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Posts posted by Trotter

  1. I think it's a good time as he does appear to be very injury prone nowadays …… he seems to break a bone every few months !

    I suppose he might turn up on RUK/RTV as he does a bit of stuff for them

    I see that AP has called him 'the greatest jumps jockey of all time' !

    he probably is ……. 

  2. We often get a thread concerning some aspect of tv coverage of racing which is obviously where most of us see most of our racing

    Sky Sports, Racing TV, ITV, pundits, commentators, the amateurish coverage on the non specialist racing channels, feature programmes worth catching and so on

    Thought it might be an idea to have a thread to collect these posts together in one place 

    I'm going to start off with a bit of a gripe ……… :loon

    There doesn't appear to be a 'Racing Debate' show on Sky Sports Racing today

    Anyone know if this is a one-off or has it been cancelled ? 

    Apart from the odd race that I have a runner in it's about the only thing I watch on SSR

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