if that the case, and if so for him to get it sorted in his absense. Graeme

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sundays from 31st Oct

try the Flash version' date='it seems to be more stable for most :ok[/quote'] I was there when he tried to reg Al, there was no problem with the software he was playing the 10k free roll for three hours. Used password and it said he could not log in as it was a private tourney for pl members. Tried wrong password and it just said wrong password so it wasn't that. Joined the ukppl league and he had no problem registering for that, so its a strange one. He uses a satellite internet connection, which has affected things in the past, but usually by barring him from every thing on a site.
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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sundays from 31st Oct I think the 1st post is misleading people into thinking the password is 'plhello' which was actually jsut for the welcome tourney I guess. I tried this for ages before reading Al's post stating it is the ususal 'haveago'. Maybe we can get the 1st post edited??

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